rage ciynr m'E MICHI(;AN UAILV r uesday, Jufy 26, 197 _,,,mtU~fY SWNGS rHEY'RE ALL IN FOR RENT FIINIBHE'D OOMS3 for rent at 715 11111 Stret, f eaturIng IKosher restaurant,gam~e roonod Judsle library. Only 2 minutes from ernm- psis Call 995-3276. Clo FURNISHED 5 bedeoon hoarse. I- 12 bath, yard, rentral coots loca- tion adjarent to Mlargoir t Bell Pool & CCRB. $74000 plut all lttltlllleO, fall eccuponct. Inquire at 337 E. Huron. Ann Arbor. Cto UNFIJIONISHEDj TWO BEDROOM - Iosmediate orcupancy and/or fall option, boot anid wrr included in root. Weal Park loralion. 6682-7701. ec NOW FRENTING Pall 1977 PANS SOUCI f acrosn from U-V Stadiumn) FURNISHED one anodInn bedroomsn, prting atailable. Bunen In nod from rampus rvery boll boor. bee manager at apartment' K-I or fall 994-3955. THOMPSOON APARIMNENTS (ot corner of Williamanod Thotop- non). FPorolahod rfflrlrncra. on nod La.o belrcomapm nniento, See moo- tacer t ana; tont 216 nr call n65- 2289S- Ctc HOt 212 FOR; SALE jwpor ccoapts. Call Frre o r acics ~l, 60-4567. 43C728 TWO ROOMiS with ktchen pelol- legs ery dl ne to ranpsn. Not a pit. 70-7274., _..---31C727 TWOEDWROOM banoneol ,apt, d52- 7329. 403-3795. 21C726 ROOMMATES SINC;lE_, AVACLABLE foar Septembee in modeen, 3-bedroom apartment (a c dishwasther, looncry, parking). 60-70:34 et enloy.s. 41Y730 MALE GRAD- Shore opt., owo room, 15 minn. ia 1 to apusI, $1311m0,, flexible leate. Call Alan 0-8 p.m., 665-3837; 0-11 p.m1. 703-4527. 27Y726 WANTED TO RENT ONE OR TYWO BEDROOM modern ap,)rtlsent neine campus beg;inning Poll or Winter. Call Mark persistent- py 01 769-3654 after 5:00. 3712729 PROFESSIONAL MALE willilng In share furniased anyt neor eampun for Fall. Rich, 662-7752. 131L730 COUPLE DESPERATELY NEEDS a (cheapl?) onr bedroom apartmnt or efficiency to root Septelober through Decraber. Call 602-7299 after 4:30. 42L727 LOST AND FOUND LOST a black wallet with Egyptian passport, checks, and other impor- tant papers. Rewtard guaranteed. Call Dr. M. Raafat El-D.ewely ot tel. 764- 1455. 39A727 BELOVED CAT, annwers to "Tabi- tha," Pensian, blue-creme roloe, wearing white ties collar. Loat vi- cnity Law Llheoey/Oa kland Aco. REWARD OFFERED. Call Ms. Myes, 709-0497 after 0 or 459-8809 between, 8-4:30. 34A730 F OUND-Moile pupipy, bhtlackw/whlte chest. Abort S weeks old, iiear Sum- silt and Main.Dy, 769-771; eve. 769-0568. dA720 BUSINESS SERVICES THE SECRETARIAT Typing., Copying, Binding Editing, Drafing, Ltterring 012 South State Strect 11-6, 7 days/eck 954-3594 TYPING - dssertations, theseo, manusctripts. Selecrel II, BA. Eng- lish Literature, experienred prafen- sional typist. Rarkham speclflca- 11ons. Rates negotiable. 605-4524. HANDSOME HARD COVER BIND- INQS for books. 24 he. servire avail- able. 722 Brooks, NR Miller and 7th, 995-4000. cJ8l7. EVERYONE'S READING DAILY CLASSIFlIEDS ARE YOU,? YOUR DELIV ERYA is delivery of THE DAILY acceptable? We hope so! If not, please call us at 764-0558, MONO- FRI., 10-3 and tell us what's wrong. It's the only way we can ,try to correct the errors. **AND IF you wont to order THE DAILY for home delivery use the some number: 764- 0558. 0 DAILY CIRCULATION STAFF BUSINESS SERVICES HOUSECLEANING - Door by U-H graduate student; eaellent worker. Referenres 11 requested. Call 995- 2380 oter 5 p.m. dJ FOR SALE FOR SALE-Martin Tenor Sa, good) rond. Nik, 663-71. 4B28 PIONEER PA 510. 60 wotts RMS/ Channel Ecelent conditon, 2ยข yers old. $225 or best offer. 426-2401. 413730 MAGNAVOX STEREO, 175 or best offer. 43428. 0o04 ondllo. 3B726 FOR PALE-Mrel and Dcomra 1971-77. Early Nainai Lampoons. 065-727. 25727 501LEX-MOPED Like snew, $225. Call 63-3018. 2B727 NEW 12x 30'. furnished beutlflly, rloe In, Ideal foe student. iy wa- ter and swe.91-3111 or 1-782-4164 Sunny Side Prk drale. 353730 TRIUMP, '05 50, $50 71-0749. 37274 HELP WANTED EARN $25/HR inrPych esei aetMut have 20-2 itcrrtd iin and be right honded. 74-4209{ from 9-4. 351727 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATLY -Work) With physally dsabled people. For deils rll Center For Idpendet' Liing, 9-5:3, 971-0277. 077281 MUSICAL MDSE.r RADIOS, REPAIRS GIBSON EXPLORER, like new, $425. Apll Musir Center, 769-1400. X0O HARMONY 12 string guiar, close aut oodel, $79. Apollo Msici Centr, 323. S. Main Street, Ann Arbor. cX729 1955 GIBSON Ls Pol. 761-9431. CXOOS USED CARS VOLVO, '71 145, AMFM stereo, new radias, roof rack, celtn, 62-7059. 407728 SNBEAM ALPINE-2 eat conve- tible, good condtion 65-4567. 44728 '72 PINTO-Outstanding cndton no root. Driven only by timid fe- male in deep South. 63-7199. 22N78 TRAVEL WANTED-RIDERS 84 Albny, N.Y. July 25th. 665-6707 fer 5 p.m. 32726 DRIVE MY CAR to Los Angeles. Will pay gas. Call 434-3280. 33726 SHOP THE APOTHECARY Drug Store and Save. Village Apotheary, 1112 S. Univ. Ave. eP'tc DENISE, I couldn't stop Pete.'He took hia trip anyway. He probably wont be back un111 th end of this wik. I hope Angelsa predition is wrong- Pete thinks its all uperstton-but I guess we Just hve to wat and CYNTHIA d426 RESERVE an appointment and learn the fats about diamonds so your engagement ring purchase will be worth your while and a unique e- perbonge, Austin Diamond, 129 . Unverity 63-7151. Fto JRB-It was really good seeing you -..although had to believe tt you were In Ann Arbor and not the windy 811y1 At 10668tthat lendo a certain cedblty to the fot that .one JSH. may at some point in his young.,lifetime return to A2. Don't forget to write, your trn, budge -. chip, chp, cehirn and all that srt o'ol-Mse d9'f6 NEW-Obo ff a11 copies left over- night (books too) ! IMPRESS, 524 E. William, 65-421. epic Join The Daily PERSONAL NO FR ILLS STUDENT/TEACHER chareter flights. Europe, Israel, Asia. Global Travel, 521 Fifth Asenue, N.Y. N.Y. 10417, 212-379-2532. 092727 STEVTES LUNCH-Come for Some cookitng. Breakfast all day, great soaps and egg rolla. 3 egg omelets with, fresh vegetables and fresh bean sprouts served all day, Sundays 10-8. 1313 South Univeraity. oFto PREGNANT? Need help? Call Ptoblem Pregsnancy Help, 709- 7283 Fre - p tets aaiable. Ft DISSERTATION SPECIAL LOWEST PRICE IN TOWN FOR COLLATED COPIES RACKHAM.QUALITY GUARANTEED CO PYQ U IC K 1217 S. Univrsity, 769-0560 eFtr COPY MACH IN ES reduce copy costs rent, Iratse, purchase SAXO105pit i paper capiers 769-077 cF817 A IF 6A Ia 10 P C( 14 P 15 "I 16 N 17 In 18 Cl 19bL 22 N 23 R 241rn 26 L at 31 S( 32 Al 36 L 37 Di . li 381B( 39 CG kii 41 TI 42 01 PERSONAL ALWAYS OPEN - Pinball, bowllc and billiards at the UNION 11 r. 12:30 pam. Mon.-Thorn., 11 ass -1 a~.Fri.sod Sot., 1 p.m.,-12:30 110n Sundays. Ce2730 RESEARCH PROJECT Needed for U of M4 Study of Fer. sonality Devtlopmoent Durlog E:ar Adulthood; Mess, ages 21-29 w-th B.A. or beyond. $10 foe 3t0 basr time. Call 709-4030 after 8 6, 111 week; any time weekends. 14F "-? XEROX AND OFFSET- foot, iow coot duplicating COPY QUICK 1217 S. Unirersity 709-0560 ONE GAME FREE holing uwi i0ht ad 01 Ypsi-Arbor Laoes, Pitball, ;F, and saioon too! 2905 Wasts ,i mlie eastnfU.S.23. c~t ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZE TOTE M S Al I S CHoA O KA P I A N QA R ENg0 SAL C A N S A Z A { C UR T R6U21 StUIC R S !LLEC 2081 ARLA S SEEtK R IA M AS5C I T A LS IlO US RO4AD0 PO D B AN J O S 6113 AULOB AtGIUA S.A VET HO A Y NNJC EtGIlt AIIKE DESK 191D S S1NES W PUZZLE NOELES TIMES r 13 Frequently 21 NYC or S.F., for ' the riled example only 25 Business abbr. sevents 26 Large umbrella or sheer 27 Turkistan sea - 28 Chinese: Prefix of art 29 Careless mer pedestrians 'Morton, 30 Place for tennis son's VP 32 Hired rated 33 Bell sound cards 34 Sum, -, fai.. Pierre is: 35 Sambar 37 1,300-mile dad range of Eurasia v 40 Highway sign s 41 Household Niical appurtenance ryE. E. 43 Demure 'ins 44 Head: Lat. ctional 45 Divert 46 Big name in -k movies h painter 47 Textile design same time 50 Source of obsidian goose 51 Distinctive air nicely 52 Wheat or eats int 53 Sybarite's delight astle, for one 54 Go-devil 1arp il~ CROSS WOE 0 1977 LOSAl kCROSS 43 Gaffer lock members 44 Evoke kdmiral Nelson's 47 Call of ady 48 In afr: igeon's extinct 49 Sports :usan 55 ClearE ut off until later 56 Smell - Ich -," Prince 57 Work.i fWales' motto 58 Conanl orwegian name 59 -P ntended Harris ;leopatra's maid 60 Origin ,et loose 81 Honor sharpening device 62 Where oun suffix Abbr. Lecords, for short 63 Record ascribed ight, old style DOW" ift for a20th 1 Boodle nniversary 2 Mod m ogs for Sills 3 Book b Lgreed Cumni Ots 4 Not fi'a iistrict in Green- 5 Sells ind 6 Reworl a bested or 7 Spanil ,orated 8 At the utting blade of a 9 Likes, ind 10 Fitted3 hick 11 Fragra, ,none's toes 12 The Hu 12 3 4 15 6 7l8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 128 29 30 ! 32 ,33 3435 37 38. 15 '17 '19 50 51I52 53 5'4 56 57 59 60 ! 62 63 fl li l ,.. ' Il l ll l r/ rltl ' .. i- "'