r M Ym TI ER t POOR ruot HUOQLWcMA56eK. r Lr~ THE CASE OF THE BATTERED WIFE: Defense tries a clear womhan of The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, August 3, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 M. Car industries ply public with Iobs vs. air crisis BACK AT THE BEGINNING of the decade, the Clean Air Amendments became an Act of Congress, and a piece of legislation the major American auto companies would come to deplore. That Act set certain minimum standards for acceptable levels of auto emissions, which Congress expected the auto companies to implement in the 1975 models. Then, along about the middle of the decade, the auto companies cried out for mercy. Congress quickly relented, extending the deadlines to the 1976 mnodels, then to the 1978 models. Now, those companies want the same deadlines to be extended through to the 1979 model cars. Under no circumstances should Congress fall to the blackmail proposed by the auto industry. By threaten- ing to close down all manufacturing plants in the United States if the deadlines are not extended, the companies pose a difficult choice: jobs or clean air. BECAUSE AUTO EMISSIONS standards have been in the public forum since 1965, the car industry has little excuse for not meeting the standards previously set in 1970 for 1975. Rather than consider another roll- back of the deadlines, Congress should seriously discuss a set of federal level penalties each time the auto com- panies ask for a stay of the deadlines. Instead of blaming their. own sluggish efforts to meet the standards, the auto companies choose to blame Congress for the current problem. Because Congress didn't meet industry demands to drop the deadlines quickly enough, the industry would blame Congress if forced to meet their bluff. But the auto industry cannot afford to layoff their workers while they shut down their plants. Those shut- downs could affect as many as one in six jobs in Amerj- ca. After completing a record profit making quarter, the industry could well afford to meet stiff penalties while moving full steam ahead to meet the standards now. Clean air is much too important to pass up because of political quibblings over standards, guidelines and deadlines set back in 1970. TODAY'S STAFF News: Stu McConnell, Ken Parsigion, Sue Warner, Barb Zahs Editorial: Linda Willcox Sports: Gary Kicinski Photo: Christina Schneider By LINDA GRANT Pacific News Service The defendant is Francine Hughes. She is 29, the moth- er of four children - and the ex-wife of a man police say she tried to burn alive at their home last winter in this small town outside Lansing. Hughes, police charge, set fire to the house March 9 as her ex-husband slept. Earlier in the day, police had come to their home to break up a fight between the couple. Later, they say, she set the fire, bundled her children into the car, and drove to the Ingham County Sheriff's Depart- ment, where she allegedly yelled to deputies: "I did it. I did it. I burned him up." When Francine Hughes stands trial in October she will bring with her a sheaf of police reports and testi- mony from friends and neighbors showing that for a decade James Hughes, the dead man, had subjected her to repeated beatings and psychological abuse. "THIS CASE may well set a new standard for self-de- fense," said attorney Nel- son Brown, a founder of the Francine Hughes De- fense Committee. Contin- ued abuse over an extend- ed period, rather than a single threatening incident, he argues, may be estab- lished as the basis of a self- defense plea. "We are not condoning a woman's killing of her hus- band, but we must give these women (battered wiv- es) alternatives to deal with so this kind of tragedy doesn't happen again," said Carrie Sandahl, another de- fense committee member. "We feel that, because Francine was given no oth- er alternative but to defend herself in the best way she knew how, all charges against her should be dropped." The Hughes defense stra- tegy meshes with a grow- ing nationwide campaign for the protection of bat- tered wives. State and national crime statistics show that most violent crimes continue to occur in private homes. A 1973 FBI report found that a quarter of all mur- ders are committed within the family - and over half of those involve one spouse killing the other. The na- tional crime report estima- ted that there are at least one million battered wom- en in American families- a factor that figures prom- inently in family murder cases. Ironically, in the Hughes case, Ingham County Prose- cutor Peter B. Houk won election last year in a cam- paign which included state- ments of sympathy for bat- tered women. Hughes is faced with two charges: first-degree mur- der, implying premedita- tion, and felony murder, a charge used when someone died during the commission of a felony - in this case, arson. Bail is normally de- nied in first degree murder cases. "I feel that she has been overcharged," says Aryon Greydanus, Hughes' court- appointed attorney, adding that the felony murder charge is the same as one lodged against suspects in a recent bank robbery in which a Lansing police of- ficer was killed. INGHAM COUNTY Dis- trict Judge Robert Bell, who bound Hughes over for trial, declared during that hear- ing: "Were I not a judge, my initial reaction would be one of compassion and I would think bond should be set. I do not believe Hughes will leave the area." Under the law, though, he said, "my hands are tied." Hughes has shared a cell in the Ingham County jail since March 9 with several other women awaiting trial in felony cases. Her four children, ranging from five to 12 years old, 'are living with her mother and are barred from visiting her in jail. She has seen them only once since March, when she appeared in court for a cus- tody hearing. James Hugh- es' parents filed an unsuc- cessful suit to gain tempor- ary custody of the children. Aside from the legal is- sues, the case has raised provocative questions about' the public's attitudes to- ward battered wives and, Hughes supporters main- tain, it provides insights into the practical and psy- chological barriers that pre- vent a woman's escape from. such a situation. FRANCINE AND JAMES Hughes were high school sweethearts in Jackson, Mich., and they married when she was in her teens, before she completed high school. They moved to near- by Dansville. The four chil- dren were born within six years. But according to her friends the marriage was marked from the beginning by James Hughes' violence toward his wife. Betty Cover, Francine's classmate in secretarial courses at Lansing Business University at the time of James Hughes' death, re- called that Francine went out of her way to warn an- other classmate who had been hit by her boyfriend new to murder to "be careful." Cover says Francine told her Hughes beat her before their marriage but that she had expected things to change. "I was so naive,' Francine told the woman. IN THE SIX months be- fore James Hughes' death, Betty Cover says she fre- quently noticed large bruis- es on Francine's body, which Francine told her were caused by "spankings" her ex-husband gave her after the two fought ver- bally. "He was very jealous of her," Cover said, explain- ing that he frequently showed up unexpectedly during an hour break in Francine's classes-to check up on her. The marriage ended in di- vorce in 1971, and Francine moved back to Jackson. Shortly after, however, James was seriously injured in an automobile accident, which occurred after an ar- gument with Francine. Ac- cording to Francine's attor- ney, Hughes' parents pres- sured her into returning to Dansville to care for him. With the help of an Aid to Dependent Children grant, she purchased a home next door to the one where James lived with his parents. James apparently spent large portions of time at both houses, and the complaints of physical abuse of Francine began again. ACCORDING to defense attorney Greydanus, James was a member of Alcoholics Anonymous, and there were hints at a preliminary hear- ing that he may have had mental problems. Police were called to the home on a number of occasions, and Hughes was jailed at least once, although Francine apparently never- pressed charges against him. Francine Hughes' enroll- ment at the business school was an attempt to get off welfare. Her ex-husbarid's resentment over her return to school was the focus of the argument that brought police to the Hughes home on the afternoon of March 9. James Hughes allegedly became angered when Francine began to prepare quick frozen meals after returning from morning classes. During the fight, James tore up and burned some of her textbooks and notebooks. The house fire broke out several hours later, after James had fallen asleep in the bedroom. Hughes died of smoke inhalation and was found near the bed- room door. See BATTERED.-Ps--