Page 2-Thursday, May 11, 1978--The Michigan Daily Feds to investigate utilities WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal parently were used in some wholesale The commission had directed its staff energy officials yesterday ordered a electricity sales to utilities whose own to conduct a preliminary audit of three full investigation into whether some generating capacity was reduced by major electricity systems and to collect utility companies overcharged others coal shortages. billing information from individual for electricity during last winter's coal The commission said the in- companies. strike. vestigation would determine whether The full-scale investigation it has or- The announcement by the Federal such transfers of electricity should dered will apply to those systems and Energy Commission said a preliminary have been billed under less expensive companies plus a number of others not audit found that "extraordinary" rate schedules than those which were previously audited. operating and billing practices ap- applied. THE MICHIGAN DAILY volume LXXXvis. No. 7-S Thursday. May 11,.1979 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan News phone 764-0562 Second class postage ts patd at Ann Arbor. Mtchigan 48ttt. Pubttsbed datty Tuesday through Sunday mornng during the tnversity year at 420 Maynard Street. Ann AerborSMchigan antttt Subscrtptinn rates: $t2 September thrnugh Aprtl 2 semesters.:t by mailoutside Ann Arbor Smmer session pubttsbht Tuesday thrnugh Satur day morntng.Subscripttttn rates: 50 ion Ann Arbor: $7.50by mait outsideAonnArttor r " .r t s. l aF Y $Ti t 2 f . "1 .: Miss J lawn party devotees will accept invitations in innocent white leno coordinates. ..and collect admiring glances wherever they go. By Modern Juniors in airy light polyester/cotton, prettily eyelet-lace trimmed. -5-13 sizes. A. Elasticized blouson-waist blouse with tied keyhole neckline, $21. Lined 4-gore circle skirt, $29. B. Sun shift, elasticized bodice, $35. ' 7 5. " !t ,. ( wjf 1 , .- 7 ) fr'r. - ( I - 40 rra! ~ ~ A acobson's \s/ M,>:/ FREE PARKING IN THE ADJACENT RAMP-WE WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET