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Thursdovy August 4 17
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Vance offers Lebanon aid
.._ .
BEIRUT, Lebanon OP) - U.S.
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance
paid a four-hour visit to this
war-torn capital yesterday and
offered $143 million to help re-
build Lebanon.
Vance told reporters after a
luncheon meeting with President
Elias Sarkis that the funds,
which must be approved by Con-
gress, would comprise $100 mil-
lion in soft loans to rebuild the
Lebanese army and $43 million
more in humanitarian and re-
construction aid.
arriving here at noon from
Egypt, flew to Damascus in the
late afternoon to begin a two-
day round with Syrian leaders
in his six-nation, peacekeeping
Before Vance had even com-
pleted the first leg of his jour-
ney, some A r a b newspapers
were already calling the mission
a failure because of remaining
obstacles over the key question
of the Palestinian role in recon- . of the Palestinian cause among
vened peace talks. eArab leaders.
The leftist Beirut newspaper Yasir Arafat, leader of the
As Safir, in a story headlined Palestine Liberation Organiza-
"Vance mission fails in holding tion, was renorted to Da-
Geneva conference," said the mascus at the time of Vance's
proposal announced in Alexan- early evening arrival. American
dria to hold "working group" officials have ruled out the pos-
meetings next month between sibility Vance would meet di-
Middle East foreign ministers rectly with Arafat or other Pal-
was a sign that progress was estinian leaders on this tour.
not achieved. But Israel agreed
with Egypt that their foreign THE SECRETARY of state,
ministers could meet in the arriving under stringent secur-
United States next month to ity at Beirut International Air-
smooth over procedural issues port, was driven directly to the
blocking the conference. presidential palace where he
met with Premier Salim el-Boss
EGYPT'S authoritative paper and Foeign Minister Fuad Bu-
Al Ahram said President Anwar tros before lunching with the
Sadat rejected a U.S. suggestion president.
that Palestinians participate in Vance's motorcade traveled
Geneva talks only after they past buildings pocked with bul-
recognize Israel's right to exist. let holes from the 19-month civil
The Arab press said Vance's war but he did not see the heav-
talks in Damascus would likely ily devastated portions of down-
be even tougher than in Egypt, town Beirut.
since President Hafez Assad has On his first trip to Lebanon
emerged as the prime champion last February, Vance pledged
$50 million in U.S. aid to help
rebuild the Beirut port.
The Lebanese stopover was
the least important of Vance's
tour, aimed primarily at finding
a common Arab-Israeli formula
for holding peace talks.
Vance said he discussed with
Lebanese leaders the feasibility
of h a v i n g a United Nations
peacekeeping force stationed in
southern Lebanon near Israel to
prevent clashes that have con-
tinued since the civil war ended
between Palestinians and Is-
Taeli-backed Lebanese rightists.
An assortment of interesting facts
The Russian Mission, Alaska,
settlement became the site of
the first Yukon trading post of
the Russian - American Com-
pany in 1837, says National Ge.
Reducing the speed of a DC-8
by 14 miles per hour adds only
four extra minutes to a flight
between Chicago and Los Ange-
les, but saves 164 gallons of
One fathom is six feet or 1.8
Arkansas has over 9,000 miles
of streams and rivers, 2% mil-
lion acres of national forest
lands and 600,000 acres of nat-
ural and man-made lakes.
William Howard Taft, 27th
president of the United States,
later became chief justice of
the Supreme Court.
volume LXXXVII, No. 58-S
Thursday, August 4, 1977
Is edited and managed by students
st the Ulniverstty of Miehigan. News
phane 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 4s109.
Published daily Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor. Michigan 48109. Subscription
rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
tersi: $13 by mail outside Ann
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
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people who can,
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