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May 07, 1977 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-07

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Page Ten


Saturday, May 7, 1977

Brown sees modest arms pact

Secretary Harold- Brown indi-
cated yesterday he thinks the
best the United States can hope
far hy October is a stopgap
strategic arms limitation agree-
meat with Russia
"The probabilities of a com-
prehensive agreement by Oct
3 are not high,' Brown told a
news conference.
BUT IHE ADDED: "There is
a pretty good chance there will
be some sort of agreement by


then of a modest kind."
Later, be said such an agree-
ment might follow the lines of
the Vladivostok understanding
of 1974 under which the United
States and Russia tentativety
accept.ed a 2,400 limit for each
side on strategic bombers and
missiles, including 1,320 armed
with multiple warheads.
The present five-year U.S.-So-
viet SALT agreement is due to
expire Oct. 3. Brown suggested
it could be extended explicitly
or tacitly while the two powers
try for a comprehensive pact
covering the next 10 years.
BROWN WHO helped shape
the 1972 agreement and is a'
key adviser to President Car-
ter in the new effort, indicated
strongly that the United States
willnot 'change its basic posi-
tion when Soviet and U.S. dip-
lomats meet in Geneva on May
18 to try to end the deadlock.
"We should not feel called
upon" to offer a new proposal
each time the Russians reject
an American plan, Brown said.

At the same time, Brown cau-
tio-"d "aest any sudden move
tO increase U.S. weapons pro-
grams because of failure so far
to reach a new SAIT agree-
' ment. "I don't think there is
any need to over-react," he
THE RUSSIANS hase reject-
ed the Carter administration's
first proposal for a comprehen-
sive agreement, which would re-
duce the number of nuclear
weapons on each side for the
first time and strictly limit the
biggest missiles.
On other matters, the defense
secretary said:
* Published reports that the
Russians have scored a break-
through toward an exotic new
directed energy beam weapon
that could neutralize American
missiles have "no basis is avail-
able evidence."
* He has not yet decided on
a recommendation to Carter
about the future of the BI bomb-
*)he cruise missile, which
is A central issue in the dead-

locked SALT tatks, "is very im.
portant from a military point
of view" and the Russians "hase
more reason to be concerned'
about that weapon because they
trail the United States in its
0 Be will press for improse-
ment, in NATO's readine,
when he visits Europe for the
spring meeting of NATO de.
fense ministers.
In an exchange n ith report
ers following his newrs confe:.
ence, Brown said he expects
consultations will begin soon w,
U.S. plans to withdraw griis
troops from South Korea.
And he said he may ii
South Korea later this year, ptis
sibly during the summer.
President Carter has expressed
an intension to withdraw he
32,000 U.S. ground troops from
South Korea over the next fou
or five years, leaving U.S. air
power there in place. Adminis
tration officials have promis
to consult with South Korea an
Japan before making final dec:
sions on implementing the with

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Son murders, eats father

- Police say they found pieces
of a man's body stuffed in an
apartment refrigerator and ar-
rested a man believed to be
the victim's son on a charge
of murder.
The suspect, identified by po-

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lice as Gregory Canatis, 20, told
authorities early yesterday that
he ate part of his father's head
after "I bit him in the head
with a brick" and "tI stabbed
him," earlier this week. His
comments to police were tape
recorded by a radio reporter,
Jeanne Morgan of station KEBC,
standing nearby.
CANATIS was booked on a
charge of first-degree murder
and was to be formally charg-
ed in court later today, said
Deputy Police Chief Jim Cox.
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Police said they found a bloody
handsaw and knife in the apart
ment where the pieces of the
body were found Thursday. They
said some of the human flesh
in the refrigerator had appareat
ly been cooked, and a fork was
alongside the remains.
Positive identification of the
victim was impossible without
an autopsy because of the con-
dition of the remains, Cox said
BUT POLICE said they were
working on the assumption that
the dead man was the father
of the suspect and the apart
ment's tenant, Theodore Canat:
Gregory Canatis was arrested
without resistance about 2,3t4
a.m. today, Cox said, after eigt
detectives, search dogs, and a::
Oklahoma City police helicopter
spent several hours looki"g for
him near the scene of the killing
in this Oklahoma City suburb
Cox said police arrived at the
apartment shortly before 11 p.m
Thursday, after a friend asked
them to check to make sure
Theodore Canatis was alt right

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