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May 11, 1978 - Image 14

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-05-11

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Page 14-Thursday, May 11, 1978-The Michigan Daily
You, a faithful follower of this ao less serious business. If you are
space, have been a moun- a. going to down the mountains,
taineer for some time now0Lq rather than vice versa, you must
You've studied the funda- be confident of your standing.
mentals, selected your Between the head and the feet
gear and experimented rat e lies the area known to pros as "the
with methodology. In short, body" Mountaineering
you are nobody's fool. None- bodywear is usuallybased
theless, you also know a little on personal preference.
knowledge is a dangerous thing. However, keep a keen
So you want to learn more. eye out for one common
Smart thinking. criterion.Your clothes
First, you must realize that seasons J . a% D Au weather should be comfortable and
once the basics of mountaineering l 4% hear flexible, allowing for open
are mastered, it is only nuance movement, specifically in the
which distinguishes the true vicinity of the arms. A free
artists from the merely adequate. and responsive arm is a
Therefore, attention to detail, mountaineer's best friend.
especiallyin matters of clothing,- 1 Certain accessories, of
is vital. course, complement and
Always protect the head rn complete the regulation
according to seasonal fluctua- k garb. Expedition flags
tions. In winter, a warm hat ยข r A to mark your territory
is mandatory. (The head, after in public places, con-
all, is the chimney of the Free & necting ropes for those
body. Avoid cerebral heat loss - m who prefer the security
it diminishes your sycho- of mountaineering in
physio abilities.) tandem and back-
In summertime, o packs filled with
a sun visor or a beer nuts, mugs,
billed cap will bottle openers
guarantee crucial and other para-
visibility among b 4' phanalia. Beyond
the craggy peaks. o these standards,
Pay particular n AB wardrobe styles
regard to your fOO Insert cotents of Fig. A range from the rustic
gear. Shoes should into Fig B Flex Fig. C 120* toflago the refined. And
be sturdy and stable. t San er oont well they might, for
A secure footing is Footnote mountaineers are a
of utmost importance.Without it, rugged and individual
you're asking for trouble. Point lot,joined only by a
of order: while mountaineering is common taste for
pursued for fun, it is neverthe- Footloose excellence.
erig is the
-otpdscience and art Ocuied
Fotasof drinking Busch The . errt
iure term originates due to the
secure snowy icy peaks sported by the
footing label outside andp etuates due
x to the cold, naturally refreshing
taste inside. (f
Fotgea Toehold '
Toe rope Q

Doni't Just reach for a beer. a for the mountn.


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