Page 2-Tuesday, August 8, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Governor's race nears finish. ..
LANSING (UPI) - A whirl of last-
minute campaigning brought three
Democratic candidates for governor to
the Capitol yesterday, each
proclaiming he would win the
nomination in today's primary election.
A fourth candidate, also expecting
victory, met reporters in Bay City to
announce he would not file a PBB-
related federal lawsuit against the
state. Associates had devoted more
than 100 hours over the weekend to
drawing up legal briefs.
SOME OF THE appearances were
billed as the final news conferences of
the primary campaign. Voters will
decide today which of the meetings
amounted to political goodbyes.
A variety of polls and political obser-
vations appeared to give an edge to"
state Sen. Willian Fitzgerald of Detroit
and East Lansing attorney Zolton
Ferency, although no one discounted
the candidacies of state Sen. Patrick
McCollough of Dearborn and former
Public Service Commissioner William
Ferency appeared unannounced at
the Capitol at the same time a press
conference had been scheduled for
DRESSED IN blue jeans and a flashy
red shirt, he joked informally with
reporters but fought off the notion that
he could not defeat incumbent
Republican Gov. William Milliken in
November if he wins the primary.
Ferency, who has run for governor
four times, reminded reporters that he
polled 40 per cent of the vote against
Arbor Day, or tree-planting day, was
first observed in Nebraska on April 10,
1872. It is now observed by all states in
the Union except Alaska.
The Italian artist and writer Ben-
venuto Cellini was born in 1500.
George Romney in the prime of Rom-
ney's popularity.
"Milliken of this year is no Romney of
1966, obviously," Ferency said.
DECLARING HE has a solid con-
stituency among rank-and-file
Democrats, Ferency said he can win
the primary if he captures one-fourth of
the undecided vote. He said he believes
cross-over voting by Republicans will
not be a great factor because local elec-
tions will keep GOP voters in their own
Ralls, dressed in stark contrast to
Ferency in an impeccable dark blue
suit, declared himself "the only
Democrat who can win in November"
and added that 35 per Gent of the vote
could win the Democratic primary.
"I can bring the independence and
freedom from past failures that my two
Democratic opponents cannot bring to
this race," he said - referring to state
Sens. William Fitzgerald of Detroit and
Patrick McCollough of Dearborn.
"IT'S BEEN an exciting and
exhilarating campaign for me per-
sonally, and I am confident I will win
the Democratic nomination for gover-
Two hours late, Fitzgerald strode into
the same meeting room and brashly
told reporters, "I think the lead for your
stories could clearly be Fitz by a
minimum of 10."
He did not elaborate, but the im-
plication was that he meant 10 percen-
tage points.
FITZGERALD workers had
plastered the room with campaign
posters, and the candidate hit hard on
his major theme, charging that
Milliken failed to provide leadership to
produce and protect jobs for Michigan
Fitzgerald, by far the fundraising
leader in Michigan's first public-
financed gubernatorial election, also
said the campaign was the most highly
"All of the polling data we have seen
shows us running strong in every area
of the state," he said.
MCCOLLOUGH, meanwhile, ap-
peared on the election eve to announce
.he had withheld a federal lawsuit for
the Oscoda County PBB Action Com-
mittee against a burial pit for tainted
cattle at Mio.
McCollough, as well as the other can-
didates, planned a day of plant-gate and
similar public appearances before
returning to their homes today to vote.
Meanwhile, Milliken, unopposed in
the Republican primary, continued
with a variety of semi-official and
private fundraising appearances. He
had voted earlier by absentee ballot,
aides said.
... Senate primary a
DETROIT (UPI) - Former Detroit
City Council President Carl Levin and
millionaire publisher Philip Power
claimed today's Democratic U.S.
Senate primary was a horserace bet-
ween them, with the four othercan-
didiates destined to be also-rans.
On the Republican side of the ballot,
incumbent Sen Robert Griffin was ex-
pected to win renomination easily,
despite an aggressive challenge from
Oakland County Prosecutor L. Brooks
LEVIN, VIEWED as the early fron-
trunner in the Democratic race, con-
ceded Power had made impressive
gains, but said he was confident of vic-
"It looks very good and we're very
confident," said Levin, who cam-
paigned in shopping centers, on street
corners and at plant gates yesterday.
"There's one person who can come
out of the pack and chase me - that's
Phil Power. I think it's going to be
between the two of us."
POWER, WHO owns a chain of
suburban Detroit newspapers, spent
yesterday courting voters in the Upper
"It's plainly between me and Carl.
He's losing and I'm gaining and as
people are making up their minds,'
they're coming to me," Power said in a
telephone interview.
"I think we've got an upset on our
POWER, WHO HAS spent $700,000 of
his own money in the campaign, said
the race's momentum was'on his side.
He said a recent poll showed he was
"gaining rapidly" on Levin.
"The whole strategy of the campaign
has been to build that momentum in the
last days, and that process has
worked," Power said.
Levin, however, said he believed
Power's popularity had peaked and was
on the decline.
"I THINK THE momentum's against
him," Levin said. "People are fed up
with his unlimited spending and they
tell me they're tired of being bombar-
ded every time they turn on the
television or radio.
"He's overdone it and I believe very
strongly that the tide is running against
Power predicted his personal wealth
would not harm him among primary
irrelevant to anybody's vote," he said.
"The key is to nominate someone whd
has the ability to be independent
enough to understand the problems and
not to be tied to the special interests."
LEVIN AND Power, who both plan-
ned to spend election night in Detroit,
saw little chance that any other can-
didate could win the Democratic Senate
The four other Democrats are former
Grand Rapids Congressman Richard
VanderVeen, state Rep. Paul Rosem-
baum of Battle Creek, and state Sens.
Anthony Derezinski of Muskegon and
John Otterbacher of Grand Rapids.
Election still tossup
(Continued from Page 1)
less than enthusiastic support from
party regulars.
POWER, campaigning in the spar-
sely populated Upper Peninsula, said
he has been gaining rapidly on Levin in
the Senate race while Levin's early
support has faded.
"I think we've got. an upset on our
hands," he said.
But Levin, making a final sweep
through Detroit's blue collar suburbs,
predicted he would win a "solid vic-
tory" and said momentum is a factor
that will work against Power, rather
Vol. LXXXviII, No.60-S
Tuesday, August8, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48100.
Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published through Saturday mor-
sing. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Ar bor; '7.50 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
than for him.
"PEOPLE ARE fed up with his
unlimited spending and they tell me
they're tired of being bombarded
everytime they turn on the television
and radio," he said. "He's overdone it
and I believe very strongly that the tide
is running against him."
The fourth candidate in the campaign
for governor, state Sen. Patrick Mc-
Collough, yesterday withdrew a plan-
ned lawsuit challenging the mass burial
of PBB-tainted cattle near Mio - a tac-
tic designed to embarrass Milliken.
The other Senate candiEates are for-
mer Grand Rapids congressman
Richard VanderVeen, state Rep. Paul
Rosenbaum of Battle Creek and state
Sens. John Otterbacher of Grad
Rapids and Anthony Derezinskt of
Most amphibians and all reptiles
have lungs, but many amphibians also
breathe through their skin, which is
why they must keep moist.