The Michigan Daily---Friday, August 11 1978-Page 3
Some rosh get a head start
of their scores on the English exam,
Paying exhorbitant tuition bills, scr-
avling incomprehensible notes in lecture
halls and pulling all-nighters is not the
only way to earn credits at the Univer-
By taking Advanced Placement
(AP) tests, more and more incoming
students are receiving credit for college
courses before they ever set foot on
THIS FALL, over 1,000 freshpersons,
25 per cent of the class, will enter the
University with some college credit
already under their belts. Ac-
Advaneed Placement
tests get credit for 'U'
cording to Assistant Admissions Direc- tests. That figure is up 13 per cent from
tor Donald Swain, 1,602 AP exams out the previous year and 70 per cent over
of the 2,069 submitted have earned the193figure.
students college credit here. "More students are taking advanced
The tests, administered annually in placement tests nationally, in the state
4,300 high schools nationwide by the and here at the University," said
College Board Testing Service, attempt Swain.
to determine the academic ability of
students in 21 subjects. Last May, 94,000 SWAIN SAID MOST University
U.S. high school students took the AP students receive AP credit on the basis
which is followed in popularity by the
two mathematic levels, American
History, Biology and Chemistry.
The AP tests have been promoted as
one way for students to cut the cost of a
college degree. If, for example, an in-
state student places out of four in-
troductory classes he or she could
graduate a term early and save ap-
proximately $1,300 in tuition and living
But according to an Admissions Of-
fice survey of students earning AP
credit a few years ago, most ended up
staying at the University the full four
See AP, Page 13
More TAs claim a
employee status
By MITCH CANTOR tions. It is not taught under
Three more witnesses testified on the was responsible for choos
behalf of the Graduate Employees ception of the course. I w
Organization (GEO) yesterday as which would go along wit
hearings to determine the status of ceptions," Brick added.
University graduate teaching assistan- BRICK, contradicting th
ts (GSAs) continued. claim that assistantshi
The week-long hearings, ordered by cognate with the GSA's stud
the Michigan Employment Relations assistantship had "no relev
Commission (MERC) over two years to his studies.
ago, take place in the Union and are "None of that materia
presided over by Administrative Law English 125) helped me in
Judge Shlomo Sperka. The University my Program in America
claims GSAs are primarily students Brick said.
receiving assistantships as a form of While Brick was cross-e
financial aid, whereas GEO contends University counsel
GSAs are employees. The latter Veracruysee, tempers flai
classification would allow GEO to tarily, and not for the fir
bargain collectively with the Univer- week.
sity. AFTER AN objection by
THE FIRST witness, Howard Brick, sel Mark Cousens, Veracrt
testified to many points which were his voice to Sperka, "I
previously made in the statements of Cousens should be instruct
other GEO witnesses. The English his .objections and not to l
Teaching Assistant (TA), who taught nesses in their answers."
English 125, said he did much the same _"I cannot watch my obje
work as professors. only listen to them," Cousei
"I graded each weekly paper (for Veracruysee was later
each student) and gave them a final Sperka to have badgered B]
grade based on those components," After Brick finished his b
Brick said. about 2:30, TA Michael Ha
"All the TAs which teach (English) stand. The English instru
125 are all responsible for their own sec-
See GSA, Page'
tOdiay Secret S
Double trouble opportu
Besides the obvious fact that twin brothers Harold It seems,
and Bernard Shapiro have the same parents, they vice. When
now have even more in common. Bernard Shapiro, musical this
twin sibling of our very own vice-president for several Ne
academic affairs Harold, was recently named woman in a.
academic vice-president and provost at the Univer- on the strap
sity of Western Ontario in London, Canada, effec- She was a f
tive Sept. 1. The Shapiro brothers (no, not a new assigned to
comedy team), were born in Montreal and both at- president an
tended McGill University. Harold received his doc- assignment
torate in ecomonics at Princeton while brother Ber- serve in the
nie earned his doctorate in education at Harvard. So to gain the n
if you ever see two Harold Shapiros walking around presidential
campus, don't panic - it's not another ad- 1,566 specia
ministrator to deal with, just a twin brother. even ratio,b
Happenings ... Look-al
...are dwindling in Ann Arbor these days. Get up If you res
in time to catch the 2:00 showing of that Rodgers villainous(
and Hammerstein classic, "The King and I" at the transformer
Ann Arbor Public Library . you can relax until 7 this casting
p.m., when Eclipse Jazz will sponsor a free contest which boug
at Liberty Plaza. This is their last offering on the Bear, the F
"Twilight in thePark Series", so don't miss it. Have casting ses
a nice, quiet day. . .,... alikes of co
a lecture. I
ing the con-
ould choose
h those con-
e University
ps usually
dies, said his
vance at all"
al (used in
any way in
n Culture,"
xamined by
red momen-
st time this
yGEO coun-
uysee raised
think Mr.
ted to watch
ead the wit-
ctions. I can
ins quipped.
judged by
estimony, at
1pin took the
ctor suppor-
Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX
Sleepy teepee
The latest housing project on S. University lies lazily in the shadows of its larger
relative to the left.
ervice: Equal
nity employers
women's lib has even hit the Secret Ser- .
President Carter went to a Broadway
week, he was accompanied by his wife,
w York politicians and an unidentified
lowcut evening gown. The small badge
of the woman's gown gave her away.
emale secret service agent, one of two
the permanent detail protecting the
nd vice-president. Women have had the
since last June. However, women must
Secret Service for seven years in order
ecessary experience for the prestigious
detail. Presently 22 of the service's
l agents are women - not exactly an
but it's better than nothing.
like contest
emble Captain Marvel or snarl like the
Giganto, the 7-foot-tall female gorilla
d into a human being, then you might fit
call. Hanna-Barbera Proauctions, Inc.,
ht us such old cartoon favorites as Yogi
'lintstones and Huckleberry Hound, set
sions Wednesday, searching for look-
mic book heroes, heroines and-ylians
for an upcoming television special to air this fall.
Besides Captain Marvel, the studio also needs The
SAtom, The Falsh, The Green Lantern and Batman
and Robin. If you have any super-hero friends with
acting ambitions, feel free to nominate them.
Thought for food
You probably didn't realize, as you were stuffing
that extra crumb cake in your mouth, that the
American Journal of Public Health calculated and
foundthat if every American slimmed down to an
ideal weight, the nation would save the energy
equivalent of 1.3 billion gallons of gasoline. In fact,
once everyone completed their diet and started
some sort of maintenance plan, the energy saved
could run nearly one million cars. This phenomena
can be explained by the fact that, the less food com-
sumed, the more energy saved from reduced food
production. So the next time you reach for the pret-
zels, remember that you're contributing to the
energy shortage.
On the outside...
Perk up your spirits with some sunny weather
today. The sun will extend her rays for a high of 80'.
Lows will be in the mid 50s,
N. _t