Page 2-Thursday, August 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily Strike suts N.Y. papers NEW YORK (AP) - A pressmen's union called a strike last night against The New York Times, the Daily News and the New York Post, and the city's three major newspapers immediately closed. The strike was called after the newspapers posted unilateral new working conditions in the pressrooms. The two sides had failed to reach agreement on a new contract to replace one that expired March 30. The publishers announced earlier that they would make no attempt to publish if the pressmen walked off their jobs. Pressmen had been assured of strike support from eight AFL-CIO sister unions, including the key newspaper delivery drivers' union. THE OFFICIAL announcement of the posting of new work conditions was made by J. Kracke, executive director of the New York City Publishers Association, after a day of mediation efforst had failed to resolve a manning dispute. The association represents the three papers in negotiations. "The strike is on at all three papers," said William Kennedy, president of the 1,550-member Printing Pressmen Union. The newspapers said there would be no Thursday editions. The publishers had announced two weeks ago that, without a replacement for the old contract, they would impose the last three-year wage offer and in- stitute an attrition program to reduce pressroom personnel by as much as 50 per cent over a number of years. JOURNEYMAN pressmen regularly The fifth longest river system in Nor- th America is the Yukon River, which is 1,979 miles long. employed at one of the papers for the past two years would have job guaran- tees, but the attrition program was viewed by the union as a threat to the livelihood of many part-time em- ployees, some of whom lost regular employment with the closing of a num- ber of other newspapers and commer- cial printing shops here in recent years. The part-time workers have votes within the union and are hired when needed for peak work loads and to fill in for regular pressmen absent from work for whatever reason. The Times and News - but not the Post - had offered an initial $23 in- crease to the pressmen's weekly base pay of $350.18 on the day shift and $361.41 nights. All three papers offered $23 more weekly for the second year and $22 more in the final year. Postal Serviee won't renegotiate contract WASHINGTON (AP)-The Postal Service said yesterday it refuses* to renegotiate the tentative contract with its labor unions that has been widely criticized by their members. "We have completed our negotiations," Postmaster General William Bolger told the Washington Press Club. Bolger said he had refused a request by the president of one of the four postal unions to re-open talks in the face of heavy opposition among the union members. Bolger declined to name the union president, buta union spokesman said it was Emmet Andrews of the American Postal Workers Union, the largest of the four. BOLGER SAID rejection of the ten- tative contract by the more than 500,000 workers now voting on ratification would mean fact-finding and ar- bitration by mediators. He said this would re-open all issues that had been thought settled in the three months of negotiations that ended July 21 with the tentative contract. The major issue then was retention of a clause forbidding layoffs of postal employees, which the unions managed to retain. Since the tentative contract was reached, many union members in- cluding numerous local presidents, have said the wage increase of 9.5 per- cent over the three years of the contract was insdequate. WILDCAT WALKOUTS at major postal installations near New York and San Francisco were ended only with court orders and firings of more than 100 workers. In addition, an advisory panel within the American Postal Workers Union and the national convention of the National Association of Letter Carriers has recommended rejection of the con- tract. George Meany, president of the AFL- CIO, added fuel to efforts to defeat the contract by predicting Tuesday that it would be voted down. Bolger repeated his predictions that it would be approved by the union members, but said this was "a gut reaction. Obviously, I don't know what will happen. Camp David Middle East talks fraught with risks WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. officials said yesterday that President Carter's Middle East summit at Camp David is fraught with severe risks but that the alternative may be an end to the peacemaking process. According to officials, there was an atmosphere of "desperation" in the nation's capital last week when it ap- peared that the peace initiative begun so triumphantly last November by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat had run its course. THE OFFICIALS, declining to be identified publicly, said there is no certainty the Camp David summit, at which Carter will be joined by Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, will permit a resumption of Israeli-Egyptian negotiations.. But the officials said they were heartened by the quick acceptan- ce by both leaders to Carter's in- vitation to come to Camp David on Sept. 5. IN INVITING the pair to come here, Carter is putting his per- sonal prestige on the line. By all accounts, no prior agreements were worked out beforehand to ensure a successful summit, and officials do not rule out the possibility of total failure at Camp David, with either Begin or Sadat angrily stalking out of the negotiations. Democrats give Milliken 'Fitz' (Continued from Page 3) ditional $250,000 of their own. MILLIKEN, A 56-year-old Traverse City native, is understated, soft-spoken and dignified. The 6-4, 205-pound Fitzgerald, a bachelor and former basketball player, is conspicuous, loud and has a lively sense of humor. His Senate colleagues found Fit- zgerald abrasive and dumped him from the prestigious post of. Senate Democratic Leader only two years af- ter they had elected him. THE YOUNG attorney says he has been running for governor "since I was born" and is expected to key on crime, the state's business and economic climates and Milliken's record as an administrator. Tax limitation likely will not be an issue between Fitzgerald and Milliken, since both were late and lukewarm We know about good grooming. UM stylists at the UNION. Dave, Harold & Chet. supporters of the Headlee proposal, which probably will be on the fall ballot. Fitzgerald's slick television cam- paign, engineered by a Washington firm that handled the campaigns of John and Robert Kennedy, heavily em- phasized the businesses and jobs lost to other states under Milliken's ad- ministration. NEITHER MAN has a record of tough leadership on crime and both are labeled as political moderates. An unknown factor in the upcoming campaign is abortion. Milliken has long supported each woman's right to choose whether to terminate a pregnancy while Fitzgerald, a Catholic, is flatly opposed to it. Milliken, who had run well among Catholic voters in'the past, just last week vetoed a bill that would have halted state funding for welfare abor- tions. FITZGERALD will take Milliken to THE MICHIGAN DAILY Vol.LLXXXVIII, No. 62-S Thursday, August 10,1978 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 481o9. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,.Michigan 410. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published through Saturday mor- hing. Subscription rates: $6.5o in Ann Arbor; 07.s0 by mail outside AnnArbor. task on his record as an administrator - particularly on his handling of the PBB episode, his efforts to lure business to Mi an and allegations that patients inl care of his mental health department were abused. He will argue that the Milliken ad- ministration is tired, and new blood is needed to revitalize state government. Milliken, while defending his own programs, will point to Fitzgerald's legislative career - a less than daz- zling record that played a backseat to his higher ambitions. Looking for amote? Advertise in the Personals 764-0557