Poge Ix THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, August 13, 1977 PogeSixTHE W1-IGAND~iY Sturdy, ugus 13197 PROGRESS GONE TOO FAR? Cancer: The chemical catastrophe By NINA SHISHKOFF REtENTI G' (o FV EV R N O R Milliken approved a hill lowering the accept- able level of polyhrominated biphenyls (PBRs) in meat to twenty parts per bil- lion, what er is say is the lowest de- tectable level. . "That's nice, b-t 'hree years too late," says Dr. Thomas Corbett, formerly' a clinical investigi-tor at the Veterans Ad- ministration, and n5(w working at the Wayne County general Hospital. "We've already eaten np most of the problem." Dr. Corbett was one of the first people to realize the danger when a fire retar- dant called Firemaster was accidentally mixed into cattle and animal feed, con- taminating millions of Michigan cattle, pigs, sheep, and chickens. The fire retar- dant was found to contain cancer causing agents, and Dr. Corbett's experiments proved that it could cause birth defects and liver tumors in laboratory mice. Through all this, however, the sick ani- mals continued to be sold, and now there are more contaminated cattle on the market today, 22 per cent, than ever before. THE PBB PROBLEM is more than a crusade to Dr. Corbett. In 1974 he found out that his brother and sister-in-law were raising chickens the previous owner had fed with contaminated feed. Dr. Corbett described the birds as "the most miserable creatures I had ever seen." He told his brother to stop eating the chickens' eggs, and eventually the birds were destroyed. Luckily, both Dr. Corbett's brother and his wife were vege- tarians, and even though they ate the eggs of the contaminated chickens, the PBB levels in their bodies, later checked, were six times less than the average person's in Michigan. Dr. Corbett's own PBB level' is aver- age, but he takes good care of himself. He has six rules of decreasing the risks of cancer (To be found in more detail in his book, Cancer and Chemicals) and he follows most of them. THE FIRST IS location of residence. Any highly indus'rialized area is a high risk cancer area. However, Dr. Corbett warns that even small towns can be dan- gerous. Painesville, Ohio, is one such place where vinyl chloride, a cancer causing chemical is made, and the beau- tiful western shore of Lake Superior is contaminated by asbestos in the drinking water. (A person interested in moving to a low risk area is advised to consult the Atlas of Cancer Mortality for U.S. Counties: 1950-1969, although since 1969 the picture will have changed slightly with each factory and coal mine that has appeared.) cattle, that causes cancer in humans.' PERSONAL HABITS can be deadly, too. Those who are addicted to smoking and alcohol know there.-are risks, but even sex has its hazards. Women should be wary of birth control pills, because of their many side effects, including cancer. As many factory workers have found out, with tragic results, occupation is another major factor in the occurance of cancer. Workers in insulating mate- rials, the sanding of floor tiles, rust- proofing of automobiles, and the produc- tion of steel all have higher risk of get- ting cancer. A good rule of thumb is to keep away from jobs that put a worker in too close c o n t a c t with too many chemicals. MANY CONSUMER liroducts aren't adequately tested before being put on the market. Dr. Corbett uses styrofoam cups as a prime example. "When you drink coffee from a styrofoam cup, you're drinking styrofoam and other things, too." And food packaged in. poly- vinyl containers (like the plastic wrap- ping on meats, and, until recently, alco- holic beverages) could be dangerous. Breathing in aerosol fumes should be avoided, too. Oddly enough, your family, doctor can be hazardous to your health. A doctor can prescribe a medicine with undesir- rules "pretty much, except I still live in Michigan." Michigan, compared with other regions of the country, is a high risk area, and he admits considering leaving it. "But you have to accept cer- tain risks." He didn't take the risk, how- ever, of eating PBB contaminated beef, as soon as he heard about it, and he has his own well, rather than drink city water. He doesn't smoke, and drinks only occasionally. Unfortunately, starting as an anesthe- siologist at the University of Michigan Medical Center, he has had to breath fumes now known to be very harmful. In the late sixties, he noticed that the fumes he was breathing from his work were being absorbed into his body. He wonder- ed if the headaches he sometimes got were caused by anesthetics. In a medical library, he discovered that anesthesiolo- gists had more headaches, fatigue, and in women, more misscarriages and de- formed c h it d r en than they normally should. CORBETT BEGAN to worry, not only for himself, but for his family, and started taking precautionary measures in his work that were laughed at or scorned by the rest of the hospital staff. In 1971 he became chief of anesthesiol- ogy at the Veteran's Administration Hos- pital, and was able to do authorized re- search. This research indicated that one or more anesthetics were causing cancer he suspected the company would try to sneak the drug through the Food and Drug Administration before he could send them the results of his experiment. Meanwhile, the company, still confi- dent of getting FDA approval, was dis- tributing party hats with the drug's name on them, for the promotional campaign, At the time Dr. Corbett's book was writ- ten, the FDA was still studying the mat- ter, and the company had cancelled the second publicity campaign. Now Corbett reports that the FDA has required the company to retest the drug. Dr. Corbett is still conducting studies on PBB and anesthetics, and his next book, PBB, The Poisoning of Michigan, will be coming out soon. It covers the entire PBB scandal in detail, which is only dealt with in one chapter of Cancer and Chemicals. The doctor hopes the general public will read Cancer and Chemicals, a clearly written book ex- plaining the dangers our technical so- ciety puts us in. "Shortly after bacteria were discover- ed, people had a hard time accepting the relationship between bacteria and di- seases. We're in that same period now in the relationship between chemicals and cancer. I wrote the book to inform people of this relationship so they can protect themselves individually and pro- tect society as a whole." Book Brief By MARNIE HEYN Michael Koerner, The Fool's Climbing Guide To Ecuador and Peru: A Work of Fiction and Plagiarism, Buzzard Mountaineering, 92 pages with maps and illustrations, $2. If you are traveling to Ecuador, or know someone who is, or if mountaineer- ing is what you do for fun, invest in a copy _ or two of The Fools Climbing Guide. Dr. Koerner has collated survival information not only for competent climbers who are tackling the slopes of Latin America, but for gringos who are passing through Quito as well. Cautions: The Peru section of the Guide consists solely of, "Peru, they tell me, has some excellent climbing . . So find another information source for Peru-Dr. Koerner includes a bibliogra- phy. For a physician, Dr. Koerner is re- markably cavalier about' Montezuma's Revenge and other parasitic woes. He didn't object to being delirious and bed- ridden for better than a week, laid up by something he calls "The Black Runs," and he doesn't believe anyone else will object either. If you're not so blase about diarrhea, consult a sympathetic physi- cian. Dr. Koerner's advice about prob- lems other than intestinal bugs seems sound enough. In addition to its apparent sufficiency as a how-to book, The Fool's Climbing Guide is a gem of prose style. Those al- lergic to banana republics and moun- tains can still enjoy such passages as: Carry your ax. Not only will it serve as a crutch, a chair, and make you look manly (sic), but it is an excellent wea- pon against dogs, who, according to Dr. Koerner, roam the paramos in search of gringo climbers to chew on. The Fool's Climbing Guide is available locally at Bivouac, The Sportsman in Bir- mingham, and Benchmark at 10 Mile and Middlebelt. Or,if you're serious about all this, mail your two bucks along with questions and commentary to: Michael Koerner 504 Willets Hill Birmingham, MI 48009 and Dr. Koerner will respond personally. Best wishes. The Saturday Magazine and miscarriages in the Michigan nurse- anesthetists questioned, and birth defects in their children. Thus, Dr. Corbett became the leader in a fight to keep an anesthetic called insoflurane, produced by an Ohio com- pany, off the market. He conducted ex- periments exposing mice to insoflurane and the results were dramatic, although the experiment hadn't been designed to furnish positive proof of the gas's car- cinogenicity. The mice began to develop liver, lung and uterine tumors. The company producing insoflurane, Ohio Medical Products, was called; they seemed concerned, but didn't want to halt their plans. Eventually they can- celled a big promotional campaign be- cause of Corbett's findings, and asked to meet with him. They listened to the re- sults of his test, but considered the find- ings too preliminary. THE BATTLE CONTINUED. Dr. Cor- bett's findings grew considerably posi- tive as his mice continued to die. But The second is diet. Not only do many of the foods we eat contain cancer caus- ing agents, but if one of these agents is banned, it may be replaced by a chem- ical that is not necessarily safer, but merely untested. able side effects he doesn't even know about, because they haven't been tested for carcinogenicity (ability to cause can- cer). Most doctors won't ask a patient when the last time he had an X-ray taken was, and although X-rays save Dr. Corbett advises against eating pro- lives, unnecessary X-raying should be cessed meats containing sodium nitrite, avoided. like hot dogs and ham. Beef liver may contain DES, a hormone used to fatten DR. CORBETT SAYS he follows his