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May 11, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-11

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Wednesday, May 11, 1977


Page Three

Irish Protestant Paisley arrested

BALLYMENA, Northern Ire-
land 07- - The Rev. Ian Pais-
ley, firebrand leader of a falter-
ing eight-day-old Protestant
strike in Northern Ireland, was
detained by police yesterday af-
ter he refused to order a trac-
tor barricade dismantled.
The burly preacher - politi-
cian, a nettber of the British
Parliament, was held for two
boors along with another strike
leader, Ernest Baird, and 10 of
their supporters.
POLICE said they will be
charged with the minor offense
of obstructing the highway.
The Rev. Paisley told cheer-
ing crowds of supporters in Bal-
lymena, his home town north-
east of lelfast, "The strike goes
on. Its a fight to the finish',
Then he drove off to whip up
support for the stoppage and
man another strikers' barricade
in Ballymoney, 40 miles west of
THE MINISTER'S detention,
the third time he had been pick-
ed tip itthis stormy political ca-
reer, caine as, strong-arm
squads of strikers continued a
campaign of intimidation in a
desperate bid tp force workers
to stay at home.
Police reported a teen-age
gunman shot a bus driver dead
and soontded a 79-year-told pas-
senger it Belfast's touchy Crtm-
lin Road. Fire bombs and other
incendiary devices were dis-
covered around the city, and po-
lice began a search of every
building in the city center.
Belfast's municipal bus auth-

ority said it was ordering an
immediate withdrawal of serv-
ices in the city - one of the
strikers' objectives. Police de-
clined to link the violence with
the intimidation campaign, but
some detectives theorized it was
the syork of Protestant terror-
ists linked with the Rev -Pais
ley's United Uniotist Action
BUS SERVICE rt stutdown
in Itellast after iuttitn leaders

called a walkaut "as a mark of
respect for a colleague who has
been brutally murdered."
Belfast's municipal bus auth-
orit1 said it was in agreement
with the walkout, which offic-
ials said might list inly 24
'TIlE MINISTER has his owis
devotmiation, the Free Pres-
lbrterin 'Church. founded its
See PAISLEY,' Page7

AP Photo
THE REV. IAN PAISLEY, fundamentalist preacher turned
rebel politician. Paisley is the leader of the extreme Protestant
faction in Northern Ireland.

Ma Bellemployes push Buck
Rogers gad-gets for telephones

Costly automatic traffi~c
lights prove successMu
Despite continuing cost concerns, the Traffic Acittated
System designed to ease traffic fluw at selected busy intersec-
tions in Ann Arbor has proven to be a working success.
"We had initially questioned the capital outlay. (But)
the administration reports that since they have been in-
stalled the traffic has been running much more smoothly,"
Etart-Greene, (D-Second Ward), said.
THE TRAFFIC light system, initiated at Maple and Jack-
son in 1968, uses a loop detector buried beneath the pave-
meet to sense approaching vehicles. The light responds to
the input from the detectors and independently determines
whether to change from green to red or vice versa.
For example, i a car approaches a red light it Stadium
and Packard from the east or west and no cars are approach-
ing from the north or south, the light will sense the oncom-
ing car and "skip phase" to green. If heavy traffic approach-
es from every direction the light will resuime a normal red/
green cycle. Shtould the traffic clear from the east west
direction, the north south light will tin green for approach-
ing vehicles.
The light system was established primarily to cope with
the increasing traffic on the city's road system, which is not
designed to handle the load.
"THE MORE of these we install in town on our rela-
tively ancient road system the better the possibility we will
have less of the (traffic) tie tIp we now have," Roger Ben-
toia, (R-Third Ward) said.
"It's a lot cheaper than widening roads," Bertoia added.
According to John Robbins, the Director of Streets-Traf-
fic and Parking, the Actuated System at the intersection of
Main and Stadium cost $30,000. This included installation,
wiring and equipment. In most cases the state or federal
government footed some of the cost 'at this and other loca-
tions using this system.
WHILE RECOGNIZING that the lights are doing an ade-
quate job Mayor Albert Wheeler is concerned over the cost
of additional lights.
"I have a reserved feeling. Maybe we should slow
down until this period of financial difficulty is over," Wheeler
said. "In many ways they are useful and good but it is a
question of whether we should continue theta or not in this
period of belt-tightening."
This system "is a good example of misuse of weight and
gas funds (received from state taxes)," Jamie Kenworthy
(D-Fourth Ward) said.
He added that in a recent re-election brochure ie had
indicated his dissatisfaction with the cost of the system. A
citizen called him and said that while he liked Kenworthy
as a candidate he disagreed with Kenworthy's stand about
the system. The voter said the lights and their loop detec-
tors were the only things in the city government that re-
sponds to his presence.

If you have recently added a
brand new telephone to your
house or apartment, you may
have noticed the installer coon-
ing across as a junior salesman
bucking for 'a commission from
the boss. Chances are that he ex-
plained to you the four new
"custom calling" features that
Ma Bell is currently offering.
And he more than likely tried
to entice you with the tempting
one-week trial basis for each of
the handy new telephone para-
If that has been your case,
you weren't alone. It wasn't just
your installer who seemed to
have his sights on a position in
the sales department, but all the
Ma Bell field workers who are
being encouraged to "talk up"
new telephone services.
"IT'S A PROMO thing," ex-
plained David Burkette of the

Michigan Bell general man-
ager's office. "Our biggest force
of our field people are our in-
stallers." Consequently, they get
most of the burden of carrying
the news of the latest Ma Bell
products to the public.
The new line of products that
the Bell people are talking about
are the "custom calling" fea-
tures call waiting, call forward-
ing, three-say c a lI i n g, and
speed calling.
Call waiting tws you to take
a telephone call even if you're
already on the line. The caller
will hear a beeping noise instead
of the busy signal, and a mere
push of a button can put your
original call on hold.
intercepts all of your calls to
your old address and gives the
caller your new address and
telephone number.
Three-way calling allows a
third party into your conversa-

tion. "It's good for conferences
and three way conversations, a
Bell spokesperson explained.
With speed calling, you.don't
have to bother dialing a seven
digit number. Frequently called
numbers can be redued to only
two digits, and the phone can
hold "eight numbers or thirty
See MA, Page 7
Volume LXXXVII, No. 6-S
Wednesday, May 11, 1977
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Mivuinan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Anti Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published deily Tuesday through
Sunday morning dring the Univer-
sity year 0t 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor. Miclsigaut 48109. subscriptios
ates: $12 Sept, tsru April (2 semes-
ters) $11 by maut outside Ann
Suimiter sessian tpubtished Tues-
day through satutrday morning.
subscription uates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor. $7.50 by mail outside Ani


Dangerous shortcut
Tower guards at the Missouri State Penitentiary
spotted a man scaling the prison's north wall, and
sensing a breakout, they sprang into action. In min-
utes they had surrounded the man, only to find that
he wasn't escaping, but trying to get in. Michael
Bostick, 23, had made it about three quarters of
the way up the rough-hewed stone wall when he
was halted and taken into custody. He told police he
had just gotten off a freight train at the foot of
the prison, and assumed that going over the wall
was the shortest way to town. Well, he was right.
It was the shortest way to town. Police hustled him
off to the downtown jail where authorities are look-

ing for n offense to charge hi with.
. . . today marks the second day of the 20th Con-
ference on Great Lakes Research, with sessions held
at Rackham and the MLB .. . contact the summer
placement office at 763-4117 if you want to make a
few bucks by being a subject for interview training
-you must be a student . . . University Vice Presi-
dent for Financial Affairs James Brinkerhoff will
speak at a meeting of the Commission for Women
meeting at noon in room 2549 of the LSA bldg .4..
and at 8 p.m., author Gil Green will discuss his new
book What's Happening to Labor at Guild House,
802 Monroe .. .

A touching letter from Mo art to his wife Constanz
in 1789 was sold for $25,000 yesterday by Christie's
auction house of London, England. The question of
the day is, why would anyone pay $25,000 for a Moz-
art letter, when you can buy one of his records for
$6.98 (less if you shop the sales)? The unidentified
man must have thought that Mozart was a writer
instead of a composer.
On the outside
Things should finally get back to normal today, as
our brief cold wave heads east giving us a sunny
high of 70. The mercury will drop at night to a
comfortable 50-great sleeping weather. Enjoy.

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