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August 08, 1978 - Image 13

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-08-08

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nearly two h
time establis
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Cousens call

The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, August 8, 1978-Page 13
GEO head urges GSA employee status
the TA admitted that assistants must probably have to decide on dates for
inued fromPage:) stand. Martin was a sociology TA with, maintain a satisfactory level in their further questioning, according to
the University, who taught a full load of studies if they are to retain their Sperka.
ours. After spending some classes last term. assistantships. Clark said GEO will be calling
hing Clark's background MARTIN SAID his assistantship "in- "I THINK that's a requirement that nineteen witnesses to testify this week.
Veracruysee brought out volved participation in all aspects of the University prescribes for us," Mar- The University called upon their wit-
ll TAs teaching more than developing, producing and delivering tin said. nesses in earlier hearings in May and
f a full load of classes the course." Martin has taught The hearings, which will reconvene June. Among them were President
in grants, a form of finan- Sociology 100 with Professor Max this morning, will last through Friday Fleming, and Vice-President for
g with their salaries. Heirich for the last four terms. Following that, both counsels will Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro.
from both Cousens and "It (the assistantship) involved
were overruled most of initially planning a series of TA
iough one such setback workshops.. .involving selection of§
niversity representative to texts, preparation of syllabi and WO p 5 A' Pb Ob es d) O
r. Cousens gets to lay all outlining of lectures," Martin said.
is without proper foun- Again, Cousens' purpose in exposing
ding that his interrogation the testimony was to show that GSAs do
ly examined. essentially the same work as professois u

Clark's testimony,
led Steve Martin to the

In countering, Veracruysee ques-
tioned Martin on academic progress, as

Suit hinges on proving
NBC advocated rape

ruling that stunned the plaintiff's at-
torney and elated the defense, a
judge said yesterday that the $11
million "Born Innocent" suit against
NBC depends on proving that the
network was trying to incite rape
when it showed the TV film.
Attorney Marvin Lewis said the
decision by Judge Robert Dossee in
San Francisco Superior Court places
"an impossible burden of proof" on
his attempts to prove that NBC was
negligent in showing the film.
"IT'S RIDICULOUS to argue that
NBC advocated the rape," said
Lewis. "I would have to be idiotic to
be an attorney presenting that

"I plan to prove that the show
created undue risk of harm and that
NBC put on the scene that they knew
or should have known would result in
harm to my client and others," he
LAST WEEK Dossee said Lewis
would have to prove incitement, and
on Monday imposed the addtional
"requirement of intent."
NBC attorney Floyd Abrams said
the ruling was a victory for the net-
work and he would move that the
judge dismiss the case if Lewis
doesn't observe the restriction.
Abrams has argued that the
telecast was protected by the free
speech provisions of the First
Amendment to the Constitution.

(Continued from Page 3)
areas: Model Cities Legal Services -
$10,000; Model Cities Health Clinic -
$15,000; Ann Arbor Community Center
- $15,000; Green-Glacier Community
Center - $2,000 and Octagon House -
$5,000. The largest cut recommen-
dations Were in the Ann Arbor Com-
munity Health Center - $30,000, and
Model Cities Childcare Center -
Sandy Girard, CDBG Public Service
Manager explained the Community
Health Center reduction by pointing to
the recent adjustment and success of
the program after a larger allocation in
its first year (last year). She said the
reduction was requested by the Cen-
ter's director, but they have since
acquired a new director and board so
she will recheck the request.
THE EVALUATION was not yet
completed on the childcare ap-
propriations. That category will be the
only one affected if HUD does not ap-
prove the third year amendments.
Earlier in the day, the director of
Green-Glacier Community Center,

Cult head released from custody

Roberta Perry protested the $2,000
proposed cut about which she claimed
to be uninformed.
"There would be a drastic effect"
which she said "will cut programs and
staff in half." The Center provides
programs for lunches, karate, arts and
crafts, sports and special activities.
Perry said it serves 75 publicly-housed
Octagon House, a drug rehabilitation
program, also received a cut which
Reverend Gilmore said actually
amounts to $10,000, because they
requested $30,000 for next year. He
said, "If we lose money, we lose
people." He said he was unable to
determine the actual effects of the fun-
ding reduction.
In its evaluation, the Community
Development staff justified the cut:
"Octagon has succeeded in getting Yp-
silanti City Council approval for mat-
ching funds also."
Mrs. Albert Wheeler, director of the
Model Cities Dental Clinic, said "It's up
to other people to see the merit of the
program and the benefits it has brought
to the community for the last seven
Your attention is called to the
following rules passed by the Re-
gents at their meeting on February
28, 1936: "Students shall pay
all accounts due the University
not later than the last day of
classes of each semester or sum-
mer session. Student loans which
are not paid or renewed are sub-
ject to this regulation; however,
students loans not yet due are
exempt. Any unpaid accounts at
the close of business on the last
day of classes will be reported to
the. Cashier of the University and
"(a) All academic credits will
be withheld, the grades for the
semester or summer session just
completed will not be released,
and no transcript of credits will
be issued.
"(b) All students owing such
accounts will not be allowed to
register in any subsequent semes-
ter or summer session until pay-
ment has been mode."

DETROIT (UPI) - Police released
the head of a religious cult Sunday
without filing charges in the discovery
of the remains of two small children in
the yard of his commune.
Raymond Archer, 29, had been held
Friday and Saturday for questioning in
the deaths of a year-old boy and a three-
year-old girl. Autopsies showed the boy
died of natural causes and the girl died
from effects of a fall downstairs. She
never received medical treatment,
children, investigators said, and added,
that the birth of all four of his children
were natural and the births and deaths
were never registered. A further
analysis of the remains was ordered
even though Archer was released.
A tip from a relative, described as a
member of Archer's Theocratic Com-
mune Natural Health Service, led of-
ficers to the gruesome discovery
Friday. Both children died about a year
ago, the relative said.
We s pecialize in
ladies's and children's
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Officers were attempting to learn
how many children had been born at the
commune and if any others had died.
But no further excavations at the east-
side house were planned.
AUTHORITIES said Archer could
face charges of child abuse of improper
burial even if the children's deaths
were natural.
Archer said Sunday he believe; his
children died because they were unable
to adjust to the §trict diet to which his
group adheres.
"They were just too pure for this

polluted world," Archer told reporters
shortly after he was released Sunday.
"IT WAS a matter of them being
young and tender and not being able to
adjust to the diet," he said.
Archer said his year-old son,
Resharocah Benjudha, died shortly af-
ter he was placed on the diet of un-
cooked nuts, raw fruits and vegetables,
supplemented by coconut and soy milk.
Within a month of his son's death, Ar-
cher said his daughter, Dawistah Ben-
judha, fell down a flight of stairs and
became ill.

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