Friday, July 29, 1977 Judge NEW YORK IA( - A federal judge in Brooklyn issued atem- porary order lesterday that al- lows continued use of federal Medicaid f u n d s for elective abortions at least until next Wednesday., Last October the same judge, District Judge John Dooling, thwarted an attempt by Con- gress to cut off such payments. Yesterday's ruling came after the U.S. Supreme Court ordered him to reconsider. HEALTH, EDUCATION and Welfare (HEW) Secretary Jo- seph Califano has said he is ready to enforce the congres- sional effort - known as the Hyde Amendment-and to cut off the funds. But the ruling has the effect of leaving the federal funds available to states that want them for at least one more TH E MICHIGAN DAILY Poge Three extends medicaid abortions week. On Wednesday, Dooling will hear arguments on an applica- tion from those who want the payments continued. Tlhey are seeking a preliimnary injunction barring enforcement of the Hyde Amendment. DOOLING SAID the case was still "substantial" and the is- sues "grave." He said he signed the tem- porary restraining order yester- day because he feared an im- mediate halt of the payments "could well endanger the lives of the young poor, who are most likely to take unwise actions and seek illegal abortions." Nancy Stella, a spokeswoman for the plaintiff American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said the group regarded Dooling's ruling 'as a very important development in its ,continuing effort to insure that the right of mother's life. legal obligation to provide in- reproductive choice can be ex- Dooling soon issued an order digent women with assistance ercised by rich and poor wo- barring the HEW from enforc- for abortions that are not med- wen alike." ing it. He cited the Supreme icaily necessary, and on June Court's landmark 1973 abortion 29 it vacated Dooling's order LAST YEAR, Congress at- r u tin g and said the Hyde and sent the case back to him. tached the Hyde Amendment to Amendment would effectively It told him to reconsider his an appropriations bill, barring deny poor women their right to order in light of the new ruling. use of Medicaid funds for abor- an abortion. Yesterday, l1ooling said re- tions except when the procedure But on June 20, the Supreme fusal to grant the temporary was r e q u i r e d to save the Court ruled that states have no See N.Y., Page 7 U.S. aid to Iran stalled WASHINGTON (A') - Senate Democratic leader Robert Byrd announced yesterday that Presi- dent Carter has agreed to tem- porarily withdraw his bid to sell a sophisticated and controver- sial $1.5 billion radar air de- fense system to Iran. Byrd told the Senate Carter had agreed to repeated bi-par- tisan requests to give the Con- gress 30 more days to consider the proposal. THE PRESIDENT'S action came within hours of a 19 to 17 vote by which the House Inter- national Relations Committee adopted a resolution disapprov- ing the sale of seven Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft. "The President's action will enable us to further examine the issues that have been raised in connection with the proposed sale," Byrd said. The House committee rejected a personal appeal from Secre- tary of State Cyrus Vance in voting its disapproval of the sale. VANCE HAD argued behind closed doors for more than three hours in support of the proposed sale of seven Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft and was in the room when the committee voted. He called the vote a great mis- take which if ratified by the full House and the Senate could shake confidence in the con- stancy of U.S. foreign policy. Vance said he hoped the de- cision could be reversed. MEANWIILE the Senate For- eign Relations Committee also prepared to vote on a resolution of disapproval. Earlier yesterday. S e n a t e Democratc Leader Robert Byrd and Republican leader Howard Baker urged Carter to recon- sider and withdraw his sales request temporarily to give Congress more time to consider it. Vance tokd reporters the ad minis'ration sees no point to any delay. "Delay at this point would give an image of inconstancy in terms of carrying out a course of action oi which we believe it was necessary and proper ts embark because it is the inter- ests this counti v and the sta- bility of the regiot," Vance said. Bell to consider charges against former CIA chief WASHINGTON (')-Att. Gen. CGiffin Bell said yesterdy the question of whether to prosecute former CIA director Richard hlelms has reached his office and "thrre will te deelopimiients on it in the normal course of events." Asked if he were talking atbont isossible proseculsi ol Hlelmus on perjurv charges, the attorney tenetrat refused to specify buit said he uncidestood the case involves quiestios of possible perjury or false statements and pissibiy obstructiin of justice. BUT BELL WOULD say only that the imiatter reached hitni Tuesday and ultimately he must decide whether to prosecute the former CIA director. The CIA earlier had disclosed the Justice IDetuartment was investigating whether to prosecute Helms for telling a Senate sub- committee under oath there was no U.S. involvement in the fall of Marxist Chilean President Salvador Allende's government. Helms gave that testimony prior to disclosures the CIA had tried to undermine Allende's government. However, t.S. officials, See BELL, Page 7 Drunk painting? Drunk drivers would love this new bridge outside Port Huron, Mi. They could weave back and forth to their heart's desire, and explain to the police they were just following the line. Money down the drain, It isn't unusual in some places to walk into a restroom and find people crouched on the floor shooting craps for money. But Bethlehem, Pa. is not the usual place. It seems that in at least two toilets someone has been passing money for crap. Plumber Joseph Kalmar had thrust his plunger into a stopped-up toilet when out popped a piece of a $100 bill. He removed the bowl and found $3,000 more in damaged $100 bills. "I got a call from Kalmer about 11:30 a.m. Sunday and the rest of the after- noon I played jigsaw puzzles with $100 bills, taping these things together," policeman James Doyle said. No one claimed responsibility for the royal flush so the police gathered the serial numbers and sent them via teletype across the country to other depart- ments in search of clues. "Yep, we checked them, with rubber gloves of ours," joked Secret Service Agent Joseph Murphy. Tuesday a cleaning woman said she found more torn $100 bills in the pipes of a restaurant toilet. Employes at the Bethlehem -TODAY- Sewage Treatment Plant found four complete $100 bills and nine torn bills Tuesday morning. Almost $4,400 in bills has been recovered and officials say as long as they contain complete serial numbers, the banks will accept them. "We had a similar situation like this two years ago in Tower City," an FBI agent said. "A little boy got mad at his uncle, took his money, tore it up and flushed it down the toilet. That had people fishing in the sewer system." Happenings . .. this is a day you wont tell your grandchildren about, because absolutely nothing is happening (noth- ing that anyone bothered to tell us about anyway). There is no lecture in the Pendleton Rm. of the Union, no group is holdiig a meeting somewhere on State St., in fact, there is some question as to whether or not the sun will rise today-keep your fingers crossed. A dough nut Harrison County officials are looking for a Robin Hood who passed out a different kind of "dough" to area residents. Rural mailboxes along the Green Valley section were stuffed Monday with loaves of bread. "I just couldn't understand it, it (the mail- box) was stuffed full of bread. I thought somebody was playing a trick," said Mrs. Charles Cleer. Bill Steinhilber, the assistant manager of the nearby Garden Fresh Market, said the bread apparently was stolen from a stack of several thousand loaves temporarily being kept outside the store. Cleer said she appreciated the gesture, but she wasn't taking any chances with her bread. She fed it to her dog. On the outside This string of idyllic weather will continue -in a moment, but first there will be a brief pause for Mother Nature to vent her rath. In other words, thunderstorms are scheduled for this morning, but skies will be sunny by early afternoon, and the high will be near 80. Tonight's low will be in the low 60s. --