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May 16, 1978 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily, 1978-05-16

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, May 16, 1978,-Page 15
t srIg feet in Invitational; [EC iPOTi
The following intramural sports
expect to improve for Big Tens have deadlines for entries this week:
e Volleyball (co-rec), handball
By ERNIE DUNBAR Big Ten Championships, which begin Michigan and Ashland, bothered to (men's and women's singles) and pad-
Wichigan track coach Jack Harvey this Friday in Evanston, he was quick show up, transforming the get-together dleSball (mens and women's)- and16.
just what he asked for in last Satur- to Point out that his team's latest per- into more of a double dual meet. women's)-May 17.
y's Wolverine Invitational. He had formance is not an accurate indication womnns) - M a er -
tructed his team to take it easy and of what to expect i the conference This was most apparent in the 5,000 rec)-May 18 p co-
t press for any record-breaking championships.. meter run where Bill Donakowski led a e Golf Tennis (singlesmen's and
tes This was really a weird meet with group of four other Michigan runners o' Te
nd the Wolverines followed the in- the, weather and everything," Harvey across the finish line. Donakowski's woens)ray 19.
uctions to the letter, making their commented, referring to the persistent time of 14:24.2 was definitely the class Registration for PAIFS (Physical
st appearance on the Ferry Field rain which forced the cancellation of of the field, however, as his closest rival Activity Instruction for Faculty and
ick this outdoor season a lackluster the 110-meter high hurdles and chased was sophomore Dave Lewis in14.39.6. Staff) is being held now through May 22
the pole vaulters into the confines of the at the CCRB main office. PAIFS
i.tTrack/Tennis Building, Senior co-captain James Grace an- classes include Tennis, "That Fitness
iichigan won two of the nine running "I can't use this meet asa criterion to chored the 440-yard relay team of Doug Feeling," Racquetball, Disco Dancing,
ents and four of the five field events y how we are heading into the Big Hennigar, Charles Crouther and Arnett and Women's Self-Defense.
pt Tens," he added. Chisholm to victory with a time of 40.7. Locker sale: There are still spring-
3ut as Harvey looked ahead to the Only two full teams, Eastern The Blue thinclads nearly swept the summer lockers available for purchase
Bt s H k d hfield events, with Mike Lattany (high at the CCRB. Drop by the main office.
-jump), Jim Stokes (pole vault), Sam If you don't have a validated spring-
Angell (discus) and John Risk (triple summer student I.D. card, you need a
jump) all registering winning efforts. user pass in order to use the facilities.
These may be purchased at the CCRB
The only disappointment Harvey any weekday.
noted was in the 800-meter run, where
Tim Thomas finished third in 1:52.6, WHERE DO I MAIL MY
followed by twin brother Greg in 1:53,0. RESUMES? International's 82 pg. CORP. DIRECTORY
3 _ w v folowedb lsting more Mtn 700 leading U.S. and Overseas Car-
Last week in Indiana, Greg turned ina porations complete nrmesa ndadresses for direct
1:49.61800 meters. Smiling d
Send $5.95 + .9s pstg tltndlg.
"Neither Tim or Greg ran that well," (Discounts forQ antity Orders)
Harvey said, "But I think that when the } International Resume Service
chips are down, they'll both be there." L. P.O. ox T 64M,NNEN TNJ.07763

Daily Photo by PETER SERLING
MICHIGAN HURDLER Don Wheeler takes the baton from teammate Charles
Crouther in mile relay action at last Saturday's Wolverine Invitational. The
Wolverines and Eastern Michigan ran most of the race stride for stride before
the Huron anchorman nosed out James Grace at the tape. The EMU team was
clocked in 3:09.8, one tenth of a second faster than Michigan.

U of M Tennis Club
At The 11 Varsity Courts at Ferry Field
Membership Applications
Now Being Ieceived
The general rules of operation of the Summer Tennis Program
are as follows:
1.The Tennis facility will be in operation through September.
2. Weather permitting, the outdoor courts will be available from
8 a.m. until 8 p.m. daily.
3. Courts will be available on membership basis with an hourly
General Membership Hourly rates
Michigan Students $5.00 $2.00
Faculty and Staff $7.00 $3.00
General Public $10.00 $4.00
Members may bring a guest; the fee will be $1.00
in addition to the regular fee.
Fill out and mail this form along with your check to
Tennis Club
Universify of Michigan Athletic Department
1000S. State Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Names of people desiring memberships:
Home Telephone Number:
Address: Zip:
Type of Membership:
Student. Faculty/Staff General Public_ _
Please indicate if interested In lessons. Questions or additional information
should be directed to: Chris Gagalis, Mgr., Truck/Tennis abilding, 763-5088
-J.c .6 'atYt1 R "lra1i fF

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