The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXVI I, Na. 61s Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, August 9, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
PLO may accept Israel
President Carter and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance indi-
cated yesterday a breakthrough miay be developing in the Pales-
tinian stance on recognizing Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Mena-
hem Begin refused comment on the U.S. statements.
A Vance spokesperson said the United States would accept
the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as a participant at
Geneva peace talks if the guerrilla group would go along with a
U. N. resolution recognizing Israel's right to exist.
THE UNLTED STATES would drop its demand that the guer-
rille organization change its charter which calls for dismantling of
the Jewish state, Vance's spokesperson said in Saudi Arabia where
Vance is on a Mideast tour.
Begin met with top officials to dlscuss preparations for Vance's
arrival today. After the meeting, he was approached by Israeli
television cresvs in Jerusalem but drove off in his official car
'without making a statement. Other officials also refused coin-
Sources close to the Israeli government said the PLC) maneu-
ver might be a "smell trick," giving the impression of modera'
tion while still refusing explicitly to accept Israel's right to exist.
NEGOTIATING EFFORTS centered on U. N. Security Coun-
cil Resolution 242, which was approved on Nov. 22, 1967. It called;
for Israeli withdrawal from territories occupied during the June
1967 Mideast war ,a just solution to the refugee problem and the
recognition of every state's right to live in peace within secure
The principles, confirmed in a second resolution after a Mid-
east war in 1973, were accepted by Israel and its Arab neighbors
and have served as the basis for U. S. efforts at reconvening the
Middle East peace talks.
A PLO spokesman said in Beirut that his organization was
bound by policy not to recognize Israel or accept Resolution 242
but that changes could be recommended to the Palestinian Nation-
See PLO, Page 10
City picks groups eligible
to receive CDBG funds
The city's Comiurunity t)evelopment staff last night mude public
the list of public service agencies they certified to receive Com-
munity Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the city.
Laurie Wargelin of the Community Development staff ex-
plained that certification "does not guarantee that any one agency
will be funded," but merely that they are eligible for funding.
Wargelin said the total dollar request by certified agencies is $1
million. The agencies are conpeting for $30tl,0l, total, from the
CDBG funds earmarked for public service funding.
fied by City Council, last night
at the recommendation of the
Community Development staff
include, Neighborhood s e n i o r
Center, Center for Independent
Living, Broadway Drop-In Cen-
ter, Student Advocacy Center,
The organizations that applied
for CDBG subsidies, but were
ten by research bureau agents not certified include, Washtenaw
burned them with lighted ciga- C o u n t y Planned Parenthood,
hey were asked who were their Child Care Referral Services,
sponsors for studies abroad. Homemakers, Inc., P r o j e c t
a said he named a resident of Transition, Forest Hills Coopera-
k who in 1975 had visited Kam- tive, Drug Help, COPE, Project
promised to find him a place in Grw Pi ake Cooperative
- Second Baptist Day Care, anid
American or Canadian univer- Dawntreader, Inc.
bira said he subsequently receiv- Fourteen agencies were given
he had won a scholarship at a conditional certification because,
niversity. according to Wargelin, "one or
ys after their arrest, the Research two things were not tip to par
ummander, one Col. Francis Its- with the guidelines we set."
HUNDREDS OF DEMONSTRATORS gather near the Fermi II nuclear power plant Satur-
day to launch 100 balloons in a symbolic gesture protesting the widespread effect of radio-
active material. See story, Page 6.
tells of torture in .
NAIROBI, Kenya (Irt - During his 14
months in Idi Amin's prisons, John Seka-
bira says he helped bury the mutilated
victims of mass executions and one time
watched Amin dance after inspecting the
grave of massacred soldiers.
In an interview the 25-year-old medical
student - one of htndreds of Ugandans to
flee their na ive land this year - also wit-
nessed the Turial of an elderly white wo-
man last July 20.
THE D5ATE INDICATED she may have
been Dora Bloch, the British-Israeli grand,
mother who was left behind when Israeli
commandos staged their celebrated raid
on Entebbe to free hostages held by the
hijackers of an Air France jetliner. Bloch
had been taken from Entebbe Airport to a
Kampala hospital, and members of the.
hospital staff have reported she was mur-
dered by Amin's security police. .
Like the many other stories of atrocities
in Amin's Uganda, Sekabira's report can-
not be cerified. But the young student
claimed his ordeal was "mild" compared
with those suffered by other prisoners. tHe
said he was freed in June.
"The world must knowe about the hor-
rors of Uganda," he said.
"PERHAPS THAT way they may be in-
spired to do something about it."
Here is his story.
The ordeal.began Jan. 5, 1976, as Seka-
bira and two student friends were waiting
at the Estebbe airport for a flight to Can-
ada. He, George Nsubuga and Mike Sebi-
rimbi were ,seized by agents of Amin's
feared State Research Bureau and told no
students were allowed to study abroad.
The next day, the three were driven
to the security police headquarters in down-
town Kampala with hoods over their heads.
THElE, IN underground cells, they
were bea
who also
rettes. T
New Yorl
pala and
either an
sity. Seka
ed word
Quebec U
Twc dad
Bureau c
buka, visited their cell to find the three
students lying wounded in pools of their
own blood.
SEKABIRA SAID the commander order
ed his two fellow students, more critically
injured than he, to another cell. Sekabira
has not seen them since and fears they are
See STUDENT, Page 6
fied agencies will have until
Septemberito comply with the
guidelines and will be submitted
to Council for final approval. If
the organizations cannot meet
the specific guidelines for CDBG
funding for p u Ib i c service
See CITY, Page 6