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July 29, 1977 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-29

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!w ! r t t il A W a i w a i W r. f a r


Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, July 29, 1977
Expert looks at Big 10 race

Michigan Football Coach
ANN ARBOR (UPI) - Winning in the
Big Ten will be more difficult this sea-
son than at any time since I've been in
the league. Just looking at last year, it's
evident that overall improvement in
competition is here.
Iowa proved this early in the season,
ripping Syracuse, then shocking Penn
State. Illinois followed by overpowering
a fine Missouri team and Minnesota
nearly upset Ohio State. Then of course,
Michigan did not escape untouched, los-
ing to an inspired Prdiie team.
against Illinois at Champaign and the
head coach there has been scouting us
for eight yeard. We know Gary Moel-
ler will have the Illini ready. And when
we travel again to Purdue, Coach Jim

Young is not unfamiliar with what we
do. There are other coaches around the
league who are convinced they can win
and they're working at it.
Yes, the balancing is here. A limit of
95 scholarships by NCAA regulation, the
fifth year option for players, scouting
restrictions, all serve to promote this
balance, not only within the Big Ten,
but on a national level as well. College
football is healthy. There just aren't any
sner powers who will dominate every-
'b'(iv as in past years.
to the 1977 season. A year ago I wasn't
sure I'd be coaching and it was a thrill
to be on the sidelines when the season
did start. We had a tremendous season,
winning the conference title and going
to the Rose Bowl. Many of the players
who contributed to that success are re-
turning, but we did lose half our offense

with the graduation of tailback Rob
Lytle and wingback Jim Smith.
We are counting on tailback Harlan
Huckleby and fullback Russell Davis to
have fine junior seasons. They both were
starters at times last year and gained
more than 1,500 yards between them.
RICK LEACH BEGINS his third sea-
son as a starter and if he improves as
much this year as he did from his fresh-
man to his sophomore year, we'll have
an outstanding quarterback. As a sopho-
more he threw 13 touchdown passes and
that tied a Michigan record.
Michigan's offensive line matches up
with anything in college football. Bill
Dufek and Mike Kenn return at tackle,
Mark Donahue was an All America
guard as a junior, and I know of no cen--
ter in the nation any better than Walt
Our losses by graduation were most

pronounced on the defense, You have I
feel the loss of Calvin O'Neal, an A
America, linebacker and our co-captain
and tackle Greg Morton.
outside linebacker and heis not only s
of the finest defensive players wew
had at Michigan, but ranks as one
the premier punters in football. Dom
nic Tedesco was an academic All Bi
Ten end, as was Jim Pickens asa de
fensive back. There are several opet
ings to be filled, but with youngste
like Jerry Meter and Ron Simpkins
linebacker still improving, I think we'
be okay.
Since 1973 only one team has goa
through the conference schedule undt
feated. It is becoming more difficult t
win in this league, but we go into ever
season expecting to win the champion
ship. This season is no exception.

Unsinkable Cubs edge Reds 16-15

CHICAGO - Pitcher Rick
Reuschel singled with two out
in the 13th inning and scored
on singles by Steve Ontiveros
and Dave Rosello Thursday to
give the Chicago Cubs a 16-15
victory over the Cincinnati
Reds in a game featuring a re-
cord - tying 11 home runs.
Reuschel, coming on in re-
lief in the top of the 13th as
the Cubs' seventh pitcher,
boosted his major league
leading record to 15-3 after
having blanked Cincinnati
Tuesday on five hits. Jack
Billingham, 8-8, took the loss.
The Reds took the lead in the
12th when George Foster dou-
bled and scored on Dave Rose-
ilb's error to give Cincinnati a
15-14 lead, but the Cubs tied it
in the bottom of the 12th on
George Mitterwald's - second
homer of the game. It was the
11th of the game and tied a ma-
jor league record.

Foster doubled and Johnny
Bench walked to open the 12th.
Cesar Geronimo flied out. Dave
Concepcion tapped to the
mound and Pete Broberg threw
to second only to have the ball
get through Rosello for an er-
ror as Foster scored.
The Cubs had tied the game
in the bottom of the ninth
when Bobby Murc singled,
went to second on a walk to
Jerry Morales and scored on
Steve Ontiveros' single to
The Reds smashed five home
runs - three in the first inn-
ing - and the Cubs had six -
two in the first. The five hom-
ers in one inning by both teams
also tied a major league re-
Ken Griffey, Pete Rose,,
Bench, Mike Lum and Cesar
Geronimo homered for the
Reds. Bill Buckner and Mitter-
wald had two each for the

Cubs with Murcer and Morales
hitting one apiece.
Speaking of slugging
NEW YORK - Thurman
Munson, Graig Nettles and
Roy White walloped home runs
in a 15-hit attack, and Mike
Torrez hurled a four-hitter to
lead the New York Yankees to
a 14-2 rout of the Baltimore
Orioles Thursday.'
Munson's 14th homer of the
year leading off the third inn-
ing triggered a three-run \New
York rally and Nettle hit num-
ber 23, a two-run shot in the
fifth, as the Yankees exceeded
their biggest run production of
the season.
Nettles, who also had a run-
scoring single that knocked
out loser Rudy May, 11-9, in
the third inning rally, had
three RBI for the day along
with White and Chris Cham-

bliss, who was perfect at the
plate with two singles, a dou-
ble and two walks.
White capped the Yankees
scoring with a two-run blast in
the eighth inning, the left field-
er's eighth home run of the sea-
son. ,
The powet show was , more
than enough for Torrez, 9-10,
who breezed through the first
five innings without allowing a
Baltimore hit. He gave up a
run in the first inning on a sac-
rifice fly by Eddie Murray and
another on Doug DeCinces' 11th
home run of the year in the
seventh. Torrez walked four
and struck out six as he won
for the first time since June 25
Dozen does it
B O S T O N - R o o k i e
Mike Paxton pitched a four-hit-
ter in his second major league
start and Jim Rice, Bernie Car-
ho, Butch Hobson and Denny
Doyle belted home runs Thurs-
dav, leading the Boston Red
Sox to a 12-0 victory over the
Milwa',kee Brewers.
The Brewers, who mauled
Roston pitching for 20 hits
Wednesday night, were hand-
cuffed by Paxton, a 23-year-
old right hander called up
from the minors May 22. Mil-
waukee managed~ just four
ground singles, , two each by

Von Joshua and Jim 1%ynn.
Rice, the American teag.
home run leader, doubled hoi
a run in a six-run Boston thir
and then led off the fifth wit
his 27th homer. Carbo cappe
the Boston third again.t Mi
waukee starter Sam Hind-, O
with a two-run homer, i
ninth. Carbo also got a s c
fice fly and a single.
Hobson, who had three hits
lined'his 20th homer high into
the screen in left center wtith,
one out in the eighth. then
after singles by Carbo anc4
Rick Miller, Doyle lined his'
second homer just inside the
foul pole down the right liel
Walking to win
Gene Garber issued a bas
loaded walk to pitch hi
ter Reggie Smith with nobod
out in the ninth inning, forcis
home Bill Russell with th
winning run and giving 1,
Angeles a 2-1 victory over Phi
adelnhia Thursday.
Russell led off the ninth
with a triple off losing ,itch,
er Jim Kaat, 4-6, only th
fourth Dodger hit. Garber re
olaced Kaat and intentinnal
lv walked Steve Garvey an
Ron Cey. Then he Walke
Smith on a 3-2 count to force
in the winning run.

Majo, Leaguue Shuuudinis
East East
w L Pet.GB w L Pet. G
Balitmore 57 43 570 - Chicago 59 39 .602 -
Boston 55 43 .561 1 Pittsburgh N 58 42 .580 ;
New York 55 45 .550 2 Philadelphia 57 42 .576 2
Detroit 45 53 .459 11 St, Louis 53 46 .535 1
Cleveland 43 52 .453 I1'- Montreal 48 51 485.1
Milwaukee 44 56 .440 13 New York 41 57 .418 ii
Toronto 34 64 .347 22
west . west
Chicago 59 37 .615 - Los Angeles 63 38 .t24 -
Kansas City 54 40 .574 4 Cincinnati 49 49 -594 1
Minnesota 56 45 .554 51 Houston 4 56 .451 1
Texas 52 44 .540 7 San Francisco 46 56 .451 1
California 47 49 40 12 San Diego 44 60 .4?3
Seattle 45 59 .433 18 Atlanta 36 63 .357
Oakland 41 57 .418 19 Late Games Not inetuded
Late Games Not Included
Yesterday's Games Yesterday's Games
Boston 12, Milwaukee 0 Chicago 16, Cincinnati 15, 13 inn.
New York 14, Baltimore 2 Los Angeles 2, Philadelphia 1
Seattle 5, Minnesota 2 . - Montreal 5, San Diego 4 .
Texas 3, TorontO Pittsburgh 9, Houston 4
Today's Games
Minnesota (Goltz 12-6) at Cleve- Today's Games'
land (Bibby 9-7), n Los Angeles (Rau 11-7) at
Milwaukee. (Travers -3-5) at Tor- treal (Rogers 11-8), a
onto (Jefferson 6-10), n San Diego (Shirley 6-11) at
. ansas City (iassler 6-3) at Chi- York (Koosman 7-10), .n
cago (Kravec 7-2), aSan Francisco (Haiid ll t-)

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