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July 29, 1977 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-07-29

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rOge Ten


'Desire Under the.Elms
; 'k^JULY 26.29 & AUGUST 4,7
4 JULY 27 30 & AUGUST 2.5
JULY 28,t31& AUGUST 3.6
in the POWER CENTER for the performin arts
Michigan Rep Ticket Oftce
Mon- Fri 1-5
Mendelssohin Thfoatr i cltry
, ~~Fr"I a:k[ t Iin rrr,urmaf:.i C '3131 /i4 t4

Friday, July 29, 1977
Suspect arraignF
in A2 doctor's murder
Gordon Wingard, held in connection with the. 1976 slaying of
Ann Arbor physician Cynthia Miller, was arraigned on two counts
of murder in the 46th District Court Wednesday.
Miller, 29, then director of the Detroit House of Corrections
was found shot to death on Highway I-96 last summer.
WINGARD, 2, and his traveling companion Gail Oliver, 27
were arrested earlier this week by FBI agents and Sacramento
police officials in California. The arrests ended a year-long, es-
country search for the couple.
Miller met the couple when she was employed as a staff phy-
sician at Jackson State Prison. Wingard was an inmate there
serving a three and one half to five year jail term for attempted
murder, and Oliver was employed there as a licensed practical
Miller's withdrawal of $5,000 from her savings account for no
known reason and the subsequent disappearance of the money
has produced speculation that she might have been attemptisg
to arrange for the escape of convict Larry Wells through W i.
gard. In her will, discovered shortly after her death, Miller left
a large portion of her estate to Wells.
OAKLAND County Prosecu-
tor, Brooks Patterson, said that
the theory of Miller's invotre-
ment with Wells, "hasn't been
tori.ht proven," but added that the px,
sibility was being investigated
Oliver, still undergong iic,
611Church A2 995-5955 tining, awaits arral seii i,
an undisclosed date, accordm
to the Oakland County lriscr
tor's Office.
"We are holding Olier
3y the time material witness," said le
old enough to son. "We're fairly ses
role in the crimeat si v
children, we've be charged with the r
thoroughly sold homicide."
Wingard stood mote a te
e idea. listened to his arraisie
3y our parents, Due to the serious nature a the
charge, no hood was set imi
randparents, dim. The judge, Norman ceder,
lends and also set the date for the tie
bors, the media, liinary examination ,A-
boors, ll rlldt'ig't 5

on th(
our g
our fr

It's hard to
remember we ever
had a choice in the
first place.
But there is a
choice. Having a
child is a tremendous
responsibility and
an important decision.
Probably the most
important decision
we'll ever make.
And once it's
made, it can never
be undone.
Just remember..
you do have a choice,
So think about
and do what's right
for you.
for more information write:
806 Reisterstown Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21208
Id like to know more about l.Ofl
Please send me your free
"Am i Parenta4terlar* packaue
1 a

agents can
still read
Srivate wAIi
agents illegally read mastn a
year-long customs
tion is Tennessee.
A postal inspector a sad
"a number of mail theft cases
involving customs employes"
have been referred to the 1us
tice Department for prosecu-
One of the last areas of pri-
vacy a citizen has is the priv.
acy of his mail. To open some-
one's mail is the same thing as
burglarly," charged Rep. Leo
J. Ryan, (D-Calif.). "I am in-
censed by the whole policy and
the way it is carried out by the
Postal Service."
HE CALLED thepracn-
tice "closing your eyes to what
the Customs Service does."
Customs officials were et
pected to testify at a future
It was tie first congressional
hearing into illegal mail open'
ings by the government since
massive FBI and CIA programs
to open mail were exposed sev
eral years ago. Those letters
also were handed over by the
Postal Service.
The customs inspection, sanc-
. tioned by a Supreme Court de'
cision last month, is the only
time a letter can legally be
opened without a search war'
rant. No warrant is needed to
open packages, which cowf
have ruled are not covered bx
the constitutional ban on unrea-
sonable searches.

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