Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday,Jolly 29, 1977 Bomb wounds 28 in Israel TEL AVIV, Israel (A) - The third bombing in Israel within 24 hours wounded 28 persons yesterday at a market in the Negev Desert city of Beershe- ba. Palestine guerrillas claimed responsibility. Beersheba was the fifth Is- raeli city in which a bombing has occurred since July 6. The explosions coincided with re- newed controversy over Israeli settlements on the West Bank This is the great late game. Open till 1 a.m. Fri. & Sat. Billiards at the UNION of the Jordan. IN W A S H I N G T O N, President Carter said yester- day that Israel's legalization of three such settlements posed obstacles to peace. Palestine Liberation Organiz- ation (PLO) headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon, issued a state- ment saying "secret guerrilla cells operating inside Israel ex- ecuted two successful opera- tions in Jerusalem and Beer- ba" Wednesday and yester- day. Two persons were reported slightly wounded when a car was bombed Wednesday in Jerusalem. The PLO said Is- raeli authorities arrested more than 80 Arabs in connection with the blasts in Jerusalem and Beersheba, a city of 95,000 persons 50 miles southwest of Jerusalem. THE CAR bombing came hours after an explosion neap a coffee shop in a crowded Tel Aviv open-air market wounded 11 bystanders. Police said a young. Arab seen throwing a parcel near the coffee shop was arrested. In Beirut, the "Supreme Military Command" of Pales- tinian guerrillas claimed re- sponsibility for the Tel Aviv bombing and said the bomb "exploded as planned, killing and wounding more than 10 Is- raelis." Israeli authorities reported no deaths and said six persons re- mained hospitalized yesterday two with serious injuries. THE BEERSHEBA b o m b went off under a food stand. Hospital officials said the blast injured both Jews and Arabs, including the owner of the stall. One person was seriously hurt. More than 20 Arabs were de- tained for questioning, police said. State radio said security forces had defused a bomb found three days ago at the same market. Including the toll from the Wednesday a n d Thursday blasts, one person has been killed and 66 injured in the ex- plosions since July 6. ON JULY 20, bombs explod- ed 10 minutes apart in a super- market near the northern coast- al town of Nahariya, wounding five shoppers, and at Jerusa- lem's Biblical zoo. The'zoo us- ually is crowded with children during the summer school vaca- tion, but no injuries were re- ported. The radical guerrilla group Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for that attack, saying the bomb was its answer "to Begin's policy of creating new settlements in Palestine." The Wednesday and yester-' day blasts came after a com- mittee of Prime Minister Men- ahem Begin's cabinet on Tues- day recognized three disputed Jewish settlements in the oc- cupied West Bank of the Jo- dad' River. The West Bank is home to 700,000 persons, most of them PAlestinians. S y s y A PubI* Service of this newspaper& The Adv z WASHINGT ecretary R esterday the hould be th ouths and a rtising Counc rMarshall supports wrm-minimum 'wage rON Wl - Labor Marshall testified about the ay Marshall said minimum wage before a Sen- e minimum wage ate human resources subcom- e same for both mittee as the House prepared dults. to debate a bill that would raise the minimum wage. A final vote on the bill may not come until September when Congress returns from its August recess. rThe bill before the House has the support of the Carter ad- ministration and organized la- bor. It would raise the $2.30 hourly minimum wage to $2.65, with increases to $2.89 an hour in January 1979 and $3.15 an hour in January 1980. Future increases in the mini- mum would be tied to an auto- matic formula making the mini- mum equal to .53 per cent of the average blue collar wage. The bill does not distinguish between youth and adults. Gymnastics is a course that has been taught all freshmen at West Point since 1946. THE MIcHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXVII, No. 54-S Friday, July 29, 1977 Is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 784-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morningduring the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard Street. Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes- ters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $8.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. 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