Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, August 3, 197 Wasserman protests nuclear plant (Conuied Irom Page 1) which includes a rally at the Fermi II site on Saturday. The purpose of the Monroe rally, Wasserman said, is to raise the awareness of area residents about nuclear power. "It's important that people see the site, the place is a wreck, the natural environment has prevented, "it would go along way to stopping the nuclear plant." The developing movement against nuclear power will "shake the U. S. government like it hasn't been shaken since Vietnam," he said in a speech at the Union last night. be m an n CO "d d im a ye sa fig Fe ity ar tic sa en destroyed.' SEVENTY N U C L E A R Wasserman and the other power plants are now operating embers of the Clamshell Alli- in the United States, with sev- ice, an organization of anti- eral more in the planning clear groups on the East stages. Wasserman said he ex- ast, hope to bring the issue pects anti-nuclear sentiment to own to the grass roots level." come to- a head by next spring in a worldwide movement. A S T U D E N T SUPPORT is number of large scale protests partant, but you can't build have already taken place in movement around students, both Europe and Japan. u need the local people," he "The question of nuclear pow- id. er cuts to the center of peo- He said the major tactic of ple's existance," he emphasiz- Hhting construction of t h e ed. "Nuclear power plants are rmi It plant is to fight util- not a sideshow issue in this rate hikes. Most rate hikes country." e being used toward construc- Wasserman said solar and tn o nuclear power plants, he wind energy are the answers to id, adding if rate hikes are the world's power problem in BattereWd wtf burns ex-husband's- homeu the future. He lauded solar power for its feature of private ownership. Solar energy means community power, that's why utilities are terrified of them." HE ADDED THAT nuclear power plants do not create as many jobs as other types of energy producing methods, par- ticularly solar energy which can be installed by semi-skilled laborers rather than requiring large amounts of technological knowledge for installation and maintenance. Wasserman also attacked President Carter's - energy poli- cy and his failure to live up to a campaign promise of no fur- ther construction of nuclear power. During his speech before more than 200 persons at the Union last night, Wasserman touched briefly on the events before and during the Seabrook occupation. Although most of those who occupied the con- struction site were not part of the Seabrook community, the protesters received support from the town of 5800. "LOCAL PEOPLE IN New Hampshire were happy to have us up there," he said. "it's not (a case of) the old Left work- ing for a new cause, the locals are the strength of the change" Much of the protest at Sea- brook centered around a pro- posed cooling system which would pump 1.2 billion gallons Bu lard tours local of water daily out of the ocen and return it 39 degrees hotte This plan was later vetoed b the Environmental Protectir Agency as detrimental to ocea life. Residents also opposed tt plant because of the inabilit to evacuate the area resident and tourists quickly enough i case of a radioactive leakage More occupations of the Set brook site will be organized construction is not halted. "W started out with 18 people (i August, 1976), that wasn enough. Then 180, and tha wasn't enough. Eighteen - hun dred was almost enough," Was serman said. "Maybe next tim we'll have 18,000 people and that doesn't work we'll mo- the city of Boston up here'- housing of the Housing Law Refor+ Project conduct more tours i the future and take along It gents and members of Cit Council, "It seems to me there is need for code enforcement herr There is a need for a tenant union that can grow stronger and for collective action on th part of the tenants agaiS some of these overcharges, said Bullard. Teich and Jonathan Rose. a torneys for the project, precen: ed Bullard with a set of state tics compiled by the I1oisin Law Reform Project whic, it cording to Teich, "uts it together as to what contdt are like around the cits " (continued from Page 1) they were greeted by a col- lector from the city water de- partment who told Allen the water in the building would be turned off unless the landlord paid the overdue water bill. The water department employe complained about the landlord, Edith Epstein. "It does not seem right that I should turn the water off here. I should go to the land- lord's place and turn the water off for her. She's been shut off more than once for not paying her bill." Bullard wryly commented on the house's condition: "Maybe a tent would be just as good during the summer." THE SECOND house on the tour was a building on S. Divi- sion. Paul Teich, lawyer for the Housing Law Reform Project, said the facility was included on the tour because "it is an ex- ample of what a-rent strike can gain for the students." The tenants staged such a strike for nearly two years in an effort to obtain needed re- pairs on the premises. Some repairs were eventually made. The third stop on the tour was a large house on E. Kings- ley. Bullard seemed genuinely surprised at the rent and the condition of the house, HE SUGGESTED members (Coeitiaed from Page 4) D E F E N S E attorney Greydanus. who entered private practice in January after five years as an Ing- ham County assistant pros- ecutor, has consistently re- fused to let reporters speak with Francine. "I don't watat this case to be tried tn the iiewspapers," he said. Greydanus promised a "novel" defense and indica- ted tthat he may use ele- ments of a temporary in- sanity and a self-defense argutetat tlat "are not necessarily mutually exclu- sive.' "£li.mondaq 8-1op.m. MinedDDrinks PITCER NO T 611 Church As 995-5955 torsi ht 611 Church A 995.5955 Iummer Hour Rion-/rot, opm-2om 611 Church A2 995-5955 Francine Hughes current- ly is undergoing psychiatric evaluation, which Greydan- us asked the court to order, Some observers believe' that Greydanus may at- tempt to plea bargain for a charge of manslaughter, which Prosecutor Houk re- portedly is unwilling to con- sider at this time. Defense committee Mem- hers hope the case will go to trial to demonstrate the stress and frustration pro- duced by long-term abuse. Friends and her attorney, however, report that Fran-.- eine, though bothered by a lack of privacy in the small jail, feels free from a fear that had overwhelmed her for years-. Cambodia raids 2 Thai villages (Coniined from Page 3i Thailand and ended prospects -for cooperation. Communication between the two governments now is nearly nil, although Thailand recognizes the Com- munuist regime. Border clashes have been frequent in past months, ,but Thailand so far has refrained from retaliatory thrusts across the 500-mile frontier which is'. poorly defined in spots. REPORTS FROM the border said the bulk of the raiding forces - estimated at about 350 men - slipped back into. Cambodia after the predawn attacks yesterday. But the Thai command said some Cambodian patrols were still in the area, near the Thai town of Aranya- prathet about 150 miles east of Bangkok. The command said 200 Cam- bodians killed 12 civilians, in- cluding six children and two women, in a 45-minute attack on Chalor Changan village where the raiders burned 10 houses. Shortly afterward, about 1150 Cambodians struck Sangas, sine miles away, kill- ing 16 persons in a ti o h onslaught, the Thai cc mm said. Sketchy reports front t r mote villages indicated tttti Cambodians were able t( to weak defense uoits sni Ii bodian traps and mites . i as mud from the mtno stalled ground rein ote THAT HEl'tOPT !" ships and other a dispatched as wel Chalor Changan . a third of a mile iitiie. a): as defined by Tha m Sangae two-thirds of ite. is not known whether t dia claims the villages STEVE'S L UNCH 1313 S. UNIVERSITY 769-2288 COME FOR Vegetable Ternpura Sweet & Sour Korean Bar-B-Q Dinner Beef Dinner (Bul-go-gee) Fresh Bean Sprouts Mandoo (Kyoza) Plate Brown Rice WE TAKE CARRY-OUT ORDERS The Trancendental Mekditatio'n- Prgranm INTRODUCTORY LECTURE TON ITE--Wednesay, Aug. 3--7:30 p.m. Multi-Purpose Room, 3rdFloor Undergrad Library FOR MORI INFORMATION: 668-8256 Students International Meditation Society FREE PUBLIC LECTURE Cc 1976 World Plan Exacutive Council-tU.S. Al r-hts reseveid Transcendental Medltattaai25 and t Tss, are serveirkas stof WPEC-US., a nn-pratit educstional organization. Carter asks lower marijuana penaltie (Continued from Page 1) said federal drug agents do not actively pursue investigations for simple possession of small amounts of marijuana. "When we go in thinking there might be heroin or co- caine and find small amounts of marijuana, we normally re- fer that to the state or local authorities," the spokesperson said. Carter's proposal would sub- stitute a 'civil fine, much like a traffic ticket, foruexisting criminal sanctions. CONGRESS IS PRESENTLY considering one measure that would attach a $100 fine to a possession violation, said Dr. Peter Bourne, the President's special assistant for health is-- sues. He said a second bill be- fore Congress contains no fine. Bourne said the administra- tion would not send Congress a bill of its own, but from Car- ter's message it was clear ths the President wants at lea some amount of fine retaine States are free to adopt vhs ever marijuana laws the /wa Carter's demand for . crac down on buyers and seers it aimed particularly t lar suppliers and smugglers. "G ing after the opium pippy fr" which heroin is derived as tl 'to the source as possible is t key to what we are trying do," Bourne said. "I'm ordering the attors general to concentrate breaking the links betweenU ganized crime and drug tr ficking," Carter told reporte The President told Congr "Drug triffickers must uncl stand that they face swift, c tain and severe punisha and our law enforcement judicial system must have resources to make this pect a very real threet"