WAWKc IM"V ErT 4 l l, RRY LcK ii 3 3 L.OVE JfNFUREf(lAiphU CJa The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Thursday, July 28, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 End the Kent gymnasium; start the Kent memorial WHAT IS HAPPENING at Kent State University (KSU) in Kent, Ohio is very sad.. The KSU trustees, despite the efforts of a group of protestors, seem destermined to press ahead with the construction of a gymnasium on the site of the 1970 slayings. The U.S. Interior Department is presently studying a proposal to turn the site into a national historic monument, a move we wholeheartedly support. It isn't clear what effect this would have on the gym construc- tion, but anything that would preserve the site is worth a try. The National Park Service currently maintains his- toric sites at Gettysburg, Shiloh, Bunker Hill and York- town, among other places. The dead of those wars are remembered with stone monuments, reconstructed build- ings, and parades on Memorial Day. The dead of the Vietnam War can have no such" memorial. They were killed in a senseless war 3,000 miles from home, they produced no heroes, and above all they had the bad luck to fight in The One We Lost. NO ONE WANTS to remember iVetnam; certainly not the KSU Trustees, who apparently gave very little thought to where they would locate their gym. But the war and the protest it spawned deserve to be remem- bered. When this generation turns old and sits around in lawn chairs watching the Memorial Day parade it won't be Khe Sanh and Da Nang they'll talk about, it'll be Sproul Hall and Kent State University. The students currently opposing the gym aren't proud of the war they fought - they're proud of the way they fought against the war. There is a lot of history at Kent State, and it deserves better than to have a gymnasium built on top of it. President Carter has the power to declare areas national historic sites. Besides being the kind of sym- bolic, grandstand play Carter loves (the sweater, the pardon, the fireplace) it would memorialize a chapter of American history. Ten years after race rioting, divisions, hatred are impacted By JOEL DREYFUSS The s c e n e of citizens gone wild in the New York blackout of 1977 has recalled the long hot summers of the 1960s, with loot- ers carting off their plunder against a background of arson. But there were key differ- ences: the looters of 1977 were much younger than the rioters of 1967; and there were no Mal- colm Xs or Martin Luther Kings walking the s t r e e t s to cool things down. While the New York blackout brought out thousands of oppor- tunists who went back to obey- ing the law 25 hours later, thousands more belong to a lost generation of inner-city youth whose turn at lawlessness did not begin or end with the latest blackout. IT IS IRONIC this nation's worst outbreak of urban vio- lence occurred exactly 10 years after President Johnson appoint- ed his National Advisory Com- mission on Civil Disorders, the group of prominent Americans who warned the country was "moving toward two societies- one black, one white-separate and unequal." While many educated, middle- class blacks have since been in- tegrated into the A m e ri c a n mainstream, a large number- perhaps a majority - did net substantially benefit from the civil rights movement. They re- mained poor and continued to live in Harlem and Watts and Hunter's Point. Most of the indices of poverty, illegitimacy, unemployment and drug abuse that were a national scandal in the 1960s are even worse now. And what has made the situation even more explo- sive is youth; half the black population in this country is -under 24 years old. Young blacks are at the core of the greatest concern of city dwellers today: crime. ACCORDING to the FBI, half of thoserarrested for violent crimes are under 18. Nearly 50 problem makes it a ticklish pub- lic issue for social sicentists and politicians. Recently, a number of national magazines have pub- lished stories on juvenile crime, but without confronting the im- plications of race. Some are not so reticent, how- ever. Francis Ward, writing in First World, a black intellectual magazine, calls young blacks "an endangered species." He warns that an entire genera- tion of black youths in the inner cities may be lost to lawlessness, violence a n d unemployment. And he points out both black and White victims of juvenile crime are calling for more re- pressive measures. Already, a number of states have passed laws loweringthe age for treat- ing juvenile criimnals as adults. One economist estimates a million young blacks in 25 ma- jor cities form an underclass that simply has no future in America. Most of those who commit violent crimes, robberies and muggings and most of those who were out looting dur- ing the blackout come from that underclass. THE PREDICTION made by the Presidential Commission a decade ago has nearly come true. We have two societies-but neither is completely black or completely white.kA sizeable portion of the black population has moved into the mainstream, but an equally large number has joined the class of expendables., Tie young people in these blighted communities may not be able to read magazines of social commentary, but they are aware of the new attitude. They see it in schools that no longer pretend to te'ach them, in law enforcement whose only concern is containmenthand in the ad- mission by their government that four of 10 young blacks in their communities will never enter the labor market simply because there is no room for them. Even most of those who do get jobs will lose ground as the income gap betwen black and white continues to widen, The black middle class, which gave these communities stabil- ' ity and provided role models for the young, has moved to better jobs and better neighborhoods, what happens to them is not of concern to the majority. There is little national outcry about the huge increase in drug use since the 1960s, or about the fact that murder is the greatest cause of death among young black men. A DECADE ago, most white Americans understood the vio- lence of the riots because the political message was c I e a r. Blacks would no longer accept second-class status. But after a dozen years of trying to under- stand each other, we experience lawlessness on a broad scale, without political content, with- out anger, without purpose other than personal gratification. Having been *stamped as out- siders, those young blacks and Puerto Ricans have done little more than behave like outsiders. They have forned their own societies, g a n g s, clubs and packs, with their own values and standards of behaivor. Their dreams are still the dreams of America: the good life, money, the big car and nice clothes. But there is also tragedy for those who only wait and watch. They have no one who will listen to them and no one to tell them to stop. There was only a mayor expressing his "outrage" at ac- tions that should have created no surprise. To see a group of people act against all conventions of law and decency is frightening. But there should be greater fear for a society that has created a group of people that listens to no one, follows no one and re- spects no one. It should tell us the degree of lawlessness in this country goes far deeper than stolen t e 1 e v i s i-o n sets and burned-out storefronts. I o e l Dreyfuss, formerly a staff reporter covering urban af f airs for The Washington Post, New York Post and Asso- ciated Press, is a member of the Pacific News Service founda- tion-funded city project. Editorials and cartoons that appear on the right side of the Editorial Pae are the opinion of the a uth or- or artist, and not necessarily the opinion of the paper. per cent of these juveniles. are black. While the population of red VA convictions,",run on New York City has declined Daily staffer Keith B. Rich- since 1950, the number of youths ..-A-- staf---r Keitha B.eRich- "