Poge Faur THE MICHIGAN IDAILY Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY "MAN" TONIGHT AT 8 at hne UNIVERSIT 0' M CHIGAN JULY 2 29 & AUGUST 4 T JULY 27 30 & AUGUST 2 5 JULY 2831& A UG U S T 3 6 n the POWER CENTER for the performing arts ° Mtvt chigar Rep TicketCO?' ce Mon 1-5 . Mendelssotin Theatre Lobby For Trckret inormat on Cal l3 164 04b0 _.; Student Saturday, August 6, 1977 :s clash with police, in South Africa JOHA-INNESBURG, South Af- rica 1-Police used birdshot and dogs to scatter students boy- catting classes yesterday in the troubled Il a c ktownship of Soweto. Police entered two schools in the segregated city of L2 mil- lion blacks, the independent South African Press Association. reported. The news agency said several students were treated for bird- shot wounds and dog bites. Sev- eral others were arrested. BLACK LEADERS were pre- paring for a mass rally tomor- row in Soweto. Many schools in the township were deserted as thousands of students j o i n e d the boycott, launched Monday, despite gov- e-nment threats Thursday to shut down schools indefinitely. The students are protesting black education which they say is inferior to that provided for whites. Class boycotts were also re- ported in. black townships Out- side Vereeniging, 35 miles south of Johannesburg, and Pretoria, the capital. "I HOPE THE people of So- weto will turn up in their thou- sands," Dr. Ntatha Motlana, head of the Committee of Ten, sa id of tomorrow's planned rally. The Committee of Ten, made up of prominent Soweto leaders, seeks full autonomy for the black city now governed by the white-run West Rand Adminis- tration Board. The government, however, is prenaring to hold elections in Sox-' to select a "',rminity con--" which worrld be white- controlled and havc limited to- 'al powers. The UBC, described by black m.litants as a puppet body with only advisory powers, collapsed when students forced most of its members to resign last month. V U LENCE When someone drinks too coffee never made anyone sober. : much and then drives, it's the silence Maybe it would keep him awake that kills. Your silence, long enough to have an accident: It kills your friends, your But that's about all. relatives, and people you don't even The best way to prevent a know. But they're all people you drunk from becoming t dead drunk could save. is to stop him from driving. If you knew what to say, A Speak up. Don't let silence be maybe you'd be less quiet. Maybe the last sound he hears.' fewer people would die. What you should say is, "I'll drive yoshome." Or, "Let me calla r--------------------' cab."Or, "Sleep on mycouch IDRUNK DRIVR, DEIT.Y A-I ca.OSepo ycuh I BOX 2345 I tonight." i ROCKVILL.E,MARYLAND 20852 Don't hesitate because your I I don't want to remain silent. friend may have been drinking only Tell me what else I can do. beer. Beer and wine can be just as I intoxicating as mixed drinks. name-... .... And don't think that black A coffee will makehim sober. Black ------t---------- RIENDS DON'T LET RIENDS DRIVE DRUNK. Today & Sunday of 1:00-3:40-6:20-9:00 I n11td 1atssla T s & Sunday at -3-5-7-9 Oaen 12:45 ArLL NEWI THE RAD NEWS BREAKiNG ATRNING Td a &Sundaya 3 5 -9 Open 12 45 Uner1 Not Admateed .. a-