IL , rchigTan DALY Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents Vol. LXXXVI11, No. 10-S Tuesday, May 16, 1978 Sixteen Pages 4 _ __._ . .- a Mideast arms sales get Senate OK Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX CUSTOMER HOWELL DAVIS takes advantage of the last days of Detroit Edison's light bulb program as he exchanges his used bulbs yesterday at the local Edison office. Bulb bonanza!. Exchanges near end By JUDY RAKOWSKY Load up your laundry baskets and grocery bags with burned out bulbs and join the stampede sprinting to Detroit Edison for the final days of the free light bulb exchange rogram. The company is being forced to curtail its 92-year-old practice of replacing burned-out light bulbs to its customers free of charge by a U.S. District Court order. The court handed down that decision after a five-year legal battle initiated by drug store owner Lawrence Cantor, who claimed his bulb business was severely impaired by Edison's freebie custom. A CUSTOMER blitz has descen- ded upon most offices, after con- sumers were informed that they have until May 26 to take advantage of the program. That date was specified in the court order but has yet to be approved by the Public Service Commission, the regulatory agency governing Detroit Edison. "It's like the city cutting off ar public drinking fountain so someone can sell bottled water," said one local Detroit Edison worker. Meanwhile, baskets and bags fullr of bulbs were hauled to the exchange rs counter at the Ann.Arbor Edison of- fice, inserted into a test socket, and disposed if they were dead. The binsr of discarded bulbs have been em- ptied every hour due to the heavy customer flow. By 2:30, 300 bulbsr had already been taken in yester- day. Last week, 350,000 bulbs-three times the normal amount-were collected in the Detroit area. CONSUMERS RECEIVE free new bulbs consistent with the kilowatts of electricity they expend. See DAYS, Page 2 r WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate last night endorsed President Carter's plan to sell jet fighters to Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia - transac- tions the President called vital to achieving peace in the Middle East. On a vote of 54 to 44 the Senate rejected a resolution which would have blocked the $5 billion arms sales package. Opponents to the sales would have needed majorities in both the House and Senate to prevent them. THE ADMINISTRATION had lob- bied hard in favor of the sales. Carter spoke by telephone yester- day morning with several senators of both parties "stressing.., the im- portance" of the vote, White House , Press Secretary Jody Powell said. The President also talked with a number of senators by telephone during the weekend. The bitter fight over the sales also was marked by intensive lobbying by supporters of Israel and the Arab nations, as well as backers of the White House position that military aid to Arab moderates in Egypt and Saudi Arabia was in the best interests of Israel. The sales will send 75 F-16s to Israel; 60 F-15s to Saudi Arabia and 50 less sophisticated F-5Es to Egypt. In an effort to secure congressional sup- port, Carter also promised to sell Israel another 20 F-15s for delivery in 1983-84. THE ADMINISTRATION had argued that Saudi Arabia believes it needs the jetfighters to defend itself against a number of potentially dangerous neighbors that have fallen under the Soviet Union's influence. Israel has feared the jets might be used against it in any future Middle East war. In a letter to all senators in the final days before the vote, Carter warned that rejection of the sales "would be a devastating blow" to Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and his efforts to negotiate. "Shall we support and give confidence to those in the Middle East who work for moderation and peace?" wrote Carter. "Or shall we turn them aside, shattering their con- fidence in us, and serving the cause of radicalism." But Sens. Frank Church (D-Idaho) and Clifford Case (R-N.J.), responded in a letter of their own, distributed to senators yesterday, in which they argued that the sales "will only make it more difficult to revitalize the peace process." Church, Case and Sen. Paul Sarhanes (D-Md.), were among the leaders of the opposition to the sales. Sarhanes at one point accused the administration of provoking a needless and divisive confrontation which could have been avoided through "adroit and skillful statesmanship." But as the debate continued yester- day, a Carter victory began to emerge. Even Church at one point several hours before the vote said, "I am told that the sales will be ap- proved." Policy By RENE BECKER A policy statement designed to limit relationships between University faculty, personnel and students and various U.S. intelligence agencies-was introduced to the faculty Senate Assembly for discussion yesterday. The statement, developed by the University's Civil Liberties Board, stated that such relationships, when secred and resulting in deception or serious harm, "are antithetical to the spirit and goals of a university com- munity, and are thus prohibited." SHAW LIVERMORE, Senate Assembly chairman, said the Civil Liberties Board was charged by Harold Shapiro, University vice-president for academic affairs, and encouraged by on CIA activity outlined University President Robben Fleming, to develop a policy statement concer- ning government intelligence activities on campus. Other business at yesterday's SACUA and Senate Assembly meetings included discussion of disadvantages of the University's academic calendar. See story, page 6. The statement was brought before the Senate Assembly yesterday only for discussion, said Livermore, "with an eye on taking formal action" on the issue at the next meeting in June. This Was the first attempt by the University to establish guidelines, as, many other universities have, concer- ning U.S. government intelligence ac- tivities on campus. ACCORDING TO the statement by the Civil Liberties Board, the need for guidelines "has been precipitated by the recent disclosures of covert recruitment activity and intelligence- gathering by the CIA (Central In- telligence Agency) within the Univer- sity of Michigan and other American. universities." Although several universities, in- cluding Harvard, have adopted guidelines which force all university personnel to reveal any connection with intelligence agencies, the Civil Liber- ties Board policy statement does not. THE BOARD refrained from prohibit- ing all secret relationships because , it stated, "to do so may impinge on the principles of academic freedom, privacy, and free association, of the University faculty and personnel and unnecessarily equate secrect with ulterior motives." With this in mind the Board proposed a "dual test" which would decide the legality of a relationship. If a relation- ship with an intelligence agency would be judged wrong it must have been, fir- st, secret, and second, it must have caused serious harm or have been deceptive. The statement singled out the use of University personnel as covert See GUIDELINES, Page 11