The Michigan Daily Vol. LXXXVI1, No..59-5 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, August 5, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Na tive American advisor optimistic By RON DeKETT Dorothy Goeman, the Native American member of the Minority Student Services program, says once students have reach- ed the University level her goal is to help keep them there. "Once they get here, I step in and help keep them here. Any counseling they might need whether it's problems with financial aid ar if they are unhappy with housing or they need special titors, I try to help," she said. GOEMAN WHO is part Chippewa, part Mohaw, was born and raised in Detroit. Her parents were the founders of the North American Indians Association. She helped the founding of the Women of American Native Tribes and was instru- mental in developing the -Indian Com- prehensive Employment Training Act (C'ETA) program in both,. Ann Arbor and Detroit. Goeman says once Native American students have hurdled the obstacles and reached the University it is her job to keep them there. But the school drop-out rate among Native American students is high and the reasons range from prejudice to cul- tural differences, Goeman said. "I THINK the biggest problem, espe- cially for kids in high school, is the amount of prejudice that is shown. It is still very common," she said. "Even today there are a lot of teachers who still hold a lot of the stereotypes that Indian children are dumb. If they feel the children are not going to learn, they are not going to try and teach them. So there is this type of negative attitude coming at the kids from all directionts. Not only from the surrounding commu- nity but more importantly from the teachers and staff." Another factor which makes it very difficult for Native American students to compete in a university setting is their own cultural background, Goeman explained. "T) the Indian people the family is all important. They have to see their family See NATIVE, Page 10 House rejects gas tax hike WASHINGTON () - The House overwhelmingly rejected a proposed five cent a gallon increase in federal gasoline taxes yerterday. The 339-82 vote markod the first setback for any major portion of Presi- dent Carter's comprehensive energy plan. A second proposal for a four- cent increase also lost, 370 to 52 WITH CARTER'S support, House Democratic leaders had proposed the gas tax as a means of encouraging Ameri- cans to drive less. An estimated $6 billion in new federal revenues would have been divided between mass transit programs and helping states to improve secondary highways and bridges. While the House spent its third fill day voting on the pro- visions of the President's 580- page energy plan, Carter sign- ed into law the Department of Energy, the new cabinet agen- cy designed to carry out his energy policies. T H E GASOLINE tax would have hit motorists in two stages: half in 1978 and half in 197,. 7locals protest Kent St. gm ~y GREGG KRUPA T'lt grass r( its effort aimed -, , ,a' haltitg the constructitin of a gv:'tnssitm on the site of the My 4, 1971) Kent State shoot- l11im t tame to Annt Arbor yester- d-ty in the f:trmt of a protest raty on the I)t ' x'hich sore 75 peopte attetnded. The United - att. give'rn- -ielt hss ueer admitted that it III thl-' seip'l to s -and tip and av whi h w csrrett rtiad ti fllsw l vi-. t'a, said Jim Fr of t' M Florth Coali- titton "nd tt it sat Kent State w h er e tti .c -er-lip continues . as the University tries to , .- u it a gvm t tlthat hallowed g' ti z- ;/---- - r> AX1 ltr h Coalition is a "roip of si-dents, and former stdudents if Ke'at State Univer- ity whts h ase formed the back- hone of the effitrt. 'The coalition has riised mire than $20,000 in iegai fee- and expenses. The gr tup is ctrrently in debt for anoher 0i, 001. We're hoping to pay off the I rest of the noney with benefit cocerts a d rallies like these," explained Nathan Soory, also of the Coalition. Representatives of v a r i o u s p capsorganizations, including Io I I> the Graduate Employes Organi- zation (GEO), the American Federation for State and County Employes (AFSCME), the Iran- JM P FRYE, a member of h Ptoby N FRS ian Students Organization, and JII~ FRE, memer f te Ma 4t colitionspeks the Revolutionary Students Bri- to the 75 students gathered on the diag yesterday as part gade, gave solidarity speeches of a Kent State rally in opposition to the construction of at the rally. a gymnasium on the site where four students were killed 'A TEMPORARY restraining on that campus four years ago. See DIAG, Page 10 But Republicans and niny IDemocrats who are otherwise supporting the President's en- ergy package said there is no evidence that an increase in the present four cent per gal- lon gasoline tax would reduce fuel consumption by American motorists. They said Americans have been driving more, not less, since the oil-producing nations raised prices dramatically in 1973 and gasoline prices near- ly doubled. "IT ISN'T going to make a single bit of difference,"' Rep. William A. Steiger. (R-Wis.), said before the vote. - Republicans alsi repneatedly noted that another tax portion of the energy plan still to be voted on wil have the effect of raising gasoline taxes an esti- mated seven cents per gatlion over te next three r fiiir years. Under the second tax, Imlst U. S.-produced oil wiulld grad- ually be taxed to raise its price to the level of oil sold by oth- er producing nations. It is as- sumed that U. S. oil companies would pass on about twii-thirds of the tax t consumers. I3 U Tu T' I E so-called crude oil equalization tax also calls for the revenues to be rebated to taxpayers at an average of $44 to each head of household. Nonetheless, House support- ers said the additional nickel tax was also needed as an ad- ditional impetus for reducing U. S. gasoline consumption, which has been climbing by about four per cent a year. Ret). Thomas Ashley, (D- Ohio), chairman of the louse Energy Committee, said the nickel tax hike would go far to- ward meeting the administra- tion's goal of reducing gaso- line consumption by ten per reit by 1985. ''AWe htve io suihiw ill the stiiiiach see cats iin reaching this goal. Ashley said of the most piilitically unappetizing question tto come before the Ilsouse a irs debate in the (otr- ter energy package. When ('oter annoiunced Itis energy pln lasti April 20, it incltuded a standby gasoline tax thsit wsvtuld take effect only if consmiispticn kept rising. It could hive gone ut five cetits a year to as high as 5l1 cents a gallon by 1985. Missing GM exec have no clus yet t)ETIROIT (U1P1)-A man teutatively identified as a General Motors Corp. executive omissing since Wednesday morning was found dead yesterday afternoon next to a railroad track in suburban Ferodale. The body of Carson McDowell, 43, an assistant merchandising manager for Chevrolet truck sates, was discovered about a half- mile from the site in Detroit where his abandoned station wagon had been found hours earlier, police said. FERNDALE POLICE Chief Donald Geary said officers were tpe by a Grand Trdnk & Western railroad crew that had spotted He said two lacerations were noticed on the body, hot cause of death was not known, See POLICE, Page 7