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May 10, 1977 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-10

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Tuesday, May 10, 1

Page welv THE ICHIAN DILY Tesda. M , 10

indermen top field in AAF meet

In the g a m e of baseball.
there's nothing like a little argu-
ment between a manager and
an umpire to spice up the action.
Now, without going so far as
to say that a track meet is more
exciting than a baseball game,
an occasional skirmish involving
track coaches and officials can
also lend a certain controversial
flair to your basic meet.
TAKE LAST Saturd'y's run-
ning of the Ann Arhor Federa-
tion meet on Ferry Field for ex-
Even though Eastarn Michi-
gan's track coach Bob Parks
probably couldn't win a dirt-
kicking contest with Ralph Houk,
the Huron skipper can get pretty
hot under the collar when he
feels he's been wronged.
And he was a tiny bit on the
warm side last Saturday after-
Parks felt that his top hurdler,
Ed Parker, crossed the finish
line ahead of Michigan's Charles
Crouther and Don Wheeler at
the end of their 120 yard race.
The officials, h o w e v e r, saw
things a little differently, award-
ing Parker third place behind
Crouther, and Wheeler.
Without the photo - electronic
Accu-Track system in use, the
officials sight picks stood up,
thus incurring Parks' wrath.
"ALL THOSE guys (the offi-
cials) look for up there are the
blue shirts," said Parks after

the race. "My man was way
over the inside lane and they
didn't even see him."
Meanwhile, Wolverine coach
.Jack Harvey downplayed the in-
"That's just the way it goes
sometimes," he said. "I've been
screwed plenty of times before
tws. About the only thing that
you can do is file a protest, but
that doesn't usually help at all."
Parks did and it didn't.
AS FAR AS the rest of the
meet was concerned, the Blue
thinclads had things go pretty
much their own way against
lesser competition. Of the 18
total events, Michigan tallied
nine first places and 11 seconds.
C'routher, the sophomore hur-
dler-sprinter from Grand Blanc,
led the Michigan parade to the
tape, lending a hand in three
victories. Miler Steve Elliott
registered the season's best time
in the 1500 meter run-3:47.4.
"It was a pretty good meet for
us," commented Harvey. "We
ran it pretty low-key and we got
a chance to use some of our
other guys. Eastern gave some
real good competition."
The team ran without the
services of two of the top' field
event men - pole vaulter Jim
Stokes and long jumper James
Henry. Both have been out of
competition for a month with
hamstring t r o u b 1 e. - DAVE

Netters conquer
The globetrotting Michigan
men's golf team can take a cel-
lective short breath this week
after participating in two tour-
naments over the weekend, and
coming away with top honors in
one of them.
The Blue linksmen eked out a
one-stroke victory over the host
team in Western Michigan's
Bronco Invitational at Kalama-
zoo in a 36 hole tournament
played yesterday and Sunday.
The Wolverines' team total of
787 bettered the Bronco's score
by one and Kent State's sum by
Michigan was led by senior
captain Ken Walchuck, who shot
a 151 for the two day event.
Right behind him was junior
John Morgan, who posted a 152.
The Wolverines hustled down
to Kalamazoo from East Lan-
sing, where they placed fourth
in the 12th annual Spartan In-
vitational held last Friday and
Saturday. Michigan's number
one golfer, junior Doug Davis,

shot a one under par 70 in Sat-
urday's round to give him a 36
hole total of 143, which was
good enough for a second place
tie for individual honors. Mor-
gan aided the cause with a 74-
The Wolverines' strong show-
ing on MSU's Forest Akers
course may be a good omen, as
the Big Ten championships will
be held there on May 20-22. The
golfer's only action between
now and then occu'rs this Satur-
day when they host the 36 hole
Wolverine Invitational.
Linksters leap
The men's tennis team once
again swept through its Big Ten
season in convincing style, top-
ping it off with victories over
Indiana and Ohio State last
The victories gave the net-
ters a perfect 9-0 record in the
conference and an undisputed
claim to the Big Ten title.
After a short trip out west

this week, the squad returns
here for the, Big Ten Champion-
ships to be held May 20-22 at
the Varsity Courts. But the vic-
tory over the Buckeyes should
have locked up a bid to the
IICAA's in Athens, Georgia, no
matter what happens in the Big
Ten tournament.
Last year the Wolverines
won the Big Ten tournament,
but failed to secure an NCAA
bid because they lost to Ohio
State in the dual meet season.
That won't happen this time.
First off, Michigan set the
stage for the Buckeye showdown
by whipping Indiana 7-2 here on
Saturday. After sweeping all the
doubles matches, the Wolverines
won four of the six singles
clashes to clinch the victory.
Then on Sunday, also at the
varsity courts, Michigan broke
Ohio State's 15 match winning
streak, by downing the Buck-
eyes 6-3. Two of three doubles
victories and four of six singles
triumphs was enough to give
Michigan the win.
ice title

Joyous Portland pa
smell NBA conferen

PORTLAND, Ore. (' - The
Portland Trail Blazers returned
just before midnight Sunday to a
city experiencing its first full
dose of playoff fever.

The Blazers came home land's Memorial Coliseum.7
with a 2-0 lead over the Los Lakers were to practice th
Angeles Lakers in their best- later in the afternoon.
of-seven National Basketball Lakers Coach Jerry W
Association semifinal series said following Sunday's ga
and, with the next two games that his team is depending t
in Portland, the talk was of a much on Kareem Abdul-Ja
four-game sweep. bar, who had 40 points in t
But Blazers Coach Jack Ram- loss.
say was taking the old "one "Kareem simply cannot
game at a time" approach. e-erything for this club," W
"We just have to play tough," said. "It is too much of a b
Ramsey said. "We're not going den f r uanvone to shoulder."
to win the game just because Portland's Bill Walton has ,
we're playing it in Portland." continual help from his tea
Game Three of the series is mates in guarding the Lake
tonight and Game Four, to be center, but Abdul-Jabbar's I
televised nationally, will be play- Angeles teammates havei
ed Friday night. been much help in lessening
Ramsey called Sunday's 99- offensive burden.
97 victory over the Lakers" a Whiles the Lakers got the b
great win," but he said there of their offense from one n
are many things the Blazers the Blazers have had ab
need to do better. Over-all, he anced, quick attack. Sand
said, the team played much veteran Herm Gilli lm came
worse Sunday than it did in the bench to score 14 in
Portland's 121-109 rout Friday fo'irth quarter to spur the BI
night. ers' victory.
"It was a great win for us," West feels the Lakers aren
Ramsey said of the Sunday dead, but they have a tou
game. "We didn't play as well uhill battle.
as we had the previous game, "We lust both games at ho
bt we still won." to Golden State one year, t
"They worked hard to shut us won foir in a row," he said,1
off. We just have to work harder he added, "There was was
to get open," he said. "We little more talent on that tear
weren't making our cuts to the Desoite a 2% -hor delay
baskets very good and we were their flight from Los Angel
t a k i n g too many perimeter the Blazers were greeted
shots." some 2,000 fans at Portland
Ramsey planned to iron out ternational Airport when tl
those wrinkles at a practice ses- arrived just before midni
sion yesterday afternoon at Port- Snday. '
11jor Leagiue Standings


W L Pet. GB
Pittsburgh 17 7 .708 -
St. Louis 16 9 .640 1'
Chicago 13 10 .565 3't
Montreal 12110 .545 4
Philadelphia 11 12 .478 5
New Yorkh 10 16 .385 8
Los Angeles 22 5 .815 -
San Francisco J2 15 .444 10
Houston 11 16 .407 11
Cineinnati 10 15 400 11
San Diego 11 19 .367 12'.
Atlanta 9 19 .296 14
Yesterday's Games
Atldnta at Pittsburgh, postponed,
Philadelphia at Los Angeles, post-
poned, wet grounds

w L Pet. GO
New York 16 10 .615 -
Baltirndre 14 5 .609 1
Milwaukee 15 11 .577 1
Boston 14 11 .560 1'
Toronto 13 17 .433 5
Detroit 10 15 .400 5'
Cleveland 8 16 .333 17
Minnesota 018 10 .643 -
Chicago 17 10 .630 -
Kansas City 15 12 .556 '21
Texas - 13 11 .541 3
Oakland 14 14 .500 4
California 10 17 .370 --
Seattle 9 23 .251 11
Yesterday's Games
Cicago 6, Texas 3
Toronto 10, Seattle 4
Milwaukee at Cleveland, 1,
postponed, cola

LOS ANGELES LAKER center Kareem Abdul-Jabbai looks for help in Sunday's 99-97 defeat at
the hands of Portland. Trailblazers Maurice Lucas, Bill Walton and Lionel Hollins surround Jab--
bar on theplay. The fine play of this trio has accounted for the Blazers 2-0 edge in the best of
seven series. Three of the possible five remaining games are scheduled in Portland.

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