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August 02, 1977 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1977-08-02

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Tuesday, August Z, 191 /1


Doge Seven

' 1 4

Tao. .,. d .. aus L_. f[H MHGNALYPgeSee

Republicans charge Carter with
support ng b latant po tica payoff
WASHINGTON (P) - Repub- ping up in the past 30 or 40 hood that the rejection of cargo of the oil at first and 9.5 per tee hearings last week was Ro-
lican leaders accused Presi- years,' said Orock. preference will be seen as a cent after five years. The ad- bert Blackwell, assistant secre-
dent Carter on yesterday of Baker and House Minority broken promise, we support the ministration says this would tary of commerce in charge of
supporting a cargo preference Leader John Rhodes said they limited cargo preference op- cost, consumers $110 million the Maritime Administration.
bill as a "a blatant political would try to subjoena adminis- tion ...' per year, but the General Ac- Baker said Blackwell has
payoff" for the maritime indus- tration officials if necessary to Eisenstat's memo said Treas- counting Office has pegged at been offered a $100,000 a year
try's contributions to his cam- testify about the cargo prefer- ury Secretary W. Michael Blu- at $240 million. job by the maritime industry
paign last year. ence legislation when it comes menthal and Charles Schultze, The only administration of- and added, "Now, that just
The Republicans said the bill, up before the House Merchant the chairman of the Council of ficial to testify in subcommit- smells."
which would require that U. S. Marine and Fisheries Commit- Economic Advisors, were
tankers and crews carry up to tee today. among the "many" members of "" r " " "
9.5 per cent of the oil import- "They will testify or we're the administration who "feel j J , y , + + * > iV1 +1 +
ed into the United States, could going to make them wish they that no version of cargo pre-
cost the consuming public $800 had," Baker said. ference is acceptable."
esein rg p rie ncrae AT A JOINT -news confer- FORMER President Gerald
enery prces.ence, Baker, Rhodes and Brock Ford twice vetoed bills that
THE REPUBLICAN leaders cited a memo to Carter written would have assured U. S. ship- LA DIES' N-pGHTw
said Carter, whose campaign by White House domestic af- pets and crews 30 per cent of
received more than $100,000 fairs advisor Stuart Eisenstat the petroleum import trade. ONCE UPON A TIMdsE '
from maritime interests, was that described cargo preference During the campaign last year,
ignoring the advice of several as a "flawed concept." Carter said he would support a 516 E. LIBERTY
top officials in his administra- According to the Republi- modified preference for U. S. MORE INFO? 994535
lion who oppose the measure, cans, Eisenstat's memo added: flag ships.
d How- "in light of your commitment The proposed bill would guar-
aSenBaker cotarLeader - to the industry and the likeli- antee U. S. tankers 4.5 per cent-
tion to the milk fund scandals
of the Nixon administration andBy the time
called it "a bidding agandal
which simply must not be cov- we're old enough to
ered up." a a ! ahave children, we've
Republican party chairman ee
Bill Brock also accused the ad-
ministration and Democratic- on the idea.
controlled Congress of foot- By our parents,
dragging on the Korean influ-
ence buying probe, and of try -our grandparents,
ing to ignore questions about our friends and
budget director Bert Lance's neighbors the media
bank loans.n g
"I DON'T recall in the first It's hard to
six monthe of an administration
more political scandals crop- remember we ever
had a choice in the
There are two living former first
Presidents of the United States.place.
Richard Nixon and Gerald But there is a
I ord; and five former Vice choice. Having a
Presidents, Richard Nixon,c hid i n d
Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockefel- child is a tremendous
e-, Hubert Humphrey and responsibility and
SpiroAgnew. 1 . an important decision.
Probably the most
Ti g ~important decision
nw Tiwell ever make.
weAnd once it's
mon.-rot., Op.m.-2a.m. made, it can never
F " be undone.
-fPECIAL/- Just remember..
mondo you do have a choice.
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for you.
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