Page Ten THE MiCHiGAN DAILY Friday, August 12, 1977 Cuba lets Americans go Congress hopeful of s hAVANA, Cuba W? - Cuban President Fidel Castro and Sen. Frank Church announced yesterday that Cuba will per- mit approximately lit Ameri- can citizens to leave Cuba and go to the United States with their families. Tue agreement was announc- ed at a joint airport news con- ference following two days of intensive talks between the Cu- ban leader and Church, an Ida- ho Democrat. -P R E S I D E N T Castro indicated to me he thought this was a humanitarian question to which he was very sensitive and he was prepared to see to it isal this problem is reme- die,," Church said. "lie said there was no rea- son to detain them and he will see to it that arrangements be made to let them leave and take their wives and children with them." The individuals involved are Americans having C u b a n wikcs and children. As Ameri- cat- citizens, they have been free to leave but the Castro government has until now re- tused to let the families go along . WHILE THE pact on the U.S. citiens was a diplomatic coup for Church, it fell far short of his hopes that Castro would agree to release some or all of the 18 Americans imprisoned or detained in Cuban jails. That group includes seven hel as political prisoners on charges of espionage and "crunter - revolutionary" activ- ities from as far back as 1959. The two men were known to hai e discussed the prisoner is- sue at length since Wednesday night, when they went together on an offshore spear fishing trip following a cross - country aut'j tour and visit to the Bay of Pigs, the site of an abortive 1961 invasion by U. S.-backed anti-Castro forces. BUT CASTRO evidently refus- ed Church's request, which was made on behalf of the State Department, for actions to free the prisoners or reduce their sentences. HE SAID he would report on his conversations with Castro to President Carter upon re- turning to Washington, but woiuld not discuss the prisoner question or any of the other is- sues at the news conference. Church said Castro was so amenable on the question of the 80 U. S. citizens and their families, however, that he offer- ed to send them home aboard Church's Air Force jet if the Americans could provide a list of who they were., Sinee that was sot possible, Church said, the arrangement for their departure from Cuba wi~h their families should be maue within a matter of a few weeks. passing Panama pact (Continued frum Page 3) 22 tending to oppose it and the rest undecided, administration sources said. "I think it looks pretty good," one official said. "In fact, I'm almost sure we can do it." However, thc sources concede these are rough estimates and rallying the votes will be a hard fight. McCLURE, predicting the new treaty will be defeated in Con- gress, said tle President's de- cision to -announce the agree- meet when members of Con- gress were out of town on a summer recess is "an admission that the treaty is in serious trouble." He said that he and Helms planned a lawsuit to bar the ad- ministration from carrying out any parts of the new agreement without congressional approval. There are economic provi,i(5s5 in the agreement that may not require Senate ratification, a McClure aide said. HELMS SAID Carter "is mak- ing a grave error -. . lie h;s not yet shown us the fine print, but the very concepts that he has announced are fundamental ly wrong and the vast majority of the American people instine tively disagree with them.' Sen. S t r o m Thurmond (R-- S.C.), another outspoken advo- cate of keeping the canal in U.S. hands, vowed "to exert every effort possible to prevent the surrender of the Panama Canal Zone." He predicted "sub- stantial opposition" to the new agreement. The people of Rumania s;ick a language related to French, Spanish and Italian. ;ae ewA ! + rt - 0 9 t lt t rFd Y v z f> }Y.t: \ t jU'f' } J'lfNspb getfp49 ff - getting hurrahs and standing out in the crowd. A flashback to the 50's with '77 updating. ..these three rating three cheers for warding off Autumn's chill while looking terrific with your casual wardrobe. Acrylic knits by Pronto in S-M-L sizes. A. Modified classic crew with contrast colors banding waist and cuffs. In white with hunter green and navy, yellow with navy and redwood, or navy with grey and redwood; $21 B. Shaker-knit cardigan with ribbed bottom and turn-back cuffs, triple-pocketed and tri- striped on sleeve. In navy with white or maroon with grey. $24 C. Placket front buttons up into a turtlekeck on the hooded shaker-knit sweater with tri-striped sleeve. In navy with white or maroon with grey. $25 Jacob-VorO PFIEE PARKING IN THE ADJACENT RAMP - WE WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET