The Michigan Daily . - - - _ _.._^ ... .... v _ti.__ n_ Vol. LXXXVII, No. 63-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, August 11, 1977 Ten Cents I welve Pages U.S., Panama reach accord PANAMA CITY (A') - U. S. negotiators said yesterday the Unked States and Panama have reached an historic agree- ment on all major issues of a new canal treaty that will turn the waterway over to Panama by the end of the century. U. S; Ambassadors Sol Lino- wi*z and Elsworth Bunker said they will fly to Washington to- day and "go immediately to the White House to report to treaty remained to be worked President Carter." out following a review of the principles with Carter. IN A STATEMENT released to the press, the two chief U.S. U.S. sources here said Carter negotiators said the agreement would soon make a nationally on basic principles that will televised speech in the nUited govern a new treaty would es-S . - tablish "a new relationship be- States i support of tbe agree- tween our countries." ment and may come to Panama to sign a treaty. The ambassadors said agree- meet on the wording of the Here is a summary of the issues resolved by the agree- ment, as reported by reliable sources close to the talks: * Duration: U.S. negotiators gave into Panama's. demand that a new treaty not extend past the turn of the century. The Americans had been holding out until last fall for a treaty that would last until the year 2025. Under the agreement, a A2 NOW discusses AERA strategy By DENISE FOX Leaders of the Ann Arbor chapter of the National Organi- zation for Women (NOW) called a press conference yesterday to announce their strategies for passing the ERA before the March, 1979 deadline. Karen Rice, Legislative Co- ordinator said that NOW's first priority is getting the ERA passed. To raise money for political campaigning and to demon- strate the strong support the amendment has, NOW has plan- ned a walk-a-thon in every state on August 27, the day after women's equality day. "IT'S A MORALE booster," See LOCAL, Page 10 new treaty would expire Dec. 31, 1999. * Defense: The agreement calls for a gradual withdrawal of the 9,000 U.S. troops in the Canal Zone and gradual closing of the 14 American military bases by the expiration of the treaty. . Compensation: Panama ap- pears to have accepted an American offer of $50 million to $60 million a year for use of the canal and lands and waters in the zone. The United States now pays Panama $2.3 million early. . Lands and waters: About 70 per cent of the 500-sqsare- mile zone would revert to Pana- ma as soon as the treaty is ratified. The United States oOld retain temporary control of the rest-the part considered vital to the operation of the water- way. Details of the transfer of this 311per cent remaint,he solved. 0 Administrition: Upon rati- fication of the treaty, the Pana- ma Canal Co., a U.S. govern- ment a g e n c y that operates, maintains and defends the canal, would cease to exist. The two nations would jointly administer the canal tnti lthe expiration of the treaty, when aPnama would take full administrative control. * Neutrality: The two coun- tries agreed to write a separate treatyin which aPnama would guarantee that the canal remain open to ships of all flags. The United States was concerned about defense of the canal after the treaty expired. Romulo Es- cobar Bethancourt, cihef Pana- manian negotiator, said last week the United States would, in essence, have the right to in- tervene if the canal were at- tacked by a foreign power. Karen Rice (left) Legislative Coordinator for the Ann Arbor chapter of the National Or- ganization of Women, and Barbara Markana, a member of the chapter's executive board, discuss strategies for passing the Equal Rights Amendments at a news conference yes- terday. Violence mars Queen s visit to N. Ireland BELFAST, Northern Ireland (A) - Hundreds of Roman Cath- olic extremists protesting the arrival it Northern Ireland of Queen Elizabeth II marched behind a banner calling her "queen of death" and battled British troops and police yesterday. At least 15 persons were injured, including an old man felled by club-swinging soldiers during the half-hour clash. DURING THE DISTURBANCES, the British sovereign was 12 miles away at Hillsborough Castle, where she knighted, several' prominent Ulstermen and held a garden party to open her first visit to the war-torn province in 11 years. Police reported 20 rioters were a: rested as they hurled bricks and bottles at troops. The Belfast march was illegal. The marchers had planned to go through the center of Belfast to City Hall to hold a rally. "ER Elizabeth Regina. Queen of Death, 1969-77 1,800 dead," an ap- proximation of the death toll in eigh' years of sectarian warfare here. TROOPS AND POLICE blocked the march in the narrow street that funnels into the city center from the Falls'-Road, an Irish Republican Army (IRA) stronghold. A police inspector or- dered the marcher's to disperse and they replied with a barrage See VIOLENCE, Page 10 AP Photo BRITISH TROOPS drag away a wounded comrade during a clash between Irish marchers and police yesterday.