Wednesday, July 27, 1977 MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven U.S. may name "ent St. site an historic L dmark KENT, Ohio (t) - Construc- tion of a gymnasium annex at the site of the 1970 Kent State §hootings, approved by a coun- ty court, faces further potential entanglement. The university's Board of Trustees called a neting yes- terday to discuss the future of plans to build the gym ainex, following the court culing Mon- day. Meanwhile, some members of the group, which opposes construction of the $6 million building, reportedly were ar- rested by sheriff's deputies for violating a court order by go- ing onto the site last Friday. William Whitaker, coalition attorney, said warrants charg- ing contempt of court had been issued against 27 persons and that three arrests had been made. AT THE SAME time, the U.S. Interior Department said it was studying a proposal to make the site - where four students were killed in a volley of rifle fire from National-Guardmen daring an anti-war protest - a na- tional historic landmark. It was not clear what effect, if any, the Interior Department announce- ment wold have on the htlding plans. The Interior Dlepartmeot an- nouncetnent in Washington vaid that a final decision on whe. er to make hurt or all of the ,ite a landmark might come as lute as next March. tn Monday, Portage County Common Pleas Cotart Juige Jo- seph Kainrad ruled that the $6 million construction project was legal and that no one could oc- cupy the site. K A I N R A D S A I D the 193 persons arrested July 21 be- cause they would not leave the shooting site were trespassers who "intend to continue to tres- pass upon the premises." The May 4th Coalition - a group of students and non-stu- dents that led the two month sit-in - threatened to defy the judge's ruling by reoccupying the construction site, Kent State interim president Michael Schwartz said moving the gym would mean re-opening construction bids. He also ex- pressed fear that contractors al- ready promised work would sue if plans were changed. MEMBERS OF THE MAY 4th COALITION, print signs Monday night at a meeting on the Kent State University campus. The purpose of the meeting was to plan further tactics to pre- vent the administration from building a gym on the site where four students were shot in 1970. Brazilian students protest BRASILIA, Brazil (MP - Po- lice breaking up a student dem- on stration at the University of' Brasilia detained 151 persons but later released all of them af- ter questioning, authorities said. Among those taken into cus- tody at the campus protest Mon- day were several professors and news reporters. T H E DEMONSTRATION was staged to express solidarity with 30 students expelled a week ago following campus protests demanding a return to democ- racy in this military-governed nation. Brazilian university students is recent months have staged strikes and demonstrations across the nation to protest the military regime's economic poli- cies and to press for more po- litical rights. Besides the 30 expelled from the University of Brasilia last week, 34 were suspended and classes were closed for several days. ON SUNDAY a federal judge approved the, stationing of 700 troops on the campus to try to ensure a peaceful resumption of classes. Despite the presence of the troops, several hundred students went ahead with their demon- strations Monday, but it was quickly ended by police. newspaper&The A Red4 The Good Police tear gas S. African students JOHANNESBURG, South Af- fired tear gas cannisters to rica () - Police fired tear gas break up concentrations of stu- yesterday at black students pro- dents but groups reformed and testing that education is infer- the students continued demon- ior for Africans'ln a black town- strating. ship abutting Johannesburg's There were no reports of cas- posh northern suburbs. ualties. A police spokesman said the The protest against Bant ed- Alexandra protest began after scation, as schooling for blacks two student leaders were arrest- is called, entered its second day. ed by security police. In African townships outside ed____________________ Pretoria on Monday, 20,000 pu- pils from the 29 back schools outside the city took to the street YESTERDAY'S demonstra- tion took place in Alexandra township where hundreds of stu- dents abandoned classes. Police iblic Service of this kdvertising Council ~OUOthanks., tdaratier Cross. - Neighbor- ' American Cancer Society STEVE'S LUNCH 1313 S. UNIVERSITY 769-2288 COME FOR: Vegetable Tempura Sweet & Sour Korean Bar-B-Q Dinner Beef Dinner (Bul-go-gee) Fresh Bean Sprouts Mandoo (Kyoza) Plate Brown Rice WE TAKE CARRY-OUT ORDERS