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July 26, 1977 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1977-07-26

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Page Ten

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, July 26, 1977
Ford makes
a, hit
Former President Gerald lord
bruised a spectator witli an
out-of- nunds golf shot at the
Jerry Ford Invitational tour-
nament yesterday, one month
to the day after beaning a
spectator in Milwaukee. Ford
slammed his second shot on
the first hole into a field adja-
cent to the Eagle-Vail Golf
Claurse, striking 26-year-old
Jessie Edeen who was sitting
on a rock watching play
Edeen received a golf-baI
r 4' sized bruise on her right arm.
Ford apologized and gave her
the ball as a souvenir.
AP Photo
Alba itChn inkng ties?

HUD tells city to
examine fund use
(Oontasued from Pa 3) the Model Cities Child Care
In other Council action last Center into compliance with
night, members began to can- code and child care licensing re-
sider approving CDBG Rehabili- quirements.
tation Grants to the Ann Arbor BUT CITY Council hedged on
Health Center and the Ann Ar- approval of a $22,000 grant to
bor Community Center. the Ann A r b o r Community
The Ann Arbor Cbmmunity Health Center.
Center at 625 North Main was The money, if approved, would
appriprated $9,900 in order to be used to renovate two units
bring its space, which houses at the Forest Hills Cooperative
- for establishment of a new full
service health clinic to serve
low-income residents of the city.
TONIGHT AT 7:00 & 9:35 C arl

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia f-
Albania has asked China topull
out its technical experts in a
move that could lead to a break
in the 16-year-old alliance be-
tween a giant and a midget of
the Communist world, dipI-
matic sources said yesterday.
The Albanian regine of Enver
Haxha made the request through
the Chinese Embassy in Tirana
sometime last week following
the withdrawal of some 50 Al-
banian students from Chinese
universities, foreign diplomats
in neighboring Yugoslavia said.
DIPLOMATS said there are
between 700 and 2,000 Chinese

technical experts in Albania.
They came after Hoxha accused
the Soviet Unios of "revision-
ism' and broke all ties in De-
cember 1961.
Worsening of relations be-
tween Chia and Albania be-
came public July g when the Al-
banian Communist party paper
Zeri i Popuiit-Voice of the Peo-
ple-attacked the Chinese. Al-
though not mentioned by name,
China was denounced for its
rapprochement with the United
States and bor failing to keep its
Marxist-Leninist ideology pure.
Albania, which still holds the
late Soviet dictator Joseph Sta-

lin in high esteem, apparently
does not appove of the new
leadership in Chin a, where
Chairman Hua Kuo-feng ousted
Communist p a r t y ideologues
who have been labeled the
Gang of the 1our.
FOREIGN diplomats in Bel-
grade also noted the worsening
of relations followed the an-
nouncement that Yugoslavia's
President Tito planned to visit
Peking this summer. The diplo-
mats said Albania fears Yugo-
slavia might seize Albania and
make it part of a federation of
Balkan states that was planned
after World War II.

er defends poicies

(Continued from Page 3) Department programs . .. those
fare grant for families of about are not new jobs. What you will
$3,800 a year. be getting is a robbing of Peter
But Newark, N.J., Mayor Ken- to pay Peter."
neth Gibson questioned the ac-.
curacy of Carter's forecast of T H E LEAGUE'S director,
more jobs from welfare reforms. Veron Jordan, had charged on
He told 4,000 persons at the Sunday, "many black people
Urban League conference: feel that their hopes and- their
"The job program that the needs have been betrayed" by
President is suggesting will be Carter.
taken, I think, from the Labor The President said he has "no
There IS adifference:!! fa
Jur bsoad rane of foatams procaes an umbre fhdort t
lo now-howatnaenables us one,it, teest t 1 en7 3,.
a ,/tbtetntatrr wh i h coarse is rikEn Ovtr 36 ycs
araexperience and success Small asses VolsimtoLs
htme stUdy arteils Coss tti, t ty
:tied Pertin Ent gtt s . rc y nir_=, 5 :t!
endsalyEr Comw t(t tape EIt si ,for rE'eC"C os
issGns and fr use of supp ityttit ry ors M up
mos'n-.tedtt-ssons st ou c nt s
Flexible Programs & Hours
Wite or cil! -
1945 PAULINE 5LVD. -
ANN ARBOR 48103 -
662- 3149
$ ue~Stae oa tl#A fA .I DOtCATtONAL CNE area

apologies to make." jammed into the breakfast ses
"A flood of new programs will sion on the second day of the
be coming to your communities U r b a n League's 67th annual
in the c o m i n g weeks and meeting. The conference ends
months," said Carter, explain- tomorrow.
ing, "It takes time to change But Gibson told the conference
the trend of history and reverse later "We must not allow our-
the bureaucratic mechanisms." selves to be lulled into total 9'-
CARTER AND Jordan met proval of the administration's
privately after the speech. Depu- programs just because tote
ty White House Press Secretary progress is being made
Rex Granum said Carter told GIBSON, A black who is past
.Jordanethat statements question-
igthe administration's. coin--president of the U.S. Confer-
mitment to bettering the lot of ence of Mayors, said he had
the underprivileged "are dam- questions about the adtinistrae
agin tothe ope andaspra- tion's plans for welfare reform,
aging to the hopes and aspira mass transit and energy and na-
tions of poor people.. tional health insurance.
Carter recalled in his speech
the joke about a fellow arrested The League is a moderate
for getting drunk and setting a predominantly black organa
bed on fire. tion concerned with civil rights
When he got before the judge, and urban poverty.
he said, 'I plead guilty to being Man' black leaders are a;ra d
drunk, but the bed was on fire anyeblack lenrs be aadthe
wnIgt in it. Carter's efforts to baanc
'Well, tO sone degree the bed federal budget by 192 ilfe
broad cutbacks in social wef
SPas rn fie when I got nit programs, but Carter satd hl;
budget-balancing act l pred-
CA5.RTER VOWED to "respond cated upon employtttett and
antri tothe counsel, advice, en- the creation of jobs."
ao-ragem ent and criticisms" of He said an additionat mrllto
the civil rights community. jobs will be created if his fnth'
The speech was well received coming welfare reform proFa
by the more than 4,100 persons is adopted.



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