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July 30, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-30

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The.Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXVI I, No. 55-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 30, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Counselor explores 'U' maze

The University has added two women
to the payroll-one Asian American and
one Native American-to fully staff the
minority student services located on
the second floor of the Michigan Union.
The hirings are one of the final steps
the University must take as it phases
out the Minority Advocacy Program and
activates the new Minority Student Ser-
vices Program.
ANN LIU LYONS, 39, entered her
position as the Asian American mem-
ber of the Minority Services team July
Lyons is a petite woman with a re-
laxed, open (presence. She is articu-

late, her voice is soft and she looks
people in the eyes when she listens and
talks. ,
She first became aware of the pro-
gram when her parents told her of an
ad in the newspaper. She talked with
Thomas Moorehead, director of Com-
munity Services and when the job was
offered, slTe accepted.
"I like meeting people," Lyons said.
"I felt that my background, training and
experience would fit the position."
THOUGH ONLY in the University for
two weeks Lyons has been busy meet-
ing with department heads and putting
out feelers to check the pulse of the

"My immediate goal is to find out
what both the administration and the
stsjients see as having occurred in the
past. What trends they see and then go
from there," she said.
"It is too presumptious to say now
I am going to do this and this and that
without knowing what has happened in
the past," she explained.
Lyons was born in Ann Arbor, spent
eight years in grade school here and
was an undergraduate student at the,
University. She has extensive back-
ground in counseling including working
as volunteer at the Crisis Walk-In Cen-
ter in Ann Arbor and a counselor for
Youth for Understanding. She taught
See MINORITY, Page 5


Judge blcks Kent State gym
KENT, Ohio (At) - A federal judge ordered a halt yesterday
V to construction of a building near the spot where four Kent State
University students were killed by Nitional Guardsmen during
a 4970 antiwar demonstration.
. The order came several hours after more than 60 demonstra-
" ;.; tors were arrested when they tried to prevent the ground break-
ing for a gymnasium annex. A bulldozer moved in and started
tearing up the earth after the protesters were removed.
LATE YESTERDAY, U. S. District Judge Thomas Lambros
in Cleveland ordered the bulldozer, giant drills and bulky earth-
- 9 mover idled until another judge could listen to public arguments
f on the construction.
,n Sixmembers of the group opposing the construction, includ-
ing Alan Canfora, one of nine persons wounded in the antiwar
demonstration seven years ago, had asked the judge to halt con-
The six had sought a temporary restraining order to suspend
} Ff;any alterations on the hill from which National Guardsmen fired
':on students until the U. S. Department of Interior decides whether
to declare the scene a National Historic Landmark.
See JUDGE, Page 4
d Thick-headed'thief
thwarts own heist
A young man's attempt to rob the Campus branch of the
Huron Valley National Bank of about $200 yesterday morning
didn't quite pa-nut. In fact, the man ended up covered with
red dye, breathing tear gas, smashing his car into a van,
and not getting away with a dime.
F y '"It'was not a very well thought out crime," said branch
., .:, r manager Mark QUimet.

CITY POLICE are holding a young man in custody for
arraignment tomorrow night, but are withholding his name
pending authorization. lie will be charged with "larceny in
a building" with a possible maximum sentence of four years.
According to the police and bank sources, the man entered
the bank, apparently intending to make a withdrawal from
his savings account. The withdrawal from the teller's cash
drawer was apparently a spur of the moment decision,
sources said.
After Noel Daniels, the teller, began processing the with-
draiavul, the unarmed man reached across the counter in the
center of the bank, and into Daniels' cash drawer. The thief
grabbed a wrapped package of ten dollar bills from the
drawer and fled the building, leaving his withdrawal slip
(complete with his name and address) with the teller.
THE MONEY stolen was apparently rigged with an anti-
theft device, activated when the man left the bank and got
See ROBBER, Page S

STUDENTS RALLY to protest a new gym near the site where four Kent State
students were killed seven years ago.

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