Page 6-Saturday, May 13, 1978-The Michigan Daily 14 eaneer deaths investigated PALISADES PARK, N.J. (AP) - were spaced, was compiled after a industrial site near U.S. 46. A chemical He said the local health board would Leaders of this community - six miles door-to-door survey of one neigh- plant operates in the neighboring meet with state epidemiologists to from Rutherford where an unusual borhood in this community of 13,000. borough of Ridgefield. determine if the committee's report cluster of cancer cases was found - The environmental group said it can be verified. yesterday said they are investigating a SPOKESPERSONS FOR the study found that leukemia, Hodgkins disease Compared to the Rutherford ex- report that 14 residents in a five-block group could not be reached for com- and multiple myeloma each claimed perience, residents in the area where area died of cancer within recent years. ment. the lives of two present or former the Palisades Park cluster is said to "The local Board of Health will work The state Department of Health last residents. The other eight died of a exist seemed to take the report in at full speed to complete a total in- month confirmed the existence of 32 variety of malignancies, including stride. Several residents said they vestigation," Mayor Robert Pallotta cases of leukemia and related blood brain and bone cancer, believed the private environmental said. State officials also have been cancers in nearby Rutherford, a The National Cancer Institute reports committee may have been swayed by asked to examine the report. borough of 20,000. Air, soil and water that for every 100,000 individuals, an the confirmed cluster in Rutherford, samples taken from the vicinity of the average of 3.7 die of multiple myeloma but they said the allegations should be THE 14 CANCER deaths were repor- Pierrepont Elementary School, where and 9.1 of leukemia. checked out. ted by the Palisades Park Environmen- the Rutherford cluster was centered, "I feel it should be investigated, and tal Action Committee, a private study failed to reveal the presence of benzene "I DON'T WANT to create a state of something should be done," said Bar- group. or other chemicals known to cause can- alarm in Palisades Park," Pallotta bara Testino. "I lived in West New "The Rutherford cluster led us to look cer. The tests are continuing. said. "I'm concerned, of course, but I York and Palisades Park all my life. into our own area," the committee's Like Rutherford, Palisades Park is a think we should face this levelly. We What scares me even more is that my report said. "We have collected the tree-lined, largely residential com- need to look at the problem." children are exposed." names and addresses of our own cluster of cancer victims in the area ... We are only touching the tip of the iceberg." The report, which did not disclose the names, ages or addresses of victims or say over how long a period the deaths munity located in Bergen County across the Hudson River from New York City in heavily industrialized Nor- th Jersey. THE COMMUNITY'S only heavy in- dustry is a coffee roasting plant on an U.S. lm11its foreign aid WASHINGTON (UPI) - The House bodia, Vietnam and Uganda. That ban voted yesterday to bar U.S. foreign aid extends to U.S. payments to the United to Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam and Nations that could be used for Uganda, but rejected a proposal to stop humanitarian and educational the export of subsidized tobacco. programs in those countries. The votes cleared two of the most It also rejected, 189-126, a proposed emotional issues ina $3.7 billion foreign amendment by Rep. James Johnson, aid bill. (R-Colo.), that would have halted sub- sidized sales of Ameridan tobacco MEMBERS GAVE voice-vote ap- abroad in the Food for Peace program. proval to a proposal by Rep. John Ash- Johnson argued unsuccessfully that brook, (R-Ohio,) to ban both direct and the tobacco sales make Food for Peace indirect U.S. foreign aid to Cuba, Cam- a "poison program." Carter reduces tax cut proposal (Continued from Page 1) billion." The president's budget plan, now being revised in Congress, had projected a deficit of $58 billion. He said that even with smaller tax cuts, the overall outlook for economic growth this year still should be in the 4 to 4.5 percent range. Schultze said the administration expects to reach its overall target of reducing unem- ployment to near 6 percent, a level achieved in April. Both the House and Senate, in their preliminary work on the fiscal 1979 target budget, already have approved making room for a $19.4 billion tax reduction. However, the Senate wanted the cuts to start Jan. 1, 1979, while the House voted for Oct. 1, 1978. SCHULTZE SAID Carter had WOODY ALLEN'S 1973 SLEEPER After being frozen in a time capsule, WOODY ALLEN wakes up in the 21st century, unquestionably confused. "I haven't seen my an- olyst in 200 years." With DIANE KEATON in Allen's fourth film. SUN: Broken Blossoms (FREE at 7:30) CINEMA GUILD Old Arch. Aud. Tonight 7:30 & 9:30 $1.50 discussed the inflation problem with G. William Miller, the recently installed chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, who applauded the revised tax plan. The House had designated about $7.5 billion of the $19.4 billion tax reduction it approved to scale down the increase in Social Security taxes scheduled to take effect next year. Although the House Ways and Means Committee voted Thursday to roll back Social Security tax increases in 1979 and 1980, it is too early to forecast the final shape of the expected tax relief package. Carter's decision to lower the tax cut was made Thursday after he met with congressional leaders, including House Speaker Thomas O'Neill. THE PRESIDENT'S retreat on the tax package marked the second such turnabout for Carter in two years. Last year he withdrew his proposal for a $50 tax rebate for every American, saying it was no longer needed because of an improved economy. Rep. Al Ullman (D-Ore.), chairman of the House Ways and Means Commit- tee, praised the White House announ- cement. But Ullman said he still thinks the tax cut should not be more than about $15 billion. However, Rep. Barber Conable of New York, the senior Republican on the committee, who has led efforts for a tax reduction even greater than Carter's original proposal, said he would con- tinue to do so. Ullman said he does not know when the committee will go back to work on a ta bill; but that-he plans to discuss it f a. ".. .V . ; Y