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August 09, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-08-09

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Tuesday, August 9, 19 77


Page Three

uevdv..Auu 9, 917 HE MIHIGANDAIL

Contract ups wages for
Building Trade workers
The University and the Washtenaw County Building Trades
Council yesterday reached agreement on a new contract which
grants union workers a 92-cent per hour pay increase over the
contract's two-year duration.
Trades councilt workers are now averaging $7.1" per hour,
but will receive a 45-cent increase the first year of the new con-
tract and 47 cents the second. In addition, the University agreed
to add a five-cent 'kicker' beginning Fehruary 1979.
THE OVER-3e0 plumbers, carpenters, electricians and paint-
ers had voted to extend their previous contract on a day-to-day
basis following its July 31 expiration. Terms of the new pact are
retroactive to August 1.
The five-cent increase was offered by the Univetrsity Sunday
morning 'under the table' and was rawified hy the trades mem-
bership Sunday evening. Yesterday, the University officially of-
fered the kicker and the agreement was signed by both sides.
Although wages were the major issue throughout the contract
negotiations, the question of overlap-non-union employes perform-
ing skilled trades work--was an important non-economir issue.
ACCORDING TO James Murphy, the union's chief negotiator,
union representatives will now meet with University officials not
less than once a month to discuss tbe problem.
"In the last few years the overlap gap has widened and we're
trying to close that gap," Murphy said yesterday. "We're confi-
dent we can resolve the gap at these meetings."
Other than wages and the addition of overlap discussions,
the union's previous contract remains hasially the same.
Wingard faces trial
for Miller murder

Not one to pass up a good time, muscular dys trophy poster child, Jimmy Maltby joins the A
Squares for a dance. The group is planning a 24-hour marathon dance on August 21 to raise
money for the muscular dystrophy fund.
Square dancers plan mnarathon
as muscuJlar dstoph bnefit

The A squares, Ann Arbor's square dancing
group demonstrates through promenading, dosie-
do-ing, swirling and twirling that good times and
public service can go hand in hand.
Seven - year - old Jimmy Maltby, a muscular
dystrophy poster child, didn't feel the last bit
out of place dancing with the rest of the group.
ALTHOUGH HE said he liked flying in air-
planes better than square dancing, he said he
certainly liked the dancing. ,
To show their appreciation over Jimmy danc-
ing with the group, the members bowed down
and gave him a big thank you. And like most
people, Jimmy was a little overwhelmed but
gushed a modest thank you.
But opening up their circle to children with
muscular dystrophy is not the only way the group
helps children with this disease.
THEY HAVE planned a 24-hour dance mara-
thon for Aug. 21. to raise money for the muscular
dystrophy fund.
"We have a lot of stamina so I think we can

make it," said square dancer Debbie Thlsmas.
"The longer we do it, the more money we'll be
making for those with muscular dystrophy,"
Nodding her head emphatically, Karen Dzie-
geleski said she was very much looking forward
to the marathon.
DZIEGELESKI SAID that she had no doubts
about the group having enough energy to con-
tinue through the 24 hors.
She recalled past square dancing groups she
belonged to in which the member's love of danc-
ing was so uncontrollable they would sometimes
get a group together in the middle of the night,
'wake up the caller, and dance the night away.
And .lziegeleski said that the Ann Arbor mem-
bers have the same love for the dancing, so she
sees no problem dancing the night away at the
marathon. '
There is one ulterior motive to the marathon,
though. '
"We want to be in the Guiness Book of World
records," said the organi-er of the marathon,
Keith Gutfreundx

Gordon Wingard, acctsed of
mtrdering Ann Arbor physician
Cynthia Miller, will stand trial
inz Oakland Coutnty Circutit Court,
for first degree murder, The
date of the trial has not been
The trial was ordered after
Wingard waived preliminary ex-
amination on Friday.
MILLER, THEN director of
the Detroit House of Corrections
(Dehoco) was found shot to
death on Interstate 96 in South-
field last July 17.
'Wingard's attorney, Otis Un-
derwood, said he believed it wan
not in his client's best interest
to waive the preliminary hear-
"It was against my advice,"
he said.
ON JULY 21, Wingard, 27, and
his traveling companion, Gail
Oliver, 27, were arrested in Sac-
ramento, California, ending a
year long, cross country search
for the couple.
County Prosecutor.
Miller met the couple when
she was employed as a staff
physician at the Southern Mich-
igan Prison, before she came to
Deboco on December 1. Wingard

was an inmate there, serving a
three and one half to five year
term for attempted murder un-
tit he escapsed on tine29 1976,
Oliver was wtrking thsere as a
licensed practical nurse.
MtIILER'S withdrawal of $5.,-
100 from her savitsgs account the
day she was murdered and the
subsequent tisappearance of the
money, has produced specula-
tion that she might have been
attempting to arrange for the
escape of Southern Michigan
Prison inmate I, a r r y Wells,
through Wingard. In her will,
discovered s h or t 1 y after her
death, Miller left a large por-
tion of her estate to Wells.
A source close to Wingard said
that Miller was acquainted with
many of the convicts at the
"She was quite liberal in her
thinking," he said. "She thought
the inmates were there for po-
litical reasons and what they did
was for good reasons."
A large part of the prison pop-
ulation exploited her the source
"They were taking her for
anything and everything they
could get. They thought that she
was a brilliant gal but pretty
stupid," he said.

Wasisteisaw Cooperative Extension Service's car ton - discovered that he could make a little
YC basics workslsop today from a.m. to 3:30 p.u. money on the side by showing the coffin to in-
Saturday's demonstration at Fermi wasn't the at the Rural Activities Cuter on Saline-Ann Arbor terested tourists, and when the dhurch was restored
only big anti-isuclear event this weekend. Sonday, Road ... that's itl in 191 the mumomy was moved upstairs to a side
a crowd of about 1,000 demonstrators gathered at aisle. But the sexton could no longer deal with
Avila Beach, Califoria, to protest construction of the crowds of tourists - 3t,008 in some years -
a nuclear plant at Diablo Canyon and listen to k c, b l dad the mummy was recently transferred into a
speeches by political activist Daniel Elsberg and sealed zinc cofin inserted in a heavy oak casket,
enir mentaist Barry Commoner. Forty-eight were e Earl of Bothwel has finally been laid to which will permit gawkers a view of, well, a heavy
arrested when they tried tfu scale the fence of the rest - after 4da years - and the taspOpt oak casket. "Everything considered, the old boy
facility. AMd in Rainer, Oregon police began drag- of Faarevejie are unhappy about it, The mummi- remained in fairly good shape," the conservator
giag away protesters yesterday fron the Trojan fled body of the earl, it seems, has been the remarked.
power plant, Ninety-two. demonstrators refused a Danish village's major tourist attraction since. it
plant official's. request to move from in frt of was unearthed. James Hepburn, the fourth earl
the gates and vowed not to leave until arrested of Bothwell, was an adventurous plotter of mur- On the outside
or the plant shut dowi. Saturday was the 32nd der and third husband of Mary Stuart, Queenof
anniversary of the dropping of the atom bomb on the Scots. He fled England after his part in the To optimists, today will be "partly sunny"; to
Iliroshima, murder of Mary's second husband was revealed pessimists, "partly cloudy." But the glass of water
* and died insane in a Danish prison in 578. For will be full to the brim, because weasould see
centuries, his mummified body lay in an oaken some thundershowers late this afternoon, and a
Heappen n s coffin underneath the floor of the parish church. high of S0. Tomorrow will be entirely sunny, en-
.l. if your own car baffles you, check out the At soase point a local resident - probably a sex- tirely dry, and entirely hot, with a high of 86.

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