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August 11, 1978 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-08-11

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, August 11, 1978-Page 7

Surgeon general tells
smokers: Don't be misled
WASHINGTON (AP)-The U.S. level of smoking"
surgeon general told cigarette The American Caner Society
smokers yesterday not to be misled echoed Richmond and added a call
by a government study indicating for the tobacco industry to "perform
there are "tolerable levels" of cer- a service to consumers and the
tain low-tar brands. American public by stopping
"There is no known safe level of manufacture of the more hazardous
smoking of any cigarette of any brands."
type," said Dr. Julius Richmond, the The statements were prompted by
nation's top health officer, whose a top government scientist's report
warning about the dangers of published Wednesday by The
smoking appears on every pack of Associated Press that a smoker
American cigarettes. could consumea pack a day of some
"WHILE SOME cigarettes are new cigarettes on the market
less hazardous than others," he ad- "without apparent risk."
ded, "there is no data anywhere in THE SCIENTIST, Gio Batta Gori,
the large body of scientific evidence who heads the smoking and health
on the dangers of smoking that holds program at the National Instututes
out any hope that there is such a of Heath, agreed that cigarettes are
thing as a safe cigarette or a safe not safe.
GSA debate continues

DA ILY E A RLY BI RO MAT INE ES -- A dults $1 .25
MON. ttwu SAT. 10 A.M. tit 1:3b P.M. SUN. & HOLS. 12 Noon ti t1:30 P.M.
Monday-Saturday 1:30-5:00, Admission $2.50 Adult and Students
Sundays and Holidays 1:30 to Close, $3.50 Adults, $2.50 Students
Sunday-Thursday Evenings Student & Senior Citizen Discounts
.Children 12 And Under, Admissions $1.25
1. Tickets sold no sooner than 30 minutes
prior to showtifne.
2. No tickets sold later than 15 minutes
after showtimne.
6 30

(Continued from Page 1)
ted the GEO contention that GSA's of-
ten have nearly complete control over
their classes, much like professors.
HALPIN TESTIFIED that he acted
independently of his professor-
"I never saw the man after he was
assigned to me," he said.
Last to testify for the charging party
was Marty Bombyk, former vice-
president of GEO. Because
Veracruysee had not been told she
would testify and had no time to
prepare questions, he spent much time
on background concerning her four-

year history at the University.
Though teday's hearings, starting at
10 a.m., will mark the end of the case in
August, the two parties and Sperka will
reconvene for three days in late Sep-
tember and three days in mid-October.
Somalia is largely a pastoral nation
as indicated by its name which is
derived from the word for milking a
cow or goat, "somol."
George Abbott, Archbishop of Can-
terbury and preparer of the King
James version of the Bible, was born in

House passes $16

billion tax
(Continued froin Page1)
ministration was supporting one that
would make an $18.1 billion reduction.
THE HOUSE, however, refused by a
225-193 vote to substitute it for a $16.3
billion version developed by the House
Ways and Means Committee. Carter
has criticized the committee's bill as
too generous to the wealthy and those
enjoying capital gains.
The House accordingly left itself with
a choice between that measure and the
official Republican proposal for a one-
third cut over three years in income tax
President Carter asked Congress in
January to enact an overall $25 billion
tax cut as part of a package containing
several administration-sought "tax
IN THE SEVEN months that have
elapsed since then, the administration
toned down its hoped-for income tax cut

for individuals and businesses, settling
on a $20 billion proposal.
House Speaker Thomas O'Neill,
despite recent instances of coolness
with the administration, took the floor
to make the final plea for the Carter-
favored measure.
He called it a more equitable bill and
said Carter would sign it. At the same
time, however, he criticized the ad-
ministration for slowness in coming to
Congress with proposals.
At the outset, the House rejected an
effort by many members who wanted to
add to the bill a special provision to of-
fset in part the Social Security payroll
tax increases beginning next year. The
House turned this down by a 284-130
In other initial votes, advocates of
easier taxation on capital gains won a
key test.

The Ann Arbor Film Cooperative
presents at MLS 3 Friday, August 11
(Jim Sharman, 1975) 7, 8:40, & 14:20-MLB 3
A young couple stumbles into a castle inhabited by weirdos from the planet
Transylvania. They meet Dr. Frank N. Furter, a Frankenstein in rhinestone
heels, and his muscular transvestite blond monster whose bizarre appetites
are assauged by first seducing the girl, then conquering the boy. A combo
mad professor-beach party orgy film mixed up with today's sexual permis-
siveness. Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon.
NOTE: The Thursday, August 17 showing of THE GRATEFUL DEAD has been
cancelled. It will be replaced by THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW plus
Kenneth Anger's INVOCA TtON OF MY DEMON BROTHER. 7 and 9:30 p.m. at

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