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August 12, 1978 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily, 1978-08-12

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The Michigan Daily-Sturday, August 12, 1978-Page 15
Dodger's Welch' THEPVIEWS
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LOS ANGELES (AP) - Young Los
Angeles Dodgers' pitcher Bob Welch is
poised for a rookie. Even he wonders
why he's so cool.
"Maybe it's something that's God-
gifted," he said.
WELCH, the 21-year-old rookie from
Eastern Michigan who's been
something of a sensation since being
called up to the parent club June 19,
demonstrated his poise - and pitchng
talent - in his latest outing.
In Thursday's game against San
Francisco, Welch stopped Vida Blue's
winning string at 10 games, ran his
own record to 4-0, and helped the
Dodgers move into a tie with the Giants
for first place in the National League
West via a 12-2 victory.
A solid 6-foot-3, 190-pounder from
Detroit, Welch gave up homers to Jack
Clark in the first inning and Bill
Madlock in the fifth. Those two solo
shots increased Welch's impressive
earned run average from 1.71 to 1.80.

THE HOMERS, however, failed to
rattle him and he allowed just one other
Giant runner as far as second base,
finishing the five-hitter with just two
walks and striking out six before
Charlie'Hough relieved him in the nin-
"Clark's homer, I didn't let it bother
me," said Welch, a hard-throwing
right-hander. "I told myself it was just
one run and there are eight innings to
"We really came out swinging. I
threw more breaking balls and I had
good control of my fastball."
DESPITE HIS 4-0 record, Welch is
still not assured a spot in the Dodgers'
starting rotation.
"He will start the next time his turn
comes up," said Dodgers' Manager
Tom Lasorda, who tends to avoid
talking about Welch's status.
Whether Welch can prove that he is a
major league pitcher as the National
League West pennant race heats up
remains to be seen.


Best of the Bengals
to line up vs. Lions
CINCINNATI (AP) - The Cincinnati perienced players see action.
Bengals will try to extend their "THESE ARE young people," John-
preseason record over Detroit to eight son said. "We just have to grow up in a
straight victories when the two NFL hurry, that's what it amounts to."
teams play today. The Bengals are switching to a 3-4
Bengals Coach Bill Johnson plans to defense this year, the suddenly-popular
start what will likely be his opening day alignment which helped. the Denver
backfield and defensive front line. The Broncos sweep into the Super Bowl. The
offensive lineup will include veteran formation uses three linemen and four
Ken Anderson at quarterback with run- linebackers.
ning backs Archie Griffin and Pete A wealth of down linemen and talen-
Johnson. ted linebackers - and the success of
"YOU CAN be sure he's (Anderson) the 3-4 - were major considerations for
going to have the very best we have to the move.
offer in there with him," Johnson said. On offense, they seek replacements
The defense will include the Bengals for veteran guard John Shinners and 10-
talented young trio of Eddie Edwards year'starting tight end Bob Trumpy.
at left end; Wilson Whitley at nose DETROIT'S. blitz-happy linebackers
guard; and Gary Burley at right end. were getting extra attention this week.
The Lions are going after their "We went over some of those dif-
second victory in a row, after dealing ferent Detroit fronts. That's about the
the Buffalo Bills a 28-20 setback last extent of our preparation. . . just so we
week. - don't get killed by their blitz."
Using a rookie-dominated lineup, the The Lions were 6-8 last year, with the
Bengals lost to Tampa Bay 17-0 last second-worst defense in the Central
week, as Johnson let his more inex- Division of the NFL.

A week on the links...
... of drinks and hijinks
REFLECTIONS on a unique week in the annals of Michigan athletics .. .
While watching former President Ford travel the links Wednesday
in the Pro-Celebrity tournament on the Michigan course, I couldn't help but
be impressed by the vim and vigor of this 65-year-old man. He didn't look a
day over 50 out there and managed to play a better game than most
"weekend" golfers.
Ford likened coach Bo Schembechler's golf game to the intensity
displayed by a typical Schembechler football team-"three yards and a
cloud of dust." Although Bo's game isn't the most polished around town, he
was a perfect gentleman and gallery favorite...
If you ever venture out to watch a golf tournament, bring your own food
and drink and have a picnic instead of submitting to the concession stands
which market culinary "junk" at abominable prices. I shelled out 50t for a
Coke in a Dixie cup, and permitted my sweet tooth to overtake consumer in-
stinct by wasting 75ยข on a tiny dish of chocolate ice cream .. .
The Hall of Honor dinner and inductions at Crisler Arena Wednesday
night, were, to use a one-word description, moving. Those 300 people who
paid $50 apiece for this privilege seemed spellbound by all that was taking
I was sitting alone at my table, basking in the coast beef and au gratin
potatoes, when a tall, gray-haired man approached me and inquired as to
why there was nobody else at the table. "Doesn't anybody like you?" he
sympathetically asked. Later on I realized the man was Bill Orwig, athletic
director at Indiana University .. .
Bob Forman should be a comedian. The director of the University's
Alumni Association emceed the activities at Crisler and endeared the
audience to himself with his dry wit and over-the-shoulder one-liners about
Schembechler and Athletic Director Don Canham.
Former Wolverine golfer and now PGA touring pro Randy Erskine
seemed right at home on the 'U' course, as he often took time out to renew
old acquaintances. Erskine is a personable guy with an even temperament
and his head always above water. "I feel so much more relaxed being out
here,' he said, but you knew that without even having to question him.
The other contestants in the Michigan Open didn't seem nearly as
relaxed, however. I saw many golfers slam theirclubs into the ground in
disgust, which made me wonder whether they cankeep their cool any better
than the average duffer.. .
The Open gives small-time golfers a chance to make it in the big-time;
thus it was refreshing to see Dave Gilpin of tiny Horton, Michigan make a
charge for the lead yesterday with his 64. I can't remember the number of
times I heard the phrase "Who's this Gilpin guy" reverberate across the
I've always envisioned PGA officials as stern, serious looking guys who
simply post scores at various stages of the tournament. This changed,
however, when I encountered one scorekeeper working the 9th hole master
board. This official had no reservations about laughing at every score above
80 which came in, as well as devoting great lengths of time to predicting the
final outcome..,.
Since the Pro-Celebrity tournament and the Hall inductions are both
scheduled to become annual events, the University community, as well as
Ann Arbor proper, will be able to count on something to awaken them from
an otherwise sleepy sports summer.

(even though it's a little late)
-The Daily Staffers

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