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May 10, 1977 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-10

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Page Ten


Tuesday, May 10, 1977

PageTen HE ICHIAN AILYTuedisy Ma 10,197

37 blacks die in
Rhodesia fighting

Council limits sewage dumping

(Continied fross age r-
forces inside Rhmdesia to re-
cord levels. Zimbabwe is the na-
tionalists' name for Rhodesia.
A MILITARY spokesperson
said recently the number of
guerrillas inside Rhodesia was
up from a mere 10 at the end
of 1975 to some 2,500 by April of
this year.
Intelligence offi-iols s avthey
believe more thfin 6,000 blacks
have been trained or are un-
dergoing training in Zambia,
Mozambique and Tanzania.
Intelligence reports here sug-

gest large shipments of arms
from Eastern bloc countries
have recently arrived in those
three black-ued states and
more are expected as a result
of pledges by the Soviet Union
and Cuba to increase support
for the nationalists.
Black nationalist leaders esca-
lated the guerrilla war in an
apparent effort to strengthen
their hand in the British-Ameri-
can diplomatic campaign to re-
store peace and introduce black
majority rule here.

(Continued from Page I)
lons, but will not bring the city
within the legal limit.
law told Council that the state
Supreme Court had lifted Fink's
ban against the city, thus giv-
ing the green light to further
hook-ups to the sewage treat-'
ment plant.
Mayor Albert Wheeler was
pleased by the Court's action,
but he had some reservations.
"i am happy that the ban was
lifted but I am not rejoicing be-
cause this Council must be cog-
nizant of the fact that we are
still polluting that river," said

IF THE BAN was not lifted
by the state Supreme Court, it
would have forced Ann Arbor's
construction industry to a vir-
tual standstill.
However, last night's resolu-
tion prohibiting the dumping of
wastes by commercial septic
tank c l e a n e r s will probably
greatly inflate the rate charged
by those businesses.
"The closest alternative dump-
ing spot is Wayne County," said
Council member Jamie Ken-
worthy. "I am sure those resi-
dents dependent on septic tank
services will be paying more to
have them cleaned."
IN OTHER activity, Council

continued it's working sessions,
familiarizing members with the
city budget. Last night, the
budget for the city's department
of streets, traffic and parking
(STP) was reviewed.
This department has been un-
der pressure recently because of
the deplorable condition of An
Arbor's streets.
Department head John Rob-
bins reported the scrapping of a
planned five year program to
improve the city's streets. Plan-
ning for the project was com-
pleted before voters rejected a
street's improvements millage
in last April's election.


Carter, Assad discuss Mideast peace
(Contiamed from Page l) peace with guarantees for the might try to force Israel to ac- round of talks. Carter will then ing toward negotiations with
ion (NATO), after which he future security of these coun- cept his own terms for a Middle decide what should be done to somewhat more optimism than
[i fil back to Washington. tries which all can trust." East settlement. As a sign of reach a settlement. at any point in recent history."
pressure, they point to a State
CARTER MET WITH the CARTER SAID ASSAD, who Department proposal to end Is- THE AMERICAN official said The mseotin g on Berlin also
aders of Britain, France and has emerged as the key Arab rael's preferential status in there was a consensus among touched on other such subjects
est Germany in London be- leader in the negotiations, "has arms purchases from the Unit- the British, French and Ger- as arms limitation, troop reduc-
re leaving for Geneva yester- a great role to play" in the ed States. mans at yesterday's "minisum- tions in Central Europe and
y, and the four issued a state- quest for peace. Assad called the Arab-Israeli rit" in London "that- meaning- next month's Belgrade confer-
ent reaffirming their commit- But in Tel Aviv, acting Is- differences "pernicious, diffi- ful progress toward Middle East ence reviewing progress on the
ent to the security of Berlin raeli Prime Minister Shimon cult and complicated," citing in peace can be made." 1975 Helsinki agreements deal-
d warning against Communist Peres accused Assad of intran- particular Israel's continued oc- "In a sense," the official con- ing with human rights and oth-
forts to weaken four-power sio e in the Ra tt d - cuvation of Arab territories and tinued, "I think we are mov- er issues.

control of the divided city.
On arriving in Geneva, the
President reiterated his support
for establishment of a Pales-
tinian state, a core issue in the
Middle East.
"There must be a resolution
of the Palestine problem and a
homeland for the Palestinians,"
he said. "There must be some
resolution of border disputes,
and there also must be an as-
surance of permanent and real

hg~l~ IIInUe eAsM state-
Israel's ITIM national news
agency quoted Peres as saying
Assad's declaration Sunday that
"not one inch" of Syrian terri-
tory on the Golan Heights could
be left in Israeli hands amount-
ed to a refusal to make any
concessions leading toward a
have expressed concern Carter

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its "denial of the legitimate re-
cognition of the various .
Arab.people of Palestine."
Carter said two weeks ago it
might be pointless to reconvene
the dormant Geneva peace con-
ference on the Mideast without
a strong indication progress
could be made. On arriving in
Geneva yesterday, he said be.
had come with the "hope that
later on this year we might
come back" to work out a reso-
lution in the long troubled re-
ASSAD WAS the fourth Mid-
east leader to meet with Car-
ter, who had previously con-
ferred with Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin of Israel, Presi-
dent Anwar Sadat of Egypt and
King Hussein of Jordan.
A senior American official
who asked not to be identified
said Carter would meet with
Peres if, as expected, he be-
comes prime niinister as a re-
siilt of Israel's May 17 nationai
elections That meeting wiiould
take place soon after the elec
tions, the official said.
After the series of meetings is
completed, Carter will send See-
retary of State Cyrus P. Vance
to the Middle East for another

(Continued trsomPage 5)
monized well with Wallace's
slow but steady blues phrases,
and pianist Dave Maxwell join-
ed in with a fine set of rhy-'
thmy chords.
Sippie also made a solo ap-
pearance earlier in the show.
Standing by the piano decked
out in fox fur and a feathered
hat, she brought back memories
of an earlier decade with semi-
scorching versions of "Mighty
Tight Woman,"' "Lovin' You
the Way I Do" and others, in-
cluding the advice:
If your man stays out
all night til mornin'
When he comes in, -
don't fuss with him,
Just hit him on the head
with a rolling pin.
Alithough Sippie sas more
pampered - being older and
a woman - Raitt's warm-up
groap, Martin, Bogan & Arm-
strong, received no less enthu-

207 E. LIBERTY 663-8611

Bonnie's blues hash

siastic a response from the audi-
ence. Billing themselves "tie
last of the old-time (blues)
string bands," this dynamic
black quartet (there are two
Armstrongs) has updated its
forties act - like Bonnie - hr
adding- electricity to the instr-
But even without it, the cr-nt
couldn't have helped enjonJ
old favorites like "lady lv
Good," the group's "theme
song," "You're Nobody l' I
Somebody t oves You," it
Bailey" and "Sumtmertine."
unique, eneirgetic s olin solos
the feet tapping, Cal Mart
still-rich blues ci ooning ti
mandoli)n got the torsos crm
rocking. shite the smiles v
changed between guitarist ted
Bogan and Tons Armstrotgn
bass were echoed amongte
fans -- especially during a un
ber catled "Ice Cream Fr
er," which Armstrong clait
was definitety not naught,.
nil depends tin where your .t
is," and a catchy tune wi
featured either Potynesit
vords or a good imitation th
Martin, Bogan & Armst rtr
put the crowd in a good mo.
Sippie kept them there. Ad
Bonnie took them higher, to
phoria. After five enoores -
Prine's "Angel From Montgttt-
ery," Del Shannon's "Runawt"
and Kaz' "Gamblin' Man" from
the new LP, the flashy calypis
"Wah She Go Do," and "Sweet
and Shiny Eyes" - they stilt
weren't satisfied.
"When you're not satisfied,
you've got the blues," Sippie
declared. So even after all thaot
rock, Saturday's fans were left
with the blues, but they lot-ed
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