Page 10-Tuesday, May 16, 1978-The Michigan Daily Stone Age tribe ound in volcano MANILA, Philippines (AP)-A tribe of primitive cave-dwellers wearing loincloths made of hammered bark has been discovered living inside the creator of an extinct volcano in the jungle wilderness of the Philippines, the government announced yesterday. A government spokesman said President Ferdinand Marcos visited the area, 430 miles southwest of Manila, during the day by helicopter. The spokesman did not say who discovered the tribe or when they were found. He said it could not be established if the tribe, which has been the subject of legends, had ever been in contact with other people. The crater is located in Palawan province on a 70-mile-long island that juts out into the South China Sea. The crater area is remote, surrounded by deep ravines and gorges and accessible only by helicopter, the spokesman said. THE PALACE announcement said the tribe, whom it called "Taotbato", or stone people, lived in caves clustered at different levels on the walls of the crater. The men and bare-breasted women wore loincloths made of poun- ded bark. The palace said the tribe is com- prised of 30 families, but it did not give the tribe's total population. For food, the caved dwellers engaged in rough forms of agriculture, planting casava, sweet potato and other root crops in the fertile valley more than 1,000 feet below the crater's mile-wide rim. Their source of water is a river that flows through the valley from a huge cave, the palace said. ANOTHER GROUP of cave dwellers, the stone-age Tasady, was discovered in 1971 in a rain forest in the center of Mindanao Island in the southern Philippines. The Tasadays numbered only 28 persons when discovered and had fashioned loincloths out of the broad leaves of a ground orchid. They did not practice any form of agriculture, but depended only on wild tubers and the pith of a palm for food. At the time, the only tools they had were crudely fashioned out of stone. Scientific circles say it is premature at this time to say if the Taotbato's discovery is of any major significance. After the Tasadays were discovered in 1971, anthropologists said they would not be surprised if similar primitive people were found in other remote areas of the Philippines. The palace did not say what kind of tools the Taothatos used. BUT IN STARK contrast to the Tasadays, the Taotbatos apparently grew some kind of tobacco, wore multi- colored necklaces that appeared to be made of beads and built fires by rub- bing two stones together, using dried moss as tinder. Marcos said the men were sturdy with well-proportioned bodies and averaged about five feet in height. No other details of the tribe's culture were released. A palace spokesman said more information in Marco's possession still had to be sorted out. These are the women of the Taotbato tribe, recently discovered living in an extinct volcano in the Phillipines. They wear loincloths made from pounded tree bark and exist mainly on root crops. Marco's wife Imelda accompanied sultant of the Philippine government, him on the trip, as well as his daughter, Dr. Robert Fox, dug up a man's Irene, Manuel Elizalde, the presiden- fossilized skull in one of the caves in tial assistant of national minorities, and 1962. Tests on the skull, called "Tabon Dr. Jesus Peralta, curator of the man," have proven it to be 24,000 years national museum and an American- old, the palace said. trained anthropologist. Five photographs of the tribe The settlement is located south of a released to the press were personally newwork of about 200 caves where chosen by Marcos, the spokesman said. government anthropologists found pct- Minority minister Elizalde and the tery, jewelry, primitive tools and other archeologist Peralta, along with some antifacts believed to be thousands of photographers, stayed behind in the years old. valley for more studies, the spokesman An American archeological con- said. Union dissidents seek IFitzsimmon's ouster WASHINGTON (UPI) - Teamsters Union dissidents charged yesterday the 11-year leadership of President Frank Fitzsimmons has been "riddled with corruption" and said they would ask a union disciplinary panel today to oust him. The five-member panel appointed by the Teamsters General Executive Board has scheduled a closed hearing to consider the charges brought by four rank-and-file members and PROD, a union reform group established in 1971. PROD filed the action in April, 1977. Fitzsimmons was expected to attend the hearing and respond to questions from both the panel and PROD mem- bers. The Teamsters organization had no comment Monday on the allegations. Fitzsimmons, 70, assumed the union presidency in March, 1967, when for- mer president Jimmy Hoffa was jailed for jury tampering and has held the of- fice since. HE IS facing his second union disciplinary hearing in four years. In 1974, PROD tried to force Fit- zsimmons to reimburse the union treasury for $25,000 that was donated to the Citizens Committee for Fairness to the Presidency, a group created by Rabbi Baruch Korff to aid former President Richard Nixon. The General Executive Board exonerated Fitzsimmons of any wrongdoing in that case. In a 94-page "bill of particulars" released Monday by PROD, a series of charges were levied against Fitzsim- mons, including accusations that he en- couraged ties with organized crime, engaged in nepotism, overpayed union officials and generally allowed a lucrative lifestyle for union officials. THE charges alleged Fitzsimmons appointed or arranged the appointment of a number of disreputable in- dividuals, "many of whom are widely reported to have Mafia connections." It said Fitzsimmons' leadership brought "a pattern of sweetheart con- tracts" between the Teamsters and the nation's freight trucking industry, which it said has eroded collectiv bargaining rights. "Under General President Frank E. Fitzsimmons, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters has become riddled with corruption," the document said. "Mr. Fitzsimmons has' brought disgrace to the union and its two million members and has undermined its political integrity." BOB Windrem, research director for PROD, said his group was asking that Fitzsimmons "be removed as president and expelled from the union." "We don't know what to expect, in all fairness to the hearing panel," Win- drem said. "We are seeking justice and we would be pleasantly surprised if we received it." Windrem said the union disallowed an attempt by PROD to include in the complaint charges of widespread abuses of the Teamsters Central States Pension Fund, which has led to the mass resignation of trustees, including Fitzsimmons, and is the subject of a federal civil suit seeking recovery of hundreds of millions of dollars squan- dered on bad loans. 'BRASS TARGET' NEW YORK (AP) - Actor Edward Herrmann will portray an Army colonel in MGM's upcoming film "Brass Target," which also features Sophia Loren, John Cassavetes, Max Von Sydow, Patrick McGoohan, Robert Vaughn and Bruce Davison. Hermann, who appeared in "The Betsy," starred as F.D.R. in "Eleanor and Franklin" and "Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years," for which he received Emmy nominations. He was named Best Actor in 1977 by the T.V.Critics Circle for his "White House Years" performance. The Ann Arbor Film Cooperative presents at AUD. A Tuesday, May 16-ADMISSIONFREE THE DAWN PATROL (Howard Hawks, 1930) 7 ONLY-AUD. A This was ex-pilot Hawks' first sound film and one of the best of the genre, for superior to the 1938 remake. Dealing with the conflicts and loyalties among-a group of doomed British World War I aviators, Hawks focuses on the problem of moral responsibility in the crucible of action. Highlighted by stunning dog: fight scenes and fine ensemble acting. With RICHARD BARTHELMESS, DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. THE CROWD ROARS (Howard Hawks, 1932) 8:40 ONLY-AUD. A Howard Hawks also spent some time as a pro auto racer and it shows in this rarely seen thriller. CAGNEY plays a racer jealous of his once-innocent brother who begins to acquire the same values of liquor and women which Cagney made an indispensable part of his tightrope existence. The combination of Cagney and Hawks is truly kinetic. Tomorrow: "COUSIN, COUSINE" MIXED LEAGUE 8OWLING This is it-lost call! WEDNESDAY-6:30 P.M. 5Oa per game SIGN UP NOW UNION LANES