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The bill would eliminate penalties for possession of less than ten grams (about one-third of an ounce) of marijuana, a proposal more liberal than Ann Arbor'sj $5 pot fine. It would establish a commission to*set nar- row ranges of sentences for specific crimes and allow defendants to appeal sentences imposed beyond the appropriate guidelines. THE BILL-WOULD REPEAL the 37-year-old Smith Act, which outlawed advocacy of violent overthrow of the U.S. government and the Logan Act, forbidding private citizens to negotiate with a foreign govern- ment. It would narrow government authority to wiretap and increase fines for white collar crime to $1 million. It would allow reporters to ignore certain gag orders without fear of being cited for contempt of court. It would make conspiracy to commit murder outside the U.S. a federal offense and make bribery of corporations abroad a crime. As might be expected, there are a few disagree- able aspects of the new bill. It retains the federal death penalty for only one crime - hijacking an aircraft - but that's one crime too many. And while it allows con- victed criminals to appeal some punishments, it also permits the government to appeal sentences less severe than those recommended by the commission. ANY OF THESE PROVISIONS could be changed as the bill moves through committees and subcommittees of the House and Senate. Just a few amendments, added perhaps to placate conservatives, could cripple the new bill and make it almost as bad as the old S-1. With a reform-minded President and hefty Demo- cratic majorities in Congress, the chance to revise an antiquated crime code can't be bypassed. Letters to The Daily EDITOR'S NOTE: In the penultimate paper of the school year, Joshua Peck wrote an editorial on the plight of Soviet Jews, citing in partic- ular the case of two men - re- cently emmigrated from the U.S.S.R. - who were in Ann Arbor last month to discuss their trials and tribulations. Several persons replied to the editorial, but space limitations prevented us from printing those letters earlier. So, they will ap- pear on the Editorial Page to- day and tomorrow. oppression To The Daily: A short time ago, a review ap- peared in The Daily covering a book which declaimed the exist- ence of the Nazi Holocaust, the genocide of several millions of Jews and other nationals, as a hoax perpetrated against the world public by none other than the Jewish "non-victims" them- selves. This review was written by Joshua Peck. An editorial appeared later, in which the author of this previ- ous review remarked that his own thinking followed similiar lines in regard to the Soviet oppression of the Jewish popula- tion within her borders. While he realized the first claim was insanity, he nevertheless inform- ed the American public, most certainly, the Soviet oppression of Jews is a hoax. The facts say Soviet Jews are oppressed. Their houses of wor- ship, if still extant, are labelled as dens of anti-socialism and counter-revolutionism (or as me- dieval Russian theologians have put it, dens of serpents). Jews are harassed, economically dis- criminated against and impri- soned. For instance, anti-Jewish poli- cies in the past ordained that the Jews should wear an identi- fying marker, viz a yellow hat, a yellow star or badge. Today in the Soviet Union, Jewish citi- zens must carry identity cards clearly bearing the word "Jew," thereby making them easy prey to discrimination and persecu- tion in their daily lives, whether they are practicing Jews or not. Members of other religious groups carry no such stigma. Thus, the Jew is considered of' a separate nationality, although. official government policy is opposed to the existence of the Jewish State. The persecution of Jews and other ethnic minorities in the Soviet Union is embodied in the government policy of malign- ment and mistreatment of peo- ples seeking to assert their eth- nic identity. Mr. Peck spoke to a Jewish Soviet scientist, who conveyed rmost Soviet Jews are atheistic, so why would one want "to re- vive freedom of worship?" Be- sides being blantantly untrue, the statement reeks of oppres- sion. Mr. Peck's statement, "Jews are better off than the general populace," is both unfounded and indicative of a deeper ha- tred. Stereotypes are the staple of bigotry and the malaise of genocide. Peck's statements concerning the economic state of the Jewish population sound- ed more like a reiteration of the class struggle with the Jews as his targets. Mr. Peck says: "The organi- zations that defend Soviet Jewry from oppression can be com- pared to a committee to pro- tect members of the Rockefeller family from persecution for pos- session of marijuana." The equation of the move- ments of the elitist and exclu- sive Rockefeller cult with an oppressed people's struggle for self-determination may make a pretty-sounding analogy, but in substance it's just plain slow- witted. It sounds like a case of bigot's revenge. Being that the Rocke- feller taint already hangs hea- vy, why not include Soviet Jew- ry and American Jews as well in. the commonly hated putres- cence. As long, as you're looking for groups to include, take a look at the Palestinian cause, the Women's Liberation move- ment, the still ongoing black and chicano civil rights move- ments. Are "exclusivity and elitism" inherentxin these, al- so? According to your defini- tions, Mr. Peck, any group struggling to define its own identity and to fight for free- dom from persecution would fit the mold. Do not the Jewish people have the same right to stand by their brethren as do other peo- ples? Georgians and Ukrainians in the U.S. are sympathetic to Soviet Jewry's cause, and the American Soviet Jewry effort is sympathetic to the plight of each of the former. Each group is working for the liberation of the Soviet Union, with the ma- jor thrust being the liberation Of their own peoples. While it's true that Jews work- ed strenuously for general civil rights during the 60's, must they turn a deaf ear when these same freedoms are denied to their own people? Are you, Joshua Peck, attempting to invalidate a community's responsibility for the welfare of its members? That Mr. Peck attended he- brew day school does not lend qualification to his- statements as being indicative of their veracity. That an individual is Jewish does not make him or her the unquestionable spokes- person for the whole of his/her people. Mr. Peck's statements cannot be taken as being more significant than personal bigo- tries and self-hatreds and/or as gross ignorance of the facts. Jacob D. Sandberg Mitchell Weiss Peck chided To The Daily: In the April 16 issue of The Daily, Joshua Peck leveled a series of serious accusations at the American Soviet Jewry Movement. We feel an urgency to respond to Mr. Peck's allega- tions. Three weeks ago, on March 27-29, a Symposium on Human Rights in the U.S.S.R. convened on this campus. Coordinated by AKTSIA/Action for Soviet Jew- ry and Human Rights, lectures were presented by leading schol- ars and former Soviet dissidents and political prisoners, focusing both on the Soviet Jewish prob- lem and the Soviet dissident movement. We ask, simply, did Mr. Peck attend? Mr. Peck's' questions and personal opinions could have, and should have been voiced at the symposium where just the issues he raised were being discussed in a pub- lic forum. We furthermore feel it was irresponsible and disgraceful of The Michigan Daily Editorial Staff to have printed his dis- torted and misinformed article, and yet to have completely ig- nored the recent symposium. Prof. Herbert Paper Prof. Andrew Ehrenkreutz Lev Lifshitz Rabbi Martin Ballonof Rabbi William D. Rudolph Rabbi Allan Kensky