Page 12-Saturday, August 12, 1978-The Michigan Daily RESEARCHERS SAY THIAMINE COULD PRE VENT DISEASE Vitamin-fortified booze could aid alcoholics BOSTON (UPI) - Thiamine, the vitamin essential to life that already is used to fortify milk and bread, should be added to alcoholic beverages, two medical researchers said today. Vitamin-fortified alcohol could keep thousands of alcoholics from developing a disease that forces them to be put in institutions permanently because their memories have crumbled to nothing, the researchers said in The New England Journal of Medicine. AND KEEPING alcoholics out of the hospital would save society millions of dollars, far more than the program would cost, they suggested. The study was performed by Brandon Centerwall, a medical student at the University of California-San Diego, and Dr. Michael Criqui, an assistant professor of community medicine at the school's La Jolla campus. It's easy to joke about vitamin- fortified booze, but Criqui said the study addresses a quite serious problem. "WE'RE TALKING about saving the public money and the opportunity of virtually eliminating a disease in a country. That opportunity occurs very rarely," Criqui said in a telephone in- terview. The disease is called Wernicke- Korsakoff syndrome. Its main cause is thiamine Vitamin B-1 deficiency, and alcoholics are practicallythe only ones who suffer from it because most people get thiamine in food. It's present naturally in beans, green vegetables, liver, egg yolk, brown rice and sweet corn. The disease starts with mental con- fusion, uncoordinated walking and an inability to focus the eyes. It gradually worsens to a state of severe amnesia where a victim engages in "con- fabulation," constantly making up stories to fill the frightening gaps in his memory. CENTERWALL AND Criqui said the disease is rare, but a conservative estimate is that 1,200 alcoholics every year are institutionalized because of it, about one-third of those permanently. The cost to society of that long-term care is $70 million a year, they estimated. Fortifying the billions of gallons of alcoholic beverages con- sumed in the United States would cost between $3 million and $17 million per year, depending on how it's done, they said. Could you pass this Red Cross swimming test? SWIM: 1. Breaststroke-100 Yds. 2. Sidestroke -100 Yds. 3. Crawl stroke -100 Yds. 4. Back crawl -50 Yds. 5. On back (legs only)-50 Yds. 6. Turns (on front, back, side). 7. Surface dive-underwater swim-20 Ft. 8. Disrobe-float with clothes -5 mins. 9. Long shallow dive. 10. Running front dive. 11. 10-minute swim. Anybody who's taken a Red Cross swim course knows how tough it can be. There's a good reason. We believe drowning is a serious business. Last year alone, we taught 2,589,203 Americans not to drown-in the seven different swim courses we offer all across the country. (Incidentally, most of the teaching- as with almost everything American Red Cross does- is done by dedicated volunteers.) A good many of the youngsters not only are learning to keep themselves safe. Thousands upon thousands of them are learning to become lifesavers. And the life they save -may be your own.