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July 28, 1977 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-28

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Poop x


Thursday, July 28, 1977

Bell outlines Korean probe

Gen. Griffin Bell told 100 con-
gressmen yesterday that "some
people" will he indicted and
others absolved in the current
federal probe of alleged South
Korean attempts to buy influ-
ence in Congress.
Bell, in an un,'sal briefing
for the lawmakers, also said
the probe has turned up "some
in the middle that your own

committees will want to deal
with from the standpoint of
ethics and propriety."
A DEPUTY indicated the
Justice Department may inves-
tigate later, whether reports to
U. S. officials of the alleged
influence - buying as early as
1972 were covered up.
Bell did not specify who.
might be prosecuted. The con-

Thursday, July 28
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gressional ethics committees
deal only with breaches of con-
duct by members of Congress
and their staffs.
H o u s e speaker Thomas
' O'Neill said Monday that he
had been informed that indict-
ments were expected in Au-
gust and September. An aide
said five persons were likely
to be indicted. Other sources
said all five are former con-
BELL HELDnthe briefing in
response to congressional de-
mands for a progress report.
The session, held in the Ray-
burn Office Building on Capitol
Hill, was open to news cover-
Bell said the Korean influ-
ence - buying probe has three
"There are some people that
will be prosecuted," he said.
"Others will be absolved and
there will probably be some in
the middle that your own com-

mittees will want to deal with
from the standpoint of ethics
and propriety."
Asst. Atty. Gen. Benjamin
Civiletti said no final decision
has been made to seek indict-
ments, but Justice is at the
stage of making that decision
"in a very few cases."
BELL ASSURED the lawmak-
ers that both'he and President
Carter want the year-old in-
vestigation completed as quick-
ly as possible to dispel the
scandal's "cloud over Con-
Bell and his deputy refused
to answer any questions except
one from Rep. Harold Volkmer,
(D-Mo.); on why the Justice
Department did not start the
investigation in 1972twhen it got
the first reports of possible in-
fluence - buying.
"That requires, of course, an
investigation," Civiletti re-
But he said the probe is now

focusing on the alleged influ-
ence - buying itself, not on
such side issues, however im-
Civiletti said he could not pro-
mise there would be a certain
number of indictments. The
probe is at the stage in some
cases of deciding whether to
seek indictments or drop them
because the evidence "is full of
holes," he said.
"We are at that stage in a
very few cases," he said. "By
early fall we expect to have a
few more cases."
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