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August 04, 1977 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1977-08-04

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Page Ten

Ticket office plans lottery
tsuned :oo, l's 'rt it has caused problems in the
* Tuesday. September 13, 8 past.
a.m. to 4 p.m for sophomores But Chris Bachelder, a Michi-
who should have U2F, on their gan Student Assembly repre-
ID cards. sentative said the lottery sys-
* Wednesday, September 14, ten was not representative of
for freshpersons who should the student's desires. ,
have E on their It) cards. In the fall of 1976, students
Rtenfrew said his office had voted to adopt a computerized
adopted the lottery to cut down ticket system which would ran-
on the number of people who domly assign seats. Tickets
line up weeks before the ticket would be mailed out to students
lines open. He said although which would eliminate waiting
lining up early is a tradition, in long lines.
There IS a difference!!!
ttb't Ori+ r' sororam 'rovrdes an umbrelao tttt
ow-toe 5+ tOenablts us toft Er the best pre oaratos
r +t', c r ~rter w/w c uctrs rs takon Covrr 3£3 yr
(te,,'o,'sd succss Sma classes. V t tous .
. tii~ty i "Co"'ses t t are Constantly op
55if P 'ttnttr i t t rs i, dyC evynnOgs s wek
"pds ,ye Comott ototft-spef esforreview © of cies
r t , ..,tt tto o ur c ntcs
Flexible Programs & Hours
Writte or ol
dNo stat, et Onfly dHa laj EDuCATlONALCENTER
e0Me0ae tso tt,. TEST PREPARATfON

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, August 4,1977
Battling in the Union: A
bloodless Worid War I1

(Contiuted from Page I3
let people know that for every
glory there is so much more
stress and strain," Finley said.
"There is a difference between
reading and recreating. In our
recreation there was no blood
btut still there was the tension."
Their recent 'recreated war
began in August 1939 with Ger-
many's attack of Poland, and
ended in a draw in the summer
of 1942, To cover the three year
period took seven days and
over 150 hours of playing time,
"We called it quits when we
found we had made a blunder
in the rules," Finley said.
"You always should read -the
rules," he joked.
very grateful that it is over. If
it had gone on for the full dur-
ation I would have gone mad
and there is no way anyone
could win with that attitude,"
"It's amazing Stalin could
hang out as long as he did -
he was so despondent," he said
of the Russian leader. "I don't
understand how anyone could
be able to do it on a day-to-day


game Finley's tension increas-
ed and his smoking habit rose
dramatically. Usually a one or
two cigarette a day person,
during the soar he increased to
a pack and a half daily.
"We tried out a lot of things.
We tried to change history, but
the farther we got along the
more we found it could not be
done," Finley said.
"Could it have been differ-
ent? Possibly. There are a lot
of if's - but that's history,"
he continued.
group playedi was not an exact
replay of the original. This time
around, Germany caused Po-
land to fall in three weeks ra-
ther than the original four;
Russia attacked Finland and
Finland attacked Russia and an
aggressive France didn't allow
Paris to fall. But, this is over
30 years later.
Finley finds there are lessons
to be learned in simulating the
war citing the strategic devel-
opments, the tensions which
cause errors and the drive to
victory and glory.
The players learn that the
pressure they put-tuponthem-
selves for a quick victory in
Africa or an early end to the
war often leaves them vulner-
able in other areas. At one
point England was so busy pro-
tecting the Suez, that England
herself was left otgarrisoned:
BUT FINlEY is concerned
with "the strategy of the game
new U.S.
(tontinuett foam Page t
their economic problems."_
tf Communist paries come ti,
power in Western Europe as a
result of economic problems'
stemming from the e n e r g y
crisis, he said, "it wilt mark a
tragic watershed in America's
relationship to it's alliances."
The former secretary of state
stressed that the energy crisis
has placed the entire spectrum
of U.S. foreign policy as it
weakens world democracies, un-
dermines the e c on om y and
"frustrates the hope for pro-
gress of developing nations."
THE U.S. must act now to
make itself the leader in over-
coming energy problems and
combating pressures placed on
the world economy by oil-pro-
ducing nations before the prob-
lem is out of tontrol, he said.
D u r i n g his 45-minute long
speech, Kissinger called for de-
velopment of a national energy
strategy which would include
conservation, development of
new fuel supplies and coopera-
tion among consumer nations to
provide economically feasible
fuel supplies for all democratic
Kissinger said, however, that
while the Organization of Petro-
leum Exporting Countries
(OPEC) now has worldwide
"weapons" of oil and petrodol-
lars, they are not invulnerable
to pressure f r o m importing.
countries. Oil producers need
markets for their oil and eco-
nomic problems in importing na-
tions will also have financial
impact on the exporting coun-
tries and their overseas invest-
ments, he explained.
"Energy conservation and the
reduction of the West's oil im-
port requirements are as much
in the producers' long-term in-

more than anything else."
Dungeons and Dragons is a
game Finley would much rath-
er play. "I enjoy it much more
The conflict is much more ho-
morous," he said.
Another Dungeon and Drag
ons player, Bob Sarber, et
plained his affection for the
game. "It's interesting, it's a
challenge trying to beat the
odds. When you cono right
down to it - no matter bOte
good you are -- it comes doitrit
to the roll of the dice"
E V E R Y T H I N G de
pends on the many-sided dice
"For all the damage tiflr
ed, for the poswer of a magc
users spell - it's the rol al
the dice," player Tony Beltes
A character is developed
from dice rolls, to. 'he rol
determites intelligence, chars
ma, agility and other varis
"C L E R I C S, fighes
magic - users and thievesa te
mainly the characters we use
and off of those w e have
branches," Belers said. T' be
come an enchanter --- a Tpe
of magic-user - for examittlle
a player would have to rl a
high constition, high deterit
and high intelligence.
Cooflict- and chance are uhat
these two games havei n ctimt
oon, as well as the chatiee to
escape from the presentt As
Finley put it, "It's a heck of.z
Energy is
terest ast they are in or aa"
he said.
"CONSUMERS, producers and
developing c o u n t r i e s should
learn from the energy crisi
both the dangers of ectntiic
warfare and a more hopeful
recognition of their common
stake in a flourishing and jus
world order."
Kissinger I a u d e d President
Carter's current policy of en-
ergy conservation saying "what-
ever the merit of specific ele-
ments of the program, the Pres-
ident's objective deserves the
support of all Americans."
He later chided the adminis
tration for being "less energetic
in pressing for new sources of
energy and in fostering coptera-
tions with the industrial deinoc
racies than in stressing conser-
KISSINGER c a 11 e d nuclear
power one of the wld's best
hopes as an alternative to pe-
troleum power, particularly for
Western Europe and Japan, de-
spite worries about the "prolifer-
ation of nuclear weapons." e
also urged the development of
other sources of power.
During a question and answer
period following the speech, is-
singer said he "supported the
objective of the best American
tradition" of President Carter's
human rights policy but refused
to comment on specific aspects
of the program.
"The U.S. has stood for free-
dom and human dignity fx
years," he said, but added "le
(Carter) has certainly intro-
dared new dimensions to foeit
Of the past 47 presidentia 15'
augurations, only 30 were hel1
in clear weather. Ten were held
in rain and seven in snow

It's possible to go into an annual checku p feeling terrific.
And come out knowing something's wrong. it happened to
me. The doctor found what I couldn't even feel,... a little
lump under my arm. iff1 had put off the appointment for
one reason or another, I probably wouldn't be here today.
Because that little lump I couldn't feel was a melanoma, a
highly aggressive form of cancer that spreads very quickly.
It's curable-but only if found in time.
So when l tell you, "Get a checkup," you know it's from
my heart, It can save your life. I know. It saved mine.
It can Saveyour life.
American Cancer Societ
bawacnpiomat 1 wooRAc ia

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