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May 20, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-05-20

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Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 14-S
Saturday, May 20, 1978
Sixteen Pages
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents
French tr to
rescue whites
left in Zaire

NEGOTIATIONS ARE NOW underway between residents of toe financially
troubled Huron Towers Apartments and Department of Housing and Urban De-
velopment officials regarding possible conversion of the twin towers into a
Chances good
for Huron co-op

A group of Huron Tower residents at-
tempting to convert the* apartment
complex to a cooperative were given a
boost Wednesday night'when they met
with officials from the Department of
Housing and Urban Development
A HUD representative announced
that the agency will soon initiate an
estimated $500,000 of repairs and
renovations on the complex to be com-
pleted before summer's end.
HUD FORECLOSED on the complex
earlier this year. The apartments,
located at 2200 Fuller Rd. near North
Campus, has been in deficit on its mor-
tgage since it was built in 1962.
Once the repairs are completed, HUD
will negotiate to sell the complex, ac-
cording to HUD representatives Pat
Goray and Irving Beaupied.
Members of the Concerned Residents
Committee (CRC) of Huron Towers,
which has lobbied for a co-op since last
fall, appeared optimistic about their
"IT'S THE first time they've (HUD
officials) come to a general meeting of
ours," said CRC chairman Jonathan-
"If I was a betting man, I'd say we'd
have about a 75 to 80 per cent chance of
pulling this off," added Klein.
According to new federal regulations,
HUD must consider selling to building
residents when over 50per cent express
inrstin esal~shing a o-op. This fal

Klein organized a petition drive which
resulted in over 80 per cent of the com-
plex's residents calling for conversion
to a co-op.
"OUR BIGGEST problem is that
there are a lot of people with lots of
bucks - big bucks - in their pockets,
who want to make one more buck off of
this apartment complex," said Roger
Willcox, president of TechniCoop, a
firm hired by CRC to assist their effort.
Under co-op management, each
resident would have a vote in decisions
concerning rent, levels of services
See HURON, Page 14
i Postal Service approved a two-cent
increase in first-class mailing rates
r yesterday, refusing to consider fur-
ther the Carter administration's
f plea to retain present rates for in-
dividual citizens,
Effective May 29, the cost of
mailing a first-class letter will jump
from 13 cents to 15 cents for all
ON THURSDAY evening, a three-
member committee of the Postal
Service's bard of governors ap-

KINSHASA, Zaire (AP) - Four hun-
dred French Foreign Legionnaires
parachuted into the heart of rebel-held
Kolwezi to rescue trapped foreigners
yesterday and, according to the Zaire
news agency, found 44 Europeans shot
by the rebels.
The report by the AZAP news agency
could not be independently confirmed.
It said the nationalities of the victims
was not immediately determined. The
term "European" is frequently applied
to any white in black Africa.
SOME 2,500 Belgians, French and
other foreigners, including 14
Americans, about half of them
missionaries, had been stranded behind
rebel lines in the southern Zaire city.
French President Valery Giscard
d'Estaing said in Paris that 20 white
hostages held by the rebels at a Kolwezi
technical college had been freed. A
report here from reliable sources said
the French troops evacuated 30 to 40
Roman Catholic missionaries from
their posts around Kolwezi.
Giscard d'Estaing said, without
elaborating, that the situation in
Kolwezi was "very serious." In
Brussels, the government said Belgian
officials in Zaire also reported the
situation was grave.
BELGIAN PRIME Minister Leo Tin-
demans said yesterday the government
had ordered its estimated 1,000 Belgian
paratroopers to Kolwezi from their
staging area in Kamina,130 miles to the
A South African radio report said the
French paratroopers, with rear-line
logistical support from the United
States, had quickly retaken the city and
secured a road to the airport, six miles
rates rise
parently had been unanimous in
wanting to force a reconsideration
by the Postal Rate Commission of its
rejection last week of the citizens'
However, the board yesterday
voted 4-2 against seeking to save the
citizens' rate and then adopted the
new rates by 5-1 vote.
Under the citizens' rate proposal,
the cost of a stamp would have been
kept at 13 cents for individuals while
rising to 16 cents for businesses.
WITHIN HOURS of the decision,
See POSTAGE, Pge 6

away, for the evacuation of foreigners.
That unconfirmed report cited
diplomatic sources in Zambia.
AZAP reported the Foreign Legion
forces encountered stiff resistance af-
ter the air drop on Kolwezi, an impor-
tant copper-mining city in mineral-rich
Shaba Province. It said they were
backed by air strikes by the Zairean air
BUT AZAP said rebels were fleeing
the city, and Zairean forces took up
See FRENCH, Page 2
U. S.sa y s
States yesterday accused Cuba of using
its troops stationed in Angola to train
rebels who invaded Zaire. Cuba denied
Amid renewed fighting in the Central
African nation, the State Department
also charged that the insurgents have
been armed with Soviet weapons.
THERE WAS NO immediate Soviet
State Department spokesman
Thomas Reston said it is "our under-
standing" that the "insurgents have
been trained recently by Cubans in
See U.S., Page 2
S -
When the postal rate hikes go into
effect May 29, the Oirer Wendell
Holmes stamp will frequently adorn
first-class mail.

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