Page 12-Tuesday, August 8, 1978-The Michigan Daily FTC says life insurance lacks competition WASHINGTON (AP) - Consumers often pay more than they have to for life insurance because of a lack of price competition among insurers, according to a Federal Trade Commission in- vestigation. "Cost variations of over 100 per cent for essentially identical coverage are not uncommon," Albert Kramer, direc- tor of the FTC's bureau of consumer protection, said yesterday. "... without meaning- ful cost disclosure, price competition in the life insurance industry is imposstie .. ." -Albert Kramer, director of the bureau of consum- er protection. The FTC staff is preparing a report on life insurance pricing for the five- member commission to act on around the end of the year. The staff feels the FTC should cooperate with state in- surance regulators in requiring price disclosure, rather than enact a federal regulation, Kramer said. THE PRIME need is for consumers to be told the rate of return on the savings part of their whole life insuran- ce policies, Kramer testified. In whole life policies, the premium money pays for savings as well as death protection. The less-popular term insurance has little or no savings value but the premiums are far less. "Consumers do not know the rate of return they will earn on the savings element of their whole life policies. This prevents comparison shopping with other types of investments," Kramer said. "The potential for loss can be staggering. A person who invests $1,000 each year at three per cent will have, at the end of 30 years, approximately $48,000. One who invests the same amount at six per cent will have $84,000 at the end of 30 years," he testified. INSURANCE industry spokesmen are scheduled to testify later in the three days of hearings before the sub- committee, whose chairman is Rep. John Moss, (D-Calif.). "The industry competes in many areas - for agents and in designing unique policies that are often little more than sales tools. But the industry rarely competes on the basis of price because it doesn't have to," Kramer said. "We submit that without meaningful cost disclosure, price competition in the life insurance industry is im- possible ... There are tremendous price fluctuations in the industry, with some high-priced companies having only a small share of the market," he said. KRAMER SAID consumers should be given information that will enable them force. Kramer said the estimated total to choose between whole life and term losses due to lapsed policies in the first insurance. In addition to the rate of year is more than $200 million a year. return, he said, they should be told how He said the total cost of uninformed much of their premiums will go for purchasing decisions for life insurance death benefits and how much for may be in the billions of dollars an- savings. And they should be warned of nually. the consequences of early cancellation of whole life policies, he said. Life insurance is a major spending He said about one in every five new item for consumers. According to FTC policy holders drop their policies within figures, Americans spent $32 billion in the first 13 months, losing virtually all 1976 for the premiums, or about three they have paid while the policy was in per cent of disposable personal income. Tax evader ja led for claimring 5th0 on forms FOR JOBS, PEACE AND EQUALITY VOTE COMMUNIST LABOR PARTY IN THE PARTY QUALIFICATION SECTION OF TODAY'S BALLOT Everyone knows that as the politicians of the Democratic and Republican parties promise more and deliver less people are getting fed up with both of them. More and more of us realize that our own interests and those of the corporations and banks which control the two parties are not the same. We are open to alternatives. They know it too, and they're scored. So in Michigan, two years ago, they got together to pass a new election law (P. A. 94) to insure that only their two parties can run candidates for partisan offices. Proven working class fighters like Juan Torres from Saginaw and other candidates from the Communist Labor Party are kept off the ballot-even though earlier this year, nearly 30,000 people signed petitions to support the Communist Labor Party's right to be on the ballot. Under this new law, if you want some REAL choices in November, you've got to make one on August 8 in the primary election. For the first time anywhere in American history, the primary ballot in Michigan now includes a Party Qualification Section of the ballot. Only if enough people vote in that section of the ballot for the right of the CLP to present candidates will we be able to do so. If you choose to vote for the Communist Labor Party in the Party Qualification Section, be forewarned that you are disenfranchised from voting for candidates in either the Democratic or Republican section of the ballot. We think it's more than worth it. Your vote for the CLP is not only a vote to uphold the right of Juan Torres and others to run for office. Here are a few other good reasons why a vote for the Communist Labor Party is the most powerful vote you con cast on August 8: -A vote for the CLP is a vote against the anti-labor Taft-Hartley law. The CLP has been in the forefront of the struggle against Taft-Hartley and for organizing the workers in the South. Among other things, Toft-Hartley makes possible the anti-union so-called "right to work" laws which encourage jobs to leave Michigan. Both the Democratic and Republican parties support Taft- Hartley. In fact, they wouldn't even pass a mild "Labor Reform" law. -A vote for the CLP is a vote for socialism. It is a vote that shows you know that whichever of the capitalist parties is in power, we still have unem- ployment, inequality and the constant danger of war. -A vote for the CLP is a votefor outlawing the Nazi's, KKK and other right-wing gangs that exist for the sole purpose of attacking minorities and ultimately the whole working class. -A vote for the CLIP is a vote for independent political action. We know we cannot vote our way to socialism. But we con have a voice in government that speaks ONLY for the nees, aspirations and interest of poor and working people. HERE'S HOW TO VOTE FOR THE COMMUNIST LABOR PARTY: 1-PULL THE LEVER MARKED "PARTY QUALIFICATIONS" (NOT NECESSARY ON NEWER MACHINES-READ YOUR VOTING MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY) 2-PULL THE COMMUNIST LABOR PARTY LEVER 5F. PAID FOR BY COMMUNIST LABOR PARTY-TEL: 341-0346 SPRINGFIELD, I.. (AP) - Robert Awerkamp has been sentenced to a year in prison for taking the Fifth Amendment on his federal income tax returns. He says answering questions about them would prove he had broken the law. "I have engaged in activities that were illegal but not immoral," Awerkamp, 38, said in an interview. "That's what I'm trying to prevent telling about." AWERKAMP'S TAX returns are splashed with references to the amen- dment, which provides a constitutional guarantee against self-incrimination. The tax form asks him to name his dependent children. Awerkamp replies, "Unable to answer and protect the rights guaranteed to me by the Fifth Amendmend . . . ' Gross income? "Fifth," he writes. BALANCE due the IRS? "Fifth." Taxes overpaid? "Fifth." In addition to the year in prison, Awerkamp was sentenced last week to five years' probation for failing to file proper income tax returns for 1971 through 1974. U.S. DISTRICT Judge Waldo Acker- man, who sentenced Awerkamp, said "government depends on voluntary contribution of taxes.. Something has to happen as a deterrent to other people." Awerkamp, meanwhile, says 'he is taking his case to the federal appeals court at Chicago. Awerkamp is arguing that if he provided all the information required on the income tax form, "then I'd be testifying against myself." He calls the return form "a confession sheet." JOHN GERMERAAD, who prosecuted the case for the U.S. attor- ney's office, said federal appeals courst previously have refused to allow tax- payers to refuse to answer questions on the form because of the Fifth Amen- dment. James Meyers, an Internal Revenue Service official here said: "It's just one of the positions some of these tax resisters have taken." Awerkamp, who now lives in La Grange, Mo., says he began answering questions with the Fifth Amendment on his 1970 tax return. In addition to 1971 through 1974, the years covered by the federal prosecution, he said he has filed similar forms for 1975 and 1976. The government charged that bet- ween 1971 and 1974, Awerkamp's gross income totaled more than $51,000. Prosecutors argued that if Awerkamp's returns did not state "items of gross in- come and deductions and credits, he has not filed a return." The jury last week took more than three hours to reach a verdict. In a let- ter to the judge, one juror said, "Most of the jury could understand some of Awerkamp's points and at times we all feel the tax load is heavy. But the main thought of the jury involved the fact that he did not file his tax returns." Ann Arbor Insurance Center Agent for Traveler's Moss Marketing Program of Auto and Homeowners Insurance through U-M Employees Credit Union --and- U-M Hospital Employees Credit Union ias moved to 215 fEst Libery Plaza 994-0011 Open Monday-Friday, 9-5