Page 8-Saturday, May 13, 1978-The Michigan Daily Italian official injured in street ambush (Continuedfromn Page{} ting on the collaboration of little-known clandestine groups of leftist extremists who previously engaged in petty sabotage and minor attacks. OVERNIGHT, police reported bom- bing attacks on a Justice Ministry of- fice in Rome and a police station near Turin. In Pisa, the car of a Christian Democrat official was set ablaze. No in- juries werereported. Moro's family, angered by the gover- nment's refusal to negotiate with the Red Brigades to save his life, made known they did not plan to attend Saturday's memorial Mass. But sour- ces said the Vatican announcement that Pope Paul, a long-time personal friend, would preside over it might prompt a change in plans by the family. Joseph Califano, secretary of health, education and welfare, was to represent the United States. Also ex- pected were Belgian Premier Leo Tin- demans, the justice ministers of France and West Germany and Japan's former Premier Takeo Miki. Mausolus, who was satrap and prac- tically the ruler of Caria from 377 to 353 B.C., is best known from the tomb erec- ted for him by his widow, Artemisia. French (continued from Page4) nection with last year's kidnap-murder of Schleyer as well as the slayings of Federal Prosecutor Siegfried Buback and banker Juergen Ponto. Rehmann, Germany's top terrorist hunter, said Wisniewski took his training in South Yemen under the tutelage of guerrillas of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. AUTHORITIES SAID he would be arraigned on an outstanding warrant and was expected to face charges in- catch suspected German slayer cluding membership in a terrorist member of various anarchist groups in refused. The terrorists touched off a gang, falsification of documents, theft the university city of Heidelberg before lightning chain of events by comman- and concealment. he joined "comrades" in South Yemen deering a jetliner to push their drman- Police sources described Wisniewski for training in the use of light weapons ds. as a terrorist "fringe figure" and an and sabotage. The next day, three leading German example of "the second generation" of He later returned to West Germany terrorists were found dead in their terrorists following the late gang leader and joined the so-called Haag-Mayer prison cells. Authorities said the deaths Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof. band, a successor to the Baader- were suicides, but leftists called them There was no official word where Meinhof gang. murders. Within hours, a telephone tip Wisniewski was being held. Sources Schleyer, 62, was kidnapped in a led police to Schleyer's bullet-riddled said he was at a prison near the south- Cologne street ambush Sept. 5, 1977 by body stuffed in the trunk of a car in the western city of Mannheim. terrorists who demanded release of German border town of Mulhouse, REHMANN SAID Wisniewski was a jailed comrades. The government France. ATfl AskI YE r ~INGI r5 0 covgi OVE iERtT