The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 13, 1978-Page 7 New housing director to be named soon (Continued fromPage3) Hughes has been in the University tor of a dorm system at a large univer- picked by Johnson to include Director Robert Hughes. system for 14 years. sity. faculty and administration CALLING HUGHES "a strong inter- The search committee listed four The committeealso said it was tatives. nal candidate," Johnson said, "You criteria for candidates. The committee seeking someone who appreciates the Committee members inclu( would have to give him strong con- is primarily concerned that the can- degree to which academics and ad- Helen Tanner from the Housi sideration, and we are doing so." didate have prior experience as a direc- ministrative services are interrelated tment; Leroy Williams, Mar in Un i esit husin building director; Eddie BoY student, represen- ide Ardis, ng Depar- kley Hall professor Lawmaker says 'U' study proves tanker ban needed In n1IVU5L y g. l ACCORDING TO Ardis, the search committee will receive applications un- til the deadline of June 1. Members are initiating further checks on a list of possible finalists. The search committee was hand- of pharmacy; William Sturgis, assistant to Vice President and Chief Financial Officer James Brinkerhoff; Sally Eibert, student; Elisa Levin, student; and Frank Braun, German professor emeritus. LANSING (UPI) - A Detroit lawmaker who was an early advocate of banning tandem tankers yesterday claimed the recent University study on the vehicles proves a ban is necessary. The study, released earlier this week, concluded that the controversial trucks are unstable but can be greatly im- proved with certain modifications. "THE STUDY proves that we have been right all along in saying for the last vear and a half that double bottom A rash of fiery accidents last year in- volving fuel-carrying tandems prom- pted Gov. William Milliken to ban the trucks from Detroit-area freeways from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Legislation to eventually ban gas-carrying tandems statewide is pending in the state House. LOSES POWER DAVIS, Calif. (AP) - Whoever pin- ched a stature of "Hotei" from a Chinese restaurant here need not bring it back. "Tmntin da~ in h h rof n 2nA h OV C . T RIROO.'6-880J46.SC DAILY EARLY BIRO MATINEES - Adults $1.25 DISCOUNT IS FOR SHOWS STARTING BEFORE 1:30 MON. ttwu SAT. 10 A.M. tit 1:3a P.M. SUN. & aHOLS.12 Noon tit 1:30 P.M. I I EVENING ADMISSIONS AFTER 5:00, $3.50 ADULTS Monday-Saturday 1:30-5:00, Admission $2.50 Adult and Students Sundays and Holidays 1:30 to Close, $3.50 Adults, $2.50 Students Sunday-Thursday Evenings Student & Senior Citizen Discounts Children 12 And Under, Admissions $1.25 I I I I tan Her dou as. H ply we sin off me ena 4 J %"A"LAFAAACALI AA. .,..,.. w.,.... jm not lntereste in the return oI a kers are unsafe," said Rep. Dennis stolen Hotei," said restaurant owner rtel (D-Detroit). "The study said George Gee. A Hotei that has been TICKET SALES uble bottoms are 40 per cent as safe "tampered with," that is stolen and single bottoms." returned, would no longer "project 1. TiCeets sold no sooner than 30 minutes [ertel criticized the study for im- good vibes," he explained. prior to showtine. ing there is a safety trade-off bet- Hotei is a mythical figure which is 2. No tickets sold later than 15 minutes en allowing modified tandems to considered a symbol of good luck and ' after showtime. orate and forcing the use of more good health in the Orient. igle tankers by ordering all tandems The statue, which had been bolted to the road. He also blasted its recom- the front wall of the restaurant, is the ndation that no new legislation be fourth statue that has disappeared in acted. seven years, Gee said. EPA calls PBB pit 12:4 safe; residents balk :45 (ContinuedfromPage3) S..9nu orters ofV der's cmmittee are l i RIIDI AlAN RATKC pBILL CLAYBURJR ALAN.iZ BAES- i across the road that flattened the tires on passing vehicles. Regional EPA officials declared the three-acre burial pit safe on the basis of findings by an EPA inspection team that visited the site last Friday. They recommended that EPA Administrator Douglas Costle refrain from invoking emergency measures that would halt construction of the pit. The state Supreme Court earlier this week temporarily delayed the burial of any cattle, in a show-cause action that had been sought by the Oscoda County PBB Action Committee, which has opposed to the burial of farm animals that were destroyed because of con- tamination by the toxic fire retardant poly-brominated biphenyls. The com- mittee believes a better solution to the problem would be incineration. Yoder said area residents are upset over the EPA decision and that though the committee is on record against violence "there's no telling what individuals will do." Also yesterday the Department of Natural Resources said it has found no evidence that Michigan's whitetail deer herd has been tainted by PBB. use 1:15 Y E}4:40 4 ASTU 6:45 A JACKSON 9:15 CARNEY D BENJAMIN Vik.l'en GLENDA ART RICHARI co( cat pu re we as the pit ordinated the protests, in a show- An intense statewide testing program R-RICHARD D R EY F USS use action. was ordered last year after PBB - the N * MARSHA MASON contaminant which devastated NWU 4 THE EPA REPORT "was based Michigan's dairy industry after it was rely on data gathered from state inadvertently mixed with cattle feed - cords and no actual samples of clay was found in one deer. re taken back," Yoder said. "As far That remains an isolated and still considering the area . .. we feel mysterious incident, DNR officials 1 ey did not take into account that the said. No other PBB-tainted animals is over a water shed." were found in 100sampled. 4:15 7:00 CINEMA II SATURDAY, MAY 13 BED AND BOARD Director-FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT, 1970 A comical andl endearing story about a young married couple learning to live together. Actor Jean-Pierre Leaud 1:00 marries the woman of his dreams and is enchantingly disillusioned. One of Truffaut's most sensitive and charm- 3:30 ing films. "The best Truffaut in years."-Judith Crist. s 63 Aud. A- Angell Hall, 7:30 & 9:30, $1.50 KErH CARRADINE 9:00 -' 'Thuirs. Mdy T8th: Ahimation Night SUSAN SARANDON