age Ten -TTHE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, July 2-7,1977 Congress can't agree en hortion guidelines iContinsed frfm Page 1 for the departments of labor and iealth, Education and Wel- fare. Flood said when the appro- priations hill is brought up for a vote in the House, he will recommend acceptance of the language adopted in 1976 and re- jected by the Senate conferees. ONCE THE appropriations bill comes before the House and Senate, each chamber will be able to instruct its conferees on whether to stick by the language originally adopted or to go along with more lenient or more re- strictive language. After each chamber votes, the - conferees will meet again to try to arrive at an approach to the abortion question. Their decision must be approved by the House and Senate before the funding bill can be sent to President Carter. About 300,000 abortions were performed at federal expense last year, most of them for poor women who received Medicaid services. A SIMILAR impasse devel- oped in 1976 when the conferees could not agree on the abortion question. After a prolonged dis- pute, both houses finally voted that federally funded abortions could be provided only when a woman's life was at stake. This provision led to a lawsuit that has not been resolved by the Supreme Court. In a related case, the court ruled that states, which administer the Medicaid program, h a v e discretionary powers and may deny Medicaid funding for abortions if they choose. THE ENTERPRISE, the first U.S. space shuttle, rides piggyback atop a 747 carrier yesterday following its final 'captive' t The shuttle's first free flight is scheduled for August 12. Yesterday the crew on board tested the shuttle's landing gear. Carter mOves to quel black c CISm (Dontinued from Page1) from Newark, N.J., Mayor Ken- neth Gibson who said his col- leagues were too cautions about criticizing Carter. Gibson pro- ceeded to say the President has misled his audience about his welfare and jobs programs. The criticism caught Carter by surprise, an aide said. It was coming from blacks, whom Carter had said in November were "so instrumental in help- ing me become elected to the of support and compassion and lion's resources to the areas o highest office in our land." concern and enthusiasm from the greatest need - . - I wan what was formerly reluctance to know when we are going to In lis speech, Carter sought or lack of enthusiasm." allocate those resources. to ask a powerful interest group, At the heart of the criticism with which he had enjoyed ex- sWhen-next year, the year cellent relations, to see his li76 pli the romise 9 f after, or the year before the viewpoint. 1976 and the election of 9next election? I will suggest to Gibson showed a touch of you that you will start to re "WE ARE trying as best we skepticism about the adminis- ceive some of the national re can to make progress," he told tration's interest in helping poor sources the year before the the Urban League. But, he re- blacks when he told the Urban election." minded the black leaders, "it League: takes time to change the trends The name Camille means of history and to reverse the "THE PRESIDENT s a y a "virgin of unblemished charac bureaucratic mechanism to one we've got to allocate the na- ter." Ah i picturebrightens - t; r MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH INSTITUTE SEMINAR SERIES HUDA AKIL DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE "OPIATE PEPTIDES: BIOCHEMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES" A series of biochemical studies usinq RIA nnd opiate receptor binding assays will be presented for the enke- phalins and endorphins. The role of these substances will be explored in the physiolov of pain and stress. WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1977 SEMINAR: 3:45 p m., Room 1057 MHRI (Continued from Page1) and a three day workshop to all supervisory management per- sonnel who have participated in either of the one week sessions. The workshops will be held in Washington, D.C., under the auspices of the National Center for Housing Management., But as Kenworthy observed, the problems of the commission have far from dissapated. In ADVERTISING SJN l DOESN'T COST IT PAYS! YOU'RE READING THIS, AREN'T YOU? Display-764-0554 Classifieds-764-0557 1 fact, the storm clouds may on- ly be gathering. One of the long term goals and objectives of the commis- sion is financial independence. Because the commission rea- lizes the, federal government will continue to decrease sub- sidies to public housing pro- grams, according to Kerr, "the commission should develop a workable plan by which public housing can remain operation- al, without federal subsidies." HUD HAS implemented a plan called performance fund- ing, the idea of which, accord- ing to Kerr is to "get HUD out of public housing, and leave the burden with the city." In the ,last fiscal year the Housing Commission received $60,000 in operating subsidies. "This means that in order for, the Housing Commission to sur- vive, we must realize 95 per cent rental collections," said Kerr. THE 95 PER cent goal seeins like an insurmountable figure, considering the commission Cur- rently has almost $70,000 in un- collected rent, much of which was held back by tenants pro- testing the rent hike of Septem- ber 1976. But Kerr said he was confi dent the goal can be reached once public housing tenants re- alized the commission is con- cerned about their welfare and living conditions. 'The commission also faces a shortage in the supply of pub- lic housing for Ann Arbor low income groups. The list for peo- ple waiting for two-bedroom housing is currently 161 parties long. The person at the head of the list has been on it since April 25, 1973. The person at the top of the list for senior citizen housing has been on the list since April 23, 1973. Hitchhiking ruling criticized locals (Continued from Page 3) than a man." The judge seem the judge's decision "reaction- to be assuming that a female ary' and "sexist." hitchhiker has some ulterior "They're saying a woman, motive, I'm appalled by the simply because she'sharwoman decision," the spokesperson has less rtegard for her safety said," -