Saturday, July 30, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Voge Five Saturday, July 30, 1977 fHE MICHIGAN DAILY l'age Five Two Planning employes reject bias setement (Continued from Pase 3) role in the proceedings. have the opposite stance of let- T H U R S D A Y'S settlement IF THEY REJECT the settle- ting attorneys see investigative granted Morton $4,369.69 in back ment they can appeal the matter files," she said. pay from the time he was laid to Federal Courts or through the King remained confident of off last fall until the city offered Civil Rights Commission. winning the racial discrimina- him a job in March. The other King said she is taking steps tion case against the city. She two employes, Blake and Weath- to force the Department to re- claimed that by making conces- er, were to have. disciplinary veal the contents of its findings. sions to the Planning Depart- actions removed from their em- She claimed that the Depart- ment employes the city was ad- ployment records. ment is going against federal mitting its guilt. According to MCRD proce- policies by not divulging its con- "I've never seen anybody re- dure, the complaintants have tents. spond to make an offer unless the option of rejecting the settle- "The MCRD is connected with they were convinced the MCRD ment between the city and the the EEOC (Equal Economic found a reasonable cause," she Department since they had no Opportunity Program) and they said. Minority counselor explores 'U' maze (Continued from Page 1) reading and what I have been in a specific problem area. Ly- Education Psychology at Iowa seeing it looks like there are ons and her counterparts will State and was a high school people who perceive barriers meet \ and decide which area counselor for two years., She when there isn't someone of each wants to be responsible has also taught English and the same ethnic group they for. Speech. can turn to. Whether the bar- "We see ourselves more as a Lyons said she is still ex- riers are there or not, if they team rather than individuals ploring the mood of the campus are perceived by someone then locked into one ethnic group," to determine what, is available that person is not going to she said. for students in general and mi- seek help," she said. But, she added, "the import- nority students in particular. The new program will have ant thing is I'm here for any- "From what I have been four persons, each specializing body who needs help" Basebali hts a home run } t An Assortment of interesting facts Domestic fuel consumption is Circe, ,according to Greek expected to leap from 8.9 b'it- mythology, had the power to tion gallons in 1976 to 15.6 bil- change men into beasts. When lion in 1988, says a recent re- the Greek hero Odysseus resis- port by the Federal Aviation edther spell, she fell in lkve Administration, with him. L ANN AUiUCIU [U[AtCC-CI TONIGHT, SAT., JULY 30 DR. ZHIVAGO (David Lean, 1965) 8 ONLY'-MLB 3 In his Nobel Prize-winningnovel Boris Pasternak wrote of the Russian Revolution with love and great sorrow. In the magnifi- cent film version, David Lean has recr.,ted the chaos of history and its splintering effect on the individuals caught uo in it. History and love story. "At once generous vet austere, huge but never out of human scale, gently unfolded vet full of power, it is a work of serious genuine art."--Richard Schickel, LIFE. Omar Shariff, Julie Christie, Rod Steiqe, Geraldine Chaplin, Alec Guiness. ADMISSION: STILL ONLY $1,25 i CINEMA 1I ANGELL HALL AUD SAT., JULY 30, 1977 BODY AND SOUL. ACADEMY AWARD WINNER DIRECTOR, ROBERT ROSSEN 1947 The gutsy story of a boxer. Rocky fans can revel in this film which predates the current rage for Sylvester. John Garfield is fantastic and BODY AND- SOUL is Rossen's first big triumph. Aca- demy Awards for Best Picture and Best Actor Starring John Garfield. 7:30and 9:30 $1.50 1 with parents and (contued frorn Pase 3) their children in baseball by en- rolling them in AARB's program or by attending the games, they don't e nv is i on their young Johnnie heading off to fame and fortune because of a glove or bat. Mrs. Bacon, whose son John is a catcher, believes America's familiarity with the game of baseball eliminates the pressure by parents on young players. "THEY KNOW t h e i r kids won't be m a k i n g the big leagues, where in hockey or football you might think of them playing it at the college level," she said. A few parents agreed that in the long run that what they tell a child will have little outcome in how they swing their bat or stand at the plate. "I don't think they listen to us for better or for worse," one mother said light heartedly. Still the parents cheer the children on. Shouts of "Straight- en it out Billy" or "Run, Doug run" ring in the ears of the young players during the games. "I NEVER really got into baseball before but watching Dan play I'm beginning to enjoy the game very much. I'm even beginning to enjoy professional games," Mrs. Pettit said. And there is a humorou' side. "Don't slide -- I j u s t washed those white pants," yelled one beleagured mother, In the stands mothers and fathers often compare ways to whiten and brighten the easily- dirtied w h i t e uniform pants. They try pre-soaking and La France blueing, and just like a television commercial, the chil- dren notice. The mother of Chris, the catcher lamented, "I just wish he would notice how clean the rest of his clothes are." The uniform doesn't make the player but the players do like their uniforms. One team even b e g a n a two - game winning streak once they got their uni- forms, "THE KIDS just love any- thing that's official-a hat, a belt-especially a t-shirt," Mr. Bacon said. A batting helmet is also part: of the uniform and the coaches do the best to remind the play- ers to keep this protective de- vice on. One coach, in his final words before the game, said, "Don't take the batting helmet off on your way to first base. That's an error. We almost got burned on that last week." Beyond s a f e t y protective items, regulations also protect a pitcher's arm. A young pitch- er is allowed to pitch only nine innings a week. BUT SOMETIMES a parent along the sidelines will still try to protect his or her child. One unidentified father firmly com- manded his son to sit down on the bench while his team was up at bat. His son obviously would have preferred the free- dom to stretch his legs and play a little catch, but he obeyed his father. players Other fathers also coaching from the sidelines offer needless advise. to-their sons, often em- barrassing the youngsters. In a typical conversation father ad- vised, "Swing the bat level and straight." His young son said through clenched teeth, _"But I did." AARB ISN'T ittle League Baseball. "This is more casual. Little League is so highly organized with their lists of rules. I under: stand girls can't play," Mrs. Peggy Hiss said. This year approximately 2000 boys and girls are participating in AARB. According to Larry Dishman of Ann Arbor's recrea- tion department, more children are involved than last year. There is a fee for the AARB program that covers the cost of the uniforms but that doesn't stop many youngsters from play- ing, "Every kid who wants to play with a team can-I don't think we turned any away," Dishman said. i m Robber fumbles his way through holdup CLINT EASTWOOD as 1972 DIRTY HARRY 4 Inspector Harry Callahan's hard-nosed persona, violent encounters and colorful methods earn him the nickname "Dirty Harry." His job is to get a sniper named Scorpio. With a slam-bang finish. SUNDAY FREE SHOWING "WINGS" (1 st Oscar Winner) at 8 CINEMAGUILD TONIGHT AT OLD ARCH.- AUD. 7:30 & 9:30 Admission $1.50 P115 Ad 1(1 (Continued from Page 1) into his car, which was parked in front of the bank. The bank declined to disclose the exact amount of money taken. Ouimet said it was "un- der $200." Seconds after the man reach- ed his car, the device concealed in the money exploded, cover- ing him with red dye, and'emit- ting tear gas. The car then crashed into a Michigan Bell van, also parked in front of the bank, according to the police. The man fled from his car, leaving the money behind, "MONEY MUST have been flying when he got out of that car," one of the police officers on the scene said. The suspect was apprehended at his residence on Chelsea Circle. "They (police) almost beat him to his house," said Ouimet. The man in custody is also a suspect in other robberies. Po- lice are trying to obtain a war- rant to search his home for other stolen items they suspect may be located there. "WE KNOW he had been stak- ing us out," said Ouimet. "He'd done other similar robberies from what I gathered." Several attempts have been made to rob the bank before, but according to Ouimet, "This was the first time anyone got money out the door, and he didn't get very far." The bank recovered all the money.