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August 13, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-08-13

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eairaAuut3.1I7TE MICHIGAN DAILY rage hree

Saturdov, August 13, 197

Carter seeks support for canal treaty

Pesident Carter, gearing ap
for a battle over the new Pan-
amna Canal treaty, has tele-
phoned Gerald Ford, Henry
Kissinger and other prominent
Americans whose support could
help win Senate ratification, the
White House said today.
Press Secretary Jody Powell
srid Carter made the calls ear-
Li r tlhis week while he was in
Plaint, Ga.
AND HE SAID treaty negotia-
tors have contacted Ronald
Reagan, who made continued
Amecan ownership of the
canat a major campaign pro-
w*ise in the GOP presidential
primary last year.
Powell refused to say how
Ford and former Secretary of
State Kissinger responded, but
Ford strongly promoted canal
negotiations while he was
The treaty, reached after
years of bargaining, provides
far Panama to take control of
the Simile canal at the turn of
ii e century, with gradual
si-thdrawal of American mili-
tary personnel from the canal

zone. over the -next 23 years. dtates will retain the right to h'AVe been responsive" to. Car- don't inderestimate the diffical-
defenid the canal in case of tr's appeat to keep an open ty is winning ratificatie
IT ALSO provides for an attack and will have continued mind on the issue. owenll said. "I think he he-
i'crease in U. S. payments to top priority for war ships. lives, at least at this point, we
Panama for use of the canal The Senate must ratify the "TIIEY APPEAR to be, for h.e a trea natio a inte-
and guarantee of unrestricted agreement before it takes ef- the most part, adopting that cea'ty is i ina tcer-
movement through the water- feet and a tough fight is ex- v'ry cautious and responsible eted hte's willing to accept
It Iy. pected, but Powell said mem- a"p-rach," he said. the ruponsibitity for presenting
Ussser the pact, the United I-ers of Congress "on the whole "B the very nature of it, we it to Congress and the people."
Two VA hospital nurses present new informatin
-By RE1iH B. RICHBUR G "All I'm doing at this point is gathering cause of death from "respiratory arrest"
Twc Veterans administration (VA) Hos- informatios," she said, refusing further to "cardic arrest."
pital nuse representing an employe group comment "unntil we have something that's NONE OF the parties at yesterday's
supporting Fillp'ia Narciso and Leonora worthwhile.' meeting would say whether the incident
Perez met yesterday with an attorney for One of the trio nurses who met with was dirc;.sed.
the Michigan Nurses' Association (MNA) in Trottner, who asked not to be named, said, The nu-si's woo met with Trotter are
Lansing. "We had a fairly productive session." part of an empiove support group protest-
The nurses reportedly gave "factual in- THE NURSES would not specify exactly ing the conviction of former co-workers
formation" about the VA Hospital to MNA what information was offered, butu said Narciso and Perez. The pair was found
attorney. Mary Hullen Trottner in hopes* "some medical' facts were exchanged. guilty exactly sine month ago today of
of having a Congressional probe launched "She (Trottner; said anything with re- poisoning fi e VA patients during the sum-
into the controversial case. ference to the trial would be inapplicable." mer of 19';.
Neither Trottner nor the nurses would Yesterday, the Daily reported that the The coniiction reached after a ten-
specify earctly what information was dis- nurses were seeking witnesses to an in- week trial tat cost the U. S. government
cussed. cident where VA Chief-of-Staff Dr. S. Mar- over $1 niilion, met with sharp criticism
Trottner said, "I don't want to comment tin Linderaaer allegedly asked an intern from the Michigan Nurses' Association, the
at this point," but she did say yesterday's to alter a death certificate. Sources said Filipino comnmuoty and various support
meeting had proiuced "some information." Lindenauer asked the doctor to change the groups

'Gourmets' test
quality of food
for coops, frats

A bright yellow posterboard
go at the end of the Lenny
lirc cooperative house drive-
way quietly stated "Student
buyer's Association Product
tnsioe, in the coop's sunlit
dining room members of the
S:ude-t Buyer's Association (S
B), representatives frons can-
n.d goods companies and a
Cii -sity sanitary representa-
tie sampled, squeezed, and
siuffed the products, canned
iaits and vegetables.
IW! PURPOSE of the taste
teo ts is to select products for
tie" nearly 50 panhellenic (fra-
t-sity and sorority) and coop-
e:tive houses which comprise
By having the product testing
we aie able to attract more
vendors. And through combining
the buying and shopping, Greek
and coop houses have been
ale to reduce the cost," SBA,
director Larry Peterson said.

The cans of fruit cocktail,
pta halves, pineapple, carrots,
green beans and corn have their
la'selr removed and are secret-
is coded.
"You really wouldn't think
there would he a difference, but
there really is," Mary Anne
Vago'si, assistant SBA direc-
t-r, sid. "I rememsber the ap-
posarce from last year. A
salesman mixed water with one
brand and stern pieces and skin
fi ats J to the top."
tc-stin session some differences
v ere almost as obvious. Pine-
.pples ranged in color from
deep to pale yellow and sweet-
nass and firmness varied ac-
cordialy. Carrots ranged from
drne to dollar-size in diameter.
The sampling of products was
not always a pleasant chore.
Can a few samples tasters
warned one another not to make
the attempt.
Each can is drained, weighed,
scrut'nized and the fruit juices
See SAMPLERS, Page 10

What appears to be businessmen filling their plates at an intricate salad bar are actually taste
testers, determining the quality of the food for fraternities, sororities, and coops. Lenny Bruce
Coop hosted the posh affair.


Squelched screening.?
A dispute has resulted from Thursday night's at-
tempt to show a documentary film on Kent State
outdoors on the Duag. Organizer Thomas Bryne, who
planned to show the film on a bedsheet screen an-
chored to the side of the Economics building, says a
group of people gathered the view the screening
dispersed after "arbitrary" harassment by a Uni-
versity security officer. But University head of se-
curity Fred Davids says the cancelation was caused
only by poor weather and poor attendance. The
problem started when the Michigan Student Assem-
lY (MSA) issued Bryne a permit to screen the
film. Shortly after wards security officers informed.
MSAs of an amplification restriction on the area be-
cause of its nearness to the libraries. MSA president
Scott Kellman told [ryne the group would have to
move to Regents Plaza. Bryne said his permit said
nothing about any amplfication restrictions, told
Welnman to give him an order in writing, and

showed the film anyway "The permit did not say
I was prohibited to use the power," Bryne explain-
ed. Bryne said that after the showing, a security
officer appeared and began to harass people in the
group in a "vicious manner". "He was trying to
point out violilons which were after the fact,"
Bryne said. But seuity's Davids said security sim-
pty wanted the group to move. "We didn't break up
anything," he said. "I think what happened was the
weather was so bad and the turnout so poor that
they called it off If they want the plaza we'll turn
the power on and -ff for them. All they've got to
do is ask and we'll supply the power for them."
Happnings ..
. . . this is our lst issue of the summer, so here's
the rundown on happenings for the next few days
. . "Rumisongos", a Latin.American folkloric mu-
sic group, wifl perform a benefit for the "disappear-
ad" prisoners of Chile at 8 p.m. at the Ark, 1421
Hill .. .a art ext-ibi. by Moyo Reho opens at T'rot-'

ter House, 1443 Washtenaw, on the 14th . .,. orienta-
tion for volunteer counselers at Drug Help will be
geld at 7:30 on the 16th at 621 E. William . . .
the Audobon Society will lead a field trip to Pte.
Mouille leaving from the Pittsfield School parking
tot at S a.m. on the fist . . , a lottery for those
desiring to move to the head of the football line will
be held at noon in tue Tack sad Tennis Bldg. on
September 1.. lfootball tickets for seniors go on
sale September 9 . and also on the 9th, fall term
rlasses begin. Until then have an enjoyable three
On the outside
In line with America's rising consciousness of Na-
tive American issies, we feel a concerted effort
should be made to bring back Indian Summer.
least. The Caucasian version simply isn't making it,
because today's high will be only 76, tonight's low
a chilly 58 and tsaorrow's high of 79 clouded by a
fifty per cent chance of rain.

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