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August 05, 1978 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1978-08-05

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, August 5, 1978-Page 9
[or hopefuls speak out
~care China/ Taiwan Energy Detente/ SALT Mid-East Unemployment Inflation

nI" think the
wehave in

it isin the hestlinterest of the
U.S. tohbetter our relations
with the People's Republic of
China, hut helieves the U.S.
should "keep its faith with

supports decreased dependeoce
o oil and urges development of al-
ternative energy sources such as
nuclear, solar, and thermal.

"I can live with detente,
hut ithan tohbedetente thathkeeps
in mind what is in ourhbest
interest and our national
secuity." We have faired hadly,
under Carter, in SALT. "I would
fire a freshman lawyer on my
staff that bargained that poorly."

"TheU.S. should he a "peace-
hroker." "We shouldnooltry to in-
pose asettlement on anyhody."


oul health

Favors maig relations hetween
the U.S. and the People's Repuhlic
oftChina "asonormal as poslihle,"
hut would not allow China to
dictate whom the U.S. recognizes.

TheU.S. should work for "self-
sufficiency through alternatives
tosoiland gas andushould offer
taxscredits for various methods
of conservation; opposes nuclear
energy and thinhs the U.S. should
put immediate emphasis on coal
and ultimately fusion-hydrogen.

"Detente is hased us a common
interest. to avoid war andto avoid
the tremendous hurdenothe
military places on our individual
hudgets. Wouldonot delay SALT
for the sake of human rights.
Would rather use economic and
other types of political pressure
to achieve that end.

"twould urge the president to
quitldictating the termsuofa
settlement (in the Mid-East). The
U.S. should use "quietldiplomacy='
to hring all parties concerned
together. Would have voted
against the sale of Fl5 tighter
planes to Saudi Arahia.
the U.S. should facilitate direct
negotiations with all parties in-
volved in the conflict. Bath secur-
ity needsuof Israelis and the need
for aPalestinian homeland must
he met, hut condemns PLO ter-
rorism. Would have voted against
the sale of Ft5s to Saudi Arabia.

has called for more "tree
tradeszones" and the estahlish-
ment of Detroit us a "tree port."
Suggests less government
regulations. Supports the Roth-
Kemp Sill which wouldecut taxes
hy inc-third. Also suggests a
crackdownson illegal aliens who
are tahingjohs from Americans.
Favors giving tax credit
incentives to husinesses to locate
insareasnwith high unemployment.
Where that wouldn't worh he
favors puhlic jobs.
supports the Humphrey-Hawkins
full employment hilt. He wants to
use taxbhenaks for locating in
areasnof high unemployment.

favors hetter relationsswith the
People's Repulic of China. But
we canoot forsake'Taiwan.

hreaking up the vertical
integration in the oil industry isme-
sential. Conservation on an indiv-
idual hasis is ashortlterm partial
answer. Criticises Carter forsnot
putting enough emphasis on devel-
oping alternative sources. Nuclear
energy is a last resort.

"We do want detente hut outlview
of detente does not include nes-
colonialistic activity in Africa.
"We need SALT to reduce the risk
of war. We must have aclear
poicy toward the U.S.S.R. saying
"actions have conequences."

1- 51 1 -I

scrm of
ois how
nit efficient."

Favorshbetter relations with the
People's Republic of China.
Said China couldhbea "useful
foil" to he used in U.S.
negotiations with the USSR, hut
said "were not likely to forget"
our agreement with Taiwan.
woud favor hetter relations
with the People's Repulic of
China, and hecause the mistrnst
hetween Chinauand the USSR ionso
great "wenshould he taking ad-
vantage oflthat for ourown goals
and interest."
We should recognise the PRC as
the China hut sot hreal agree-
ments with Taiwan.

Supports a "crash program" to
develop alternative sources of
energy, especially in the areas of
coal, solar, wind andfgesthermal
with anultimate goal of heavy
reliance onarulearfusion-
hydrogen. This shouldhbecom-
plimented with "intensive efforts
on conervation."

"Detente is very disappointing.
It has heroine a one way street.
It meansore to the Russians
than it does tomu." The U.S. has
lived up to itshalf of detente hut
the Soviet Union hasn't.

i i i ,

jh care !

"The first thing we have to do
is quadrnple or hudget for solar
energy research." Untiltweare
totally reliant on renewahle
resource energywenshould use
"transitional fines" on highly
sophisticated uses of coal and gas.

favor norm ination of relations
with the People's Repuhlic of
nl China. With respect to Taiwan he
said: "Thereis only
one China." "Taiwan is a seporate
nationand should he recognioed as

the U.S. should mahe a
"suhstantial committmsent to
solar power." He would lihe to see
"Radical new developmsents like
solar collecting stationsin oster
space." has "questions" about
nuclear energy.
Calls tar a national comprehen-
sive energy program including
rovrin ousernation,
development of alternative sour-
ces, hreak up the vertical is-
tegration is thesoil industry.

"The thing the Russians under-
stand isnstrenth. And if wewant a
lasting peace in this world we have
to negotiate from strength."
"the Russians have tohkeep their
committmenets. "If we allow
them tohbreak their committenets
we have so right to he at the ne-
gotiating table."
helieves U.S. should actively
pursue detenteand SALT. Says
"we don'thave to sacrifice what
wehbetieve," to have detente. A
omutual arms reduction is "such
anooverriding condition," would
not allow "diversions" to delay
Detente issnecessary, hut should
be pursued without "illusions."
to hargaining with the Soviet
Union the US. shoutd have 'a
clear sense of history" and should
realioerthe U.S.S.R. "docsn't
always play hy the same rules
we ds."

The U.S. should play the role of
a "referee." It is important for
theU.S. to have a part in the
solution "hecause it isnvery
important to ournsecurity and our
defense." Wold have voted
against the safestf F15 fighters
to Saudi Arahia.
the U.S. "must work
as effectively an it can to hring
the Egyptianssand the Israelis to
the peace talhs, without imposing
a peace on them." Then the,
U.S. mustlofferfthem a "Mutual
defense package" against the Rus-
sians - their ultimate enemy.
Wold have votedno on fighter
sale to Saudis.
U.S. dependence on
imported oil is one of the chief
causes of inflation. TheU.S. seeds
to reduce thI dependence
through alternative sources of
jenergy. Favors a "hudget process
foroall federal legis-lation. '
This is similar lonzero hised
hudgeting hut moreworltahle.
With regard loua Mid-East peace
settlement (ltterhwacher said the
U.S. "coo encourage it, we can
facilitate it, hut we can't write
it. What we can do is set the
stsge." Would have voted against
the salerof F15fighters toSaudi

Joh policy musthbetargeted at
those groups most severely
effected-hlack youths and
Vietnam veterans.
favors giving taxscredits to com-
paniesnwhich hire the hard core
unemployed and to corponrations
which locate factories inaras of
high unemployment. Supports
a favorahle interest rate through
the Urhan development husk for
for huilding inside cities
she hest way to reduice unemploy-
ment is through tan credits.
Credits fosr industrie~s which locale
is arearofthigh unemployment
and credits for people who move
to where there is a joh surplus.
The governmentshould prosvide
"temporary puhlic service johs"
and tax incentives to husiness Is
create sew jobs. Doe Is diminish-
ing resourceswe shouldltransfer
emphasis from "resource-reliant"
jobs ts "service-reliant oriented

Encourages five stepo to reduce
inflation including lower
unemployment, a comprehensive
energy program, more efficient
governmenttspending, decreased
concentration is cital industries
achieved through aggressive
enforcement oftanti-trust lawn
and less government regulation.
we need a comprehensive energy
program and must curh govern-
menttspending. A large deficit hau
ledto rise inthe federal interest
rate causing higher taxsnre-
sulting inoinflationspunctuatedhby
To fight inflation the U.S. must
develop a comprehensive energy
program. We need a "helter
procedural curve on government
spending," which would include
zerohbased hudgeting and sunset.
Weuasneed hetter trade
agreements inclujding "anti-
dumping legislation."
onusn advisory basisnupgrade the
President's Council on Wage and
Price stahility. Is thetfederal gov-
ernment nero-honed hudgeting
and sunset legislation are
essential, as is a com-
prehensive enorgy program wifh
emphasisnon renewahle
the U.S. should do everything pan-
sihle tosupport Israel. We should
ennure the military strength of
Israel. Olpposed the salerof F15
fighters to Saudi Arahia. Israel
musbe ahle toretain a
portion oflthe Golar Ileights
and alt Jerusalem io a peace net-
"F'ree entrprise ...is the hest
long range check ooinflation,"
but the trend is toward less free
enterprise. Therefore would
stress "vigorous enforcement of
anti-trust laws," and would
shorten termssof and open
memhership of Federal Reserce


Favors helter relations with the
People's Repuhlic of China
and feels thin would give the U.S.
"increased leverage" with the
Societ Union. Does not think the
PRC will force the U.S. to choose
hetweenothem and Taiwan.

DiknagMetlhatcaeState funded ERA/ boycott of un- Marijuana South Africa
ringeMnaelhcr abortions -ratified states - decriminalization divestiture
does not wantit raised "You
d of don'talways changensocial choose peple who work withsupr:"Ptmijaanth
icultnre hehavior hy changing criminal retarded more carefully, spend oohrsupports it tor "lcocs hosemwhohav stogyuprs bot pam ctegor "Put in'alcohoa wish lb epeepeo ohe the nameof
S. Dale law." saysnotfair to setuage more money, try to keep patients strict conto oer il-imnulaclur' the pnouIthe US.rioa"
of maturity differently for spcific asnear to home as pssible aod satlemd"n bAfia
c ights (voting, drinking 'etc.)
"ising it to 19 waoa just uppointonewbhead of te "ldnthikwsoudpedpoefarsmetfn,
seiy traiglopnuotsc - cetet es~~of the taxpayers' money to destroy support ERA and bycott "Tbere willtb more of a supports divestiture, co.posored
topoiy ortkig lohl u o he deatmnt edcerti o taf life unless the mother'slife isis "wthis russon" peonderanc eof it if hilt enforcing it
scolseddne." opponesaborion decrimiaized Ann Arbo
raising it to21" in not Michigan"
p oPB support EAand bycottI
t ossen op s: "It'snontfair and it change prsonneltand setstrong eoetsgovernor'scnfrec, "I' eea su, soloa stale
"1 ops >laesi xml ncifmeetingwit feeral officials, support issue-I don'tknow the nature or
condeme doesn't make sense." ledrhPe lici "I'm opposed toabortion" or state funding meeting is held extent they hold them"
a aod execut'ye is ansunratified 'tate y1

and families


supports: "It is the individual
instalh etter leadership inthe woanu's decisionand it would
department, devotomore money he discriminatory todeny such
to the departmnt a right to a womanuhecauseushe

Isupports heth


"(Divestiture) is a legitimate
request to make of public
institutions, inveuesttpolicies
are germane to our. philosophical
and moral valuesuas a society"

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