Thursday, May 12,49-7.
'Pagje Seven
APAks*A..nn oT.tst o i tOn i 6 T~a .ad ihth workOof Ott. Frutkn and Gavino anm,
Would you be willing to tell the world, "I did this?"
After all, you're pretty good at what you do. Probably
proud of it, too.
Well, most of us will never get to sign our work. And
maybe that's a shame. Because as good as we are, it might
make us better. And we can afford to be. Whether we're
teachers or short-order cooks, farmers or
steamfitters, sales managers or city
We'll all have more to show for it.
More money, for one thing.
Because we'll be giving
each other our
money's worth
for the products, the services and
even the government we pay for.
For another thing, we'll be giving Amer-
ica a better chance to take on our foreign
business competitors. Not just here. All around
the world. That would help bring the lopsided
balance of payments back onto our side. And
make your dollar worth more.
Best of all, as we hit our stride, we'll be protecting
jobs here at home. For ourselves
and the future. And we'll have a MARIE
deeper sense of satisfaction in the j wvoi TtW try A
jobs we've got.
You don't have to signyour work to
see all these things happen. And more.
Just do the kindof work you'd be
proud to have carry your name.
America.It only works
as well aswedo.
~ TN National Commission on ILjd.,tjfty. WabionoDMC.