Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, July 28, 1977 Students suechoo board By GREGG KRUPA A class action suit to be filed today in Federal District Court in Detroit charges that the Ann Arbor school system has "failed to educate the economically dis- advantaged children attending the predominantly white, upper middle class Martin Luther King., Jr. Elementary School. The suit also charges that "a grossly disproportionate num- ber" of those black children have been labelled emotionally impaired or learning disabled without careful, unbiased evalu- ation, taking into account "cul- tural differences between them and economicalty advantaged children at King.' THREE A-FORNEYS of Mich- igan Legal Services in Detroit are representing 14 black stu- dents of the King school. The defendants named in the suit are the Michigan Board of Edu- cation, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Ann Arbor hoard of Education, Ann Arbor S c h o o I Superintendent Harry Howard, Pupil Personnel Director Hazel Turner, and King Principtl Rachel Schreiber. Flora Btrke of the Student Advocacy C e n t e r, a -parents group formed to give voice to student concerns, explained that because King School has a low proportion of students from low income famiiles, the school is not eligible for special federal services available to about a half dozen schools in the Ann Arbor School District, under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 19115. "In light of those circum- stances, what has Ann Arbor done to on a local level, to help these kids?" said Burke. "We don't think it's enough." IRONICALLY, at the same time the school system is ac- cused of being unable to teach poor children, the system is un- dertaking a study of the affects of socio-economic integrati6n on the learning capabilities of stu- dents from low income families. Some educators who have stu- died the problem contend that the scholastic performance of students from low income fami- lies will increase when the stu- dents are integrated with stu- dents from high income fami- lies. But lawyers for the 14 students say that socio-economic integra- tion is not working at King Ele- mentary School. THEY CLAIM almost all of the students from low-income families who attend King are performing significantly below their grade levels, and that they are being tracked in special education categories at a rate 30 times greater than their more affluent counterparts It the school. Officials of the Ann Arbor Board of Education and the Michigan Board of Education said they were not aware of the suit, and had no comment. them to keep up with other chit- The lawyers representing the dren at King. students are seeking a prelimi- The plaintiffs are also asking nary injunction to halt all label- the Federal District Court to ing and tracking of the low-in- require the defendants to obtain come children, until they can be alt necessary federal, state and properly tested to determine local funds and resources to whether their academic prob- assure the pupils those educa lems are the result of econoMic tional opportunities. or education deprivation. The lawyers for the 14 sin- THEY ARE also seeking an dents are seeking $2oaaa order declaring that these stu- damages for each student for dents have been denied educa- the "malicious and intentionally tional opportunities because of wrongful action taken agains the school system's failure to those children already misisa- provide them with materials beled handicapped by the de- and other resources to enable fendants" Marhers rally to protest Narciso, Perez conviction (Continned from Page 3) most of the poison victims survived. By the time we're old enough to * a have children, we've been thoroughly sold on the idea. e By our parents, our grandparents, our friends and neighbors, the media, everyone. It's hard to remember we ever had a choice in the first place. But there is a choice. Having a child is a tremendous responsibility and an important decision. Probably the most important decision we'll ever make. And once it's made, it can never be undone. -' Just remember... you do have a choice. So think about it, and do what's right for you. For more information write: ----------.....----. National Organization Non-Parents 808 Reisterstown Road Baltimore, Maryland 21208; fd like to know more about i.O f Tlease send me your free 'Am I Parent-Maierial" package. address elty/ataetAip ---. --.......a-- - ,e Mrs. Perez' husband, Epi- fanio Perez, showed up at the rally donned in a light blue "Support Narciso and Perez~- Stop FBI Frame-Ups" T-shirt. The rally ended at 2:30 with a prayer by a Roman Catholic priest, Father Basilio David. He asked God for mercy, say- ing "We are not blaming the courts, we are not blaming the jurors. We know injustice has been done." 'U' expert re Ofts sex info lacking go" she said. Young people are not'o iced to accept their sexait. Hacker said, so they are tithe prepared to handle sititations when they arise, such as in a car, at a beach or drive in. She said if a couple are in volved in an ongoing relation ship they might discuss contta- ception, but with most young people that is not often the case. HACKER CONTENDED dot in an era of supposed se-at liberation for females, they should understand they hae the option of refusing sex "Young women should know themselves, and know they can say no," she said. Hacker said she believed that sex is just one aspect of a re- lationship, which has been com- pletely blown out of proportion. SHE SAID to avoid unwanted pregnancies and have a society of people who are well adjusted sexually, a total rethinking of sexuality is necessary, starting in the home. "The first step," said Hacker, "is for adults to acknowledge sex as a legitimate natural function and learn to discuss it comfortably with young peo- ple." She contended state health departments should allot fund- ing to train parents, teachers, counselors, and other helping professionals to deal with young people's questions. "Once people feel more cen- fortable about sexuality they will take more responsibility for it," she remarked. "Sex should be recognized a. a natural part of life," she continued, "Responsible sex a acceptable, but irresponsible narenthosodi unaccentable."